
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef CRYPTOPP_MODES_H
00002 #define CRYPTOPP_MODES_H
00004 /*! \file
00005 */
00007 #include "cryptlib.h"
00008 #include "secblock.h"
00009 #include "misc.h"
00010 #include "strciphr.h"
00011 #include "argnames.h"
00012 #include "algparam.h"
00016 //! Cipher mode documentation. See NIST SP 800-38A for definitions of these modes.
00018 /*! Each class derived from this one defines two types, Encryption and Decryption, 
00019         both of which implement the SymmetricCipher interface.
00020         For each mode there are two classes, one of which is a template class,
00021         and the other one has a name that ends in "_ExternalCipher".
00022         The "external cipher" mode objects hold a reference to the underlying block cipher,
00023         instead of holding an instance of it. The reference must be passed in to the constructor.
00024         For the "cipher holder" classes, the CIPHER template parameter should be a class
00025         derived from BlockCipherDocumentation, for example DES or AES.
00026 */
00027 struct CipherModeDocumentation : public SymmetricCipherDocumentation
00028 {
00029 };
00031 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CipherModeBase : public SymmetricCipher
00032 {
00033 public:
00034         size_t MinKeyLength() const {return m_cipher->MinKeyLength();}
00035         size_t MaxKeyLength() const {return m_cipher->MaxKeyLength();}
00036         size_t DefaultKeyLength() const {return m_cipher->DefaultKeyLength();}
00037         size_t GetValidKeyLength(size_t n) const {return m_cipher->GetValidKeyLength(n);}
00038         bool IsValidKeyLength(size_t n) const {return m_cipher->IsValidKeyLength(n);}
00040         unsigned int OptimalDataAlignment() const {return BlockSize();}
00042         unsigned int IVSize() const {return BlockSize();}
00043         virtual IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const =0;
00045 protected:
00046         inline unsigned int BlockSize() const {assert(m_register.size() > 0); return (unsigned int)m_register.size();}
00047         virtual void SetFeedbackSize(unsigned int feedbackSize)
00048         {
00049                 if (!(feedbackSize == 0 || feedbackSize == BlockSize()))
00050                         throw InvalidArgument("CipherModeBase: feedback size cannot be specified for this cipher mode");
00051         }
00052         virtual void ResizeBuffers()
00053         {
00054                 m_register.New(m_cipher->BlockSize());
00055         }
00057         BlockCipher *m_cipher;
00058         SecByteBlock m_register;
00059 };
00061 template <class POLICY_INTERFACE>
00062 class CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE ModePolicyCommonTemplate : public CipherModeBase, public POLICY_INTERFACE
00063 {
00064         unsigned int GetAlignment() const {return m_cipher->BlockAlignment();}
00065         void CipherSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, size_t length);
00066 };
00068 template <class POLICY_INTERFACE>
00069 void ModePolicyCommonTemplate<POLICY_INTERFACE>::CipherSetKey(const NameValuePairs &params, const byte *key, size_t length)
00070 {
00071         m_cipher->SetKey(key, length, params);
00072         ResizeBuffers();
00073         int feedbackSize = params.GetIntValueWithDefault(Name::FeedbackSize(), 0);
00074         SetFeedbackSize(feedbackSize);
00075 }
00077 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CFB_ModePolicy : public ModePolicyCommonTemplate<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy>
00078 {
00079 public:
00080         IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const {return RANDOM_IV;}
00081         static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "CFB";}
00083 protected:
00084         unsigned int GetBytesPerIteration() const {return m_feedbackSize;}
00085         byte * GetRegisterBegin() {return m_register + BlockSize() - m_feedbackSize;}
00086         void TransformRegister()
00087         {
00088                 assert(m_cipher->IsForwardTransformation());    // CFB mode needs the "encrypt" direction of the underlying block cipher, even to decrypt
00089                 m_cipher->ProcessBlock(m_register, m_temp);
00090                 unsigned int updateSize = BlockSize()-m_feedbackSize;
00091                 memmove_s(m_register, m_register.size(), m_register+m_feedbackSize, updateSize);
00092                 memcpy_s(m_register+updateSize, m_register.size()-updateSize, m_temp, m_feedbackSize);
00093         }
00094         void CipherResynchronize(const byte *iv)
00095         {
00096                 memcpy_s(m_register, m_register.size(), iv, BlockSize());
00097                 TransformRegister();
00098         }
00099         void SetFeedbackSize(unsigned int feedbackSize)
00100         {
00101                 if (feedbackSize > BlockSize())
00102                         throw InvalidArgument("CFB_Mode: invalid feedback size");
00103                 m_feedbackSize = feedbackSize ? feedbackSize : BlockSize();
00104         }
00105         void ResizeBuffers()
00106         {
00107                 CipherModeBase::ResizeBuffers();
00108                 m_temp.New(BlockSize());
00109         }
00111         SecByteBlock m_temp;
00112         unsigned int m_feedbackSize;
00113 };
00115 inline void CopyOrZero(void *dest, const void *src, size_t s)
00116 {
00117         if (src)
00118                 memcpy_s(dest, s, src, s);
00119         else
00120                 memset(dest, 0, s);
00121 }
00123 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE OFB_ModePolicy : public ModePolicyCommonTemplate<AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy>
00124 {
00125 public:
00126         bool IsRandomAccess() const {return false;}
00127         IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const {return UNIQUE_IV;}
00128         static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "OFB";}
00130 private:
00131         unsigned int GetBytesPerIteration() const {return BlockSize();}
00132         unsigned int GetIterationsToBuffer() const {return 1;}
00133         void WriteKeystream(byte *keystreamBuffer, size_t iterationCount)
00134         {
00135                 assert(iterationCount == 1);
00136                 assert(m_cipher->IsForwardTransformation());    // OFB mode needs the "encrypt" direction of the underlying block cipher, even to decrypt
00137                 m_cipher->ProcessBlock(keystreamBuffer);
00138         }
00139         void CipherResynchronize(byte *keystreamBuffer, const byte *iv)
00140         {
00141                 CopyOrZero(keystreamBuffer, iv, BlockSize());
00142         }
00143 };
00145 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CTR_ModePolicy : public ModePolicyCommonTemplate<AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy>
00146 {
00147 public:
00148         bool IsRandomAccess() const {return true;}
00149         IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const {return UNIQUE_IV;}
00150         static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "CTR";}
00152 private:
00153         unsigned int GetAlignment() const {return m_cipher->BlockAlignment();}
00154         unsigned int GetBytesPerIteration() const {return BlockSize();}
00155         unsigned int GetIterationsToBuffer() const {return m_cipher->OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks();}
00156         void WriteKeystream(byte *buffer, size_t iterationCount)
00157                 {OperateKeystream(WRITE_KEYSTREAM, buffer, NULL, iterationCount);}
00158         bool CanOperateKeystream() const {return true;}
00159         void OperateKeystream(KeystreamOperation operation, byte *output, const byte *input, size_t iterationCount);
00160         void CipherResynchronize(byte *keystreamBuffer, const byte *iv);
00161         void SeekToIteration(lword iterationCount);
00163         inline void ProcessMultipleBlocks(byte *output, const byte *input, size_t n);
00165         SecByteBlock m_counterArray;
00166 };
00168 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE BlockOrientedCipherModeBase : public CipherModeBase
00169 {
00170 public:
00171         void UncheckedSetKey(const byte *key, unsigned int length, const NameValuePairs &params);
00172         unsigned int MandatoryBlockSize() const {return BlockSize();}
00173         bool IsRandomAccess() const {return false;}
00174         bool IsSelfInverting() const {return false;}
00175         bool IsForwardTransformation() const {return m_cipher->IsForwardTransformation();}
00176         void Resynchronize(const byte *iv) {memcpy_s(m_register, m_register.size(), iv, BlockSize());}
00177         void ProcessData(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length);
00179 protected:
00180         bool RequireAlignedInput() const {return true;}
00181         virtual void ProcessBlocks(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t numberOfBlocks) =0;
00182         void ResizeBuffers()
00183         {
00184                 CipherModeBase::ResizeBuffers();
00185                 m_buffer.New(BlockSize());
00186         }
00188         SecByteBlock m_buffer;
00189 };
00191 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE ECB_OneWay : public BlockOrientedCipherModeBase
00192 {
00193 public:
00194         void SetKey(const byte *key, size_t length, const NameValuePairs &params = g_nullNameValuePairs)
00195                 {m_cipher->SetKey(key, length, params); BlockOrientedCipherModeBase::ResizeBuffers();}
00196         IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const {return NOT_RESYNCHRONIZABLE;}
00197         unsigned int OptimalBlockSize() const {return BlockSize() * m_cipher->OptimalNumberOfParallelBlocks();}
00198         void ProcessBlocks(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t numberOfBlocks)
00199                 {m_cipher->ProcessAndXorMultipleBlocks(inString, NULL, outString, numberOfBlocks);}
00200         static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "ECB";}
00201 };
00203 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CBC_ModeBase : public BlockOrientedCipherModeBase
00204 {
00205 public:
00206         IV_Requirement IVRequirement() const {return UNPREDICTABLE_RANDOM_IV;}
00207         bool RequireAlignedInput() const {return false;}
00208         unsigned int MinLastBlockSize() const {return 0;}
00209         static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "CBC";}
00210 };
00212 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CBC_Encryption : public CBC_ModeBase
00213 {
00214 public:
00215         void ProcessBlocks(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t numberOfBlocks);
00216 };
00218 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CBC_CTS_Encryption : public CBC_Encryption
00219 {
00220 public:
00221         void SetStolenIV(byte *iv) {m_stolenIV = iv;}
00222         unsigned int MinLastBlockSize() const {return BlockSize()+1;}
00223         void ProcessLastBlock(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length);
00224         static const char * CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName() {return "CBC/CTS";}
00226 protected:
00227         void UncheckedSetKey(const byte *key, unsigned int length, const NameValuePairs &params)
00228         {
00229                 CBC_Encryption::UncheckedSetKey(key, length, params);
00230                 m_stolenIV = params.GetValueWithDefault(Name::StolenIV(), (byte *)NULL);
00231         }
00233         byte *m_stolenIV;
00234 };
00236 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CBC_Decryption : public CBC_ModeBase
00237 {
00238 public:
00239         void ProcessBlocks(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t numberOfBlocks);
00241 protected:
00242         void ResizeBuffers()
00243         {
00244                 BlockOrientedCipherModeBase::ResizeBuffers();
00245                 m_temp.New(BlockSize());
00246         }
00247         SecByteBlock m_temp;
00248 };
00250 class CRYPTOPP_DLL CRYPTOPP_NO_VTABLE CBC_CTS_Decryption : public CBC_Decryption
00251 {
00252 public:
00253         unsigned int MinLastBlockSize() const {return BlockSize()+1;}
00254         void ProcessLastBlock(byte *outString, const byte *inString, size_t length);
00255 };
00257 //! _
00258 template <class CIPHER, class BASE>
00259 class CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder : protected ObjectHolder<CIPHER>, public AlgorithmImpl<BASE, CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CIPHER, BASE> >
00260 {
00261 public:
00262         CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder()
00263         {
00264                 this->m_cipher = &this->m_object;
00265                 this->ResizeBuffers();
00266         }
00267         CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder(const byte *key, size_t length)
00268         {
00269                 this->m_cipher = &this->m_object;
00270                 this->SetKey(key, length);
00271         }
00272         CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder(const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv)
00273         {
00274                 this->m_cipher = &this->m_object;
00275                 this->SetKey(key, length, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), iv));
00276         }
00277         CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder(const byte *key, size_t length, const byte *iv, int feedbackSize)
00278         {
00279                 this->m_cipher = &this->m_object;
00280                 this->SetKey(key, length, MakeParameters(Name::IV(), iv)(Name::FeedbackSize(), feedbackSize));
00281         }
00283         static std::string CRYPTOPP_API StaticAlgorithmName()
00284                 {return CIPHER::StaticAlgorithmName() + "/" + BASE::StaticAlgorithmName();}
00285 };
00287 //! _
00288 template <class BASE>
00289 class CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher : public BASE
00290 {
00291 public:
00292         CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher() {}
00293         CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher(BlockCipher &cipher)
00294                 {SetCipher(cipher);}
00295         CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher(BlockCipher &cipher, const byte *iv, int feedbackSize = 0)
00296                 {SetCipherWithIV(cipher, iv, feedbackSize);}
00298         void SetCipher(BlockCipher &cipher);
00299         void SetCipherWithIV(BlockCipher &cipher, const byte *iv, int feedbackSize = 0);
00300 };
00302 template <class BASE>
00303 void CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<BASE>::SetCipher(BlockCipher &cipher)
00304 {
00305         this->ThrowIfResynchronizable();
00306         this->m_cipher = &cipher;
00307         this->ResizeBuffers();
00308 }
00310 template <class BASE>
00311 void CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<BASE>::SetCipherWithIV(BlockCipher &cipher, const byte *iv, int feedbackSize)
00312 {
00313         this->ThrowIfInvalidIV(iv);
00314         this->m_cipher = &cipher;
00315         this->ResizeBuffers();
00316         this->SetFeedbackSize(feedbackSize);
00317         if (this->IsResynchronizable())
00318                 this->Resynchronize(iv);
00319 }
00321 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS CFB_CipherTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> >;
00322 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS CFB_EncryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> >;
00323 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS CFB_DecryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> >;
00325 //! CFB mode
00326 template <class CIPHER>
00327 struct CFB_Mode : public CipherModeDocumentation
00328 {
00329         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Encryption, ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, CFB_EncryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> > > > Encryption;
00330         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Encryption, ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, CFB_DecryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> > > > Decryption;
00331 };
00333 //! CFB mode, external cipher
00334 struct CFB_Mode_ExternalCipher : public CipherModeDocumentation
00335 {
00336         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, CFB_EncryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> > > > Encryption;
00337         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, CFB_DecryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> > > > Decryption;
00338 };
00340 //! CFB mode FIPS variant, requiring full block plaintext according to FIPS 800-38A
00341 template <class CIPHER>
00342 struct CFB_FIPS_Mode : public CipherModeDocumentation
00343 {
00344         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Encryption, ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, CFB_RequireFullDataBlocks<CFB_EncryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> > > > > Encryption;
00345         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Encryption, ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, CFB_RequireFullDataBlocks<CFB_DecryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> > > > > Decryption;
00346 };
00348 //! CFB mode FIPS variant, requiring full block plaintext according to FIPS 800-38A, external cipher
00349 struct CFB_FIPS_Mode_ExternalCipher : public CipherModeDocumentation
00350 {
00351         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, CFB_RequireFullDataBlocks<CFB_EncryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> > > > > Encryption;
00352         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, CFB_RequireFullDataBlocks<CFB_DecryptionTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<CFB_CipherAbstractPolicy, CFB_ModePolicy> > > > > Decryption;
00353 };
00355 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AdditiveCipherTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy, OFB_ModePolicy> >;
00357 //! OFB mode
00358 template <class CIPHER>
00359 struct OFB_Mode : public CipherModeDocumentation
00360 {
00361         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Encryption, ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, AdditiveCipherTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy, OFB_ModePolicy> > > > Encryption;
00362         typedef Encryption Decryption;
00363 };
00365 //! OFB mode, external cipher
00366 struct OFB_Mode_ExternalCipher : public CipherModeDocumentation
00367 {
00368         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, AdditiveCipherTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy, OFB_ModePolicy> > > > Encryption;
00369         typedef Encryption Decryption;
00370 };
00372 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS AdditiveCipherTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy, CTR_ModePolicy> >;
00374 //! CTR mode
00375 template <class CIPHER>
00376 struct CTR_Mode : public CipherModeDocumentation
00377 {
00378         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Encryption, ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, AdditiveCipherTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy, CTR_ModePolicy> > > > Encryption;
00379         typedef Encryption Decryption;
00380 };
00382 //! CTR mode, external cipher
00383 struct CTR_Mode_ExternalCipher : public CipherModeDocumentation
00384 {
00385         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<ConcretePolicyHolder<Empty, AdditiveCipherTemplate<AbstractPolicyHolder<AdditiveCipherAbstractPolicy, CTR_ModePolicy> > > > Encryption;
00386         typedef Encryption Decryption;
00387 };
00389 //! ECB mode
00390 template <class CIPHER>
00391 struct ECB_Mode : public CipherModeDocumentation
00392 {
00393         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Encryption, ECB_OneWay> Encryption;
00394         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Decryption, ECB_OneWay> Decryption;
00395 };
00397 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<ECB_OneWay>;
00399 //! ECB mode, external cipher
00400 struct ECB_Mode_ExternalCipher : public CipherModeDocumentation
00401 {
00402         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<ECB_OneWay> Encryption;
00403         typedef Encryption Decryption;
00404 };
00406 //! CBC mode
00407 template <class CIPHER>
00408 struct CBC_Mode : public CipherModeDocumentation
00409 {
00410         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Encryption, CBC_Encryption> Encryption;
00411         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Decryption, CBC_Decryption> Decryption;
00412 };
00414 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<CBC_Encryption>;
00415 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<CBC_Decryption>;
00417 //! CBC mode, external cipher
00418 struct CBC_Mode_ExternalCipher : public CipherModeDocumentation
00419 {
00420         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<CBC_Encryption> Encryption;
00421         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<CBC_Decryption> Decryption;
00422 };
00424 //! CBC mode with ciphertext stealing
00425 template <class CIPHER>
00426 struct CBC_CTS_Mode : public CipherModeDocumentation
00427 {
00428         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Encryption, CBC_CTS_Encryption> Encryption;
00429         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_CipherHolder<CPP_TYPENAME CIPHER::Decryption, CBC_CTS_Decryption> Decryption;
00430 };
00432 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<CBC_CTS_Encryption>;
00433 CRYPTOPP_DLL_TEMPLATE_CLASS CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<CBC_CTS_Decryption>;
00435 //! CBC mode with ciphertext stealing, external cipher
00436 struct CBC_CTS_Mode_ExternalCipher : public CipherModeDocumentation
00437 {
00438         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<CBC_CTS_Encryption> Encryption;
00439         typedef CipherModeFinalTemplate_ExternalCipher<CBC_CTS_Decryption> Decryption;
00440 };
00443 typedef CFB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption CFBEncryption;
00444 typedef CFB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Decryption CFBDecryption;
00445 typedef OFB_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption OFB;
00446 typedef CTR_Mode_ExternalCipher::Encryption CounterMode;
00447 #endif
00451 #endif

Generated on Fri Jun 1 11:11:22 2007 for Crypto++ by  doxygen 1.5.2