
00001 // integer.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
00002 // contains public domain code contributed by Alister Lee and Leonard Janke
00004 #include "pch.h"
00006 #ifndef CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS
00008 #include "integer.h"
00009 #include "modarith.h"
00010 #include "nbtheory.h"
00011 #include "asn.h"
00012 #include "oids.h"
00013 #include "words.h"
00014 #include "algparam.h"
00015 #include "pubkey.h"             // for P1363_KDF2
00016 #include "sha.h"
00017 #include "cpu.h"
00019 #include <iostream>
00021 #if _MSC_VER >= 1400
00022         #include <intrin.h>
00023 #endif
00025 #ifdef __DECCXX
00026         #include <c_asm.h>
00027 #endif
00029 #ifdef CRYPTOPP_MSVC6_NO_PP
00030         #pragma message("You do not seem to have the Visual C++ Processor Pack installed, so use of SSE2 instructions will be disabled.")
00031 #endif
00037 bool AssignIntToInteger(const std::type_info &valueType, void *pInteger, const void *pInt)
00038 {
00039         if (valueType != typeid(Integer))
00040                 return false;
00041         *reinterpret_cast<Integer *>(pInteger) = *reinterpret_cast<const int *>(pInt);
00042         return true;
00043 }
00045 inline static int Compare(const word *A, const word *B, size_t N)
00046 {
00047         while (N--)
00048                 if (A[N] > B[N])
00049                         return 1;
00050                 else if (A[N] < B[N])
00051                         return -1;
00053         return 0;
00054 }
00056 inline static int Increment(word *A, size_t N, word B=1)
00057 {
00058         assert(N);
00059         word t = A[0];
00060         A[0] = t+B;
00061         if (A[0] >= t)
00062                 return 0;
00063         for (unsigned i=1; i<N; i++)
00064                 if (++A[i])
00065                         return 0;
00066         return 1;
00067 }
00069 inline static int Decrement(word *A, size_t N, word B=1)
00070 {
00071         assert(N);
00072         word t = A[0];
00073         A[0] = t-B;
00074         if (A[0] <= t)
00075                 return 0;
00076         for (unsigned i=1; i<N; i++)
00077                 if (A[i]--)
00078                         return 0;
00079         return 1;
00080 }
00082 static void TwosComplement(word *A, size_t N)
00083 {
00084         Decrement(A, N);
00085         for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++)
00086                 A[i] = ~A[i];
00087 }
00089 static word AtomicInverseModPower2(word A)
00090 {
00091         assert(A%2==1);
00093         word R=A%8;
00095         for (unsigned i=3; i<WORD_BITS; i*=2)
00096                 R = R*(2-R*A);
00098         assert(R*A==1);
00099         return R;
00100 }
00102 // ********************************************************
00105         #define Declare2Words(x)                        word x##0, x##1;
00106         #define AssignWord(a, b)                        a##0 = b; a##1 = 0;
00107         #define Add2WordsBy1(a, b, c)           a##0 = b##0 + c; a##1 = b##1 + (a##0 < c);
00108         #define LowWord(a)                                      a##0
00109         #define HighWord(a)                                     a##1
00110         #ifdef _MSC_VER
00111                 #define MultiplyWords(p, a, b)  p##0 = _umul128(a, b, &p##1);
00112                 #define Double3Words(c, d)              d##1 = __shiftleft128(d##0, d##1, 1); d##0 = __shiftleft128(c, d##0, 1); c *= 2;
00113         #elif defined(__DECCXX)
00114                 #define MultiplyWords(p, a, b)  p##0 = a*b; p##1 = asm("umulh %a0, %a1, %v0", a, b);
00115         #elif CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64
00116                 #define MultiplyWords(p, a, b)  asm ("mulq %3" : "=a"(p##0), "=d"(p##1) : "a"(a), "g"(b) : "cc");
00117                 #define MulAcc(c, d, a, b)              asm ("mulq %6; addq %3, %0; adcq %4, %1; adcq $0, %2;" : "+r"(c), "+r"(d##0), "+r"(d##1), "=a"(p0), "=d"(p1) : "a"(a), "g"(b) : "cc");
00118                 #define Double3Words(c, d)              asm ("addq %0, %0; adcq %1, %1; adcq %2, %2;" : "+r"(c), "+r"(d##0), "+r"(d##1) : : "cc");
00119                 #define Acc2WordsBy1(a, b)              asm ("addq %2, %0; adcq $0, %1;" : "+r"(a##0), "+r"(a##1) : "r"(b) : "cc");
00120                 #define Acc2WordsBy2(a, b)              asm ("addq %2, %0; adcq %3, %1;" : "+r"(a##0), "+r"(a##1) : "r"(b##0), "r"(b##1) : "cc");
00121                 #define Acc3WordsBy2(c, d, e)   asm ("addq %5, %0; adcq %6, %1; adcq $0, %2;" : "+r"(c), "=r"(e##0), "=r"(e##1) : "1"(d##0), "2"(d##1), "r"(e##0), "r"(e##1) : "cc");
00122         #endif
00123         #ifndef Double3Words
00124                 #define Double3Words(c, d)              d##1 = 2*d##1 + (d##0>>(WORD_BITS-1)); d##0 = 2*d##0 + (c>>(WORD_BITS-1)); c *= 2;
00125         #endif
00126         #ifndef Acc2WordsBy2
00127                 #define Acc2WordsBy2(a, b)              a##0 += b##0; a##1 += a##0 < b##0; a##1 += b##1;
00128         #endif
00129         #define AddWithCarry(u, a, b)           {word t = a+b; u##0 = t + u##1; u##1 = (t<a) + (u##0<t);}
00130         #define SubtractWithBorrow(u, a, b)     {word t = a-b; u##0 = t - u##1; u##1 = (t>a) + (u##0>t);}
00131         #define GetCarry(u)                                     u##1
00132         #define GetBorrow(u)                            u##1
00133 #else
00134         #define Declare2Words(x)                        dword x;
00135         #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
00136                 #define MultiplyWords(p, a, b)          p = __emulu(a, b);
00137         #else
00138                 #define MultiplyWords(p, a, b)          p = (dword)a*b;
00139         #endif
00140         #define AssignWord(a, b)                        a = b;
00141         #define Add2WordsBy1(a, b, c)           a = b + c;
00142         #define Acc2WordsBy2(a, b)                      a += b;
00143         #define LowWord(a)                                      word(a)
00144         #define HighWord(a)                                     word(a>>WORD_BITS)
00145         #define Double3Words(c, d)                      d = 2*d + (c>>(WORD_BITS-1)); c *= 2;
00146         #define AddWithCarry(u, a, b)           u = dword(a) + b + GetCarry(u);
00147         #define SubtractWithBorrow(u, a, b)     u = dword(a) - b - GetBorrow(u);
00148         #define GetCarry(u)                                     HighWord(u)
00149         #define GetBorrow(u)                            word(u>>(WORD_BITS*2-1))
00150 #endif
00151 #ifndef MulAcc
00152         #define MulAcc(c, d, a, b)                      MultiplyWords(p, a, b); Acc2WordsBy1(p, c); c = LowWord(p); Acc2WordsBy1(d, HighWord(p));
00153 #endif
00154 #ifndef Acc2WordsBy1
00155         #define Acc2WordsBy1(a, b)                      Add2WordsBy1(a, a, b)
00156 #endif
00157 #ifndef Acc3WordsBy2
00158         #define Acc3WordsBy2(c, d, e)           Acc2WordsBy1(e, c); c = LowWord(e); Add2WordsBy1(e, d, HighWord(e));
00159 #endif
00161 class DWord
00162 {
00163 public:
00164         DWord() {}
00167         explicit DWord(word low)
00168         {
00169                 m_whole = low;
00170         }
00171 #else
00172         explicit DWord(word low)
00173         {
00174                 m_halfs.low = low;
00175                 m_halfs.high = 0;
00176         }
00177 #endif
00179         DWord(word low, word high)
00180         {
00181                 m_halfs.low = low;
00182                 m_halfs.high = high;
00183         }
00185         static DWord Multiply(word a, word b)
00186         {
00187                 DWord r;
00188                 #ifdef CRYPTOPP_NATIVE_DWORD_AVAILABLE
00189                         r.m_whole = (dword)a * b;
00190                 #else
00191                         r.m_halfs.low = _umul128(a, b, &r.m_halfs.high);
00192                 #endif
00193                 return r;
00194         }
00196         static DWord MultiplyAndAdd(word a, word b, word c)
00197         {
00198                 DWord r = Multiply(a, b);
00199                 return r += c;
00200         }
00202         DWord & operator+=(word a)
00203         {
00204                 #ifdef CRYPTOPP_NATIVE_DWORD_AVAILABLE
00205                         m_whole = m_whole + a;
00206                 #else
00207                         m_halfs.low += a;
00208                         m_halfs.high += (m_halfs.low < a);
00209                 #endif
00210                 return *this;
00211         }
00213         DWord operator+(word a)
00214         {
00215                 DWord r;
00216                 #ifdef CRYPTOPP_NATIVE_DWORD_AVAILABLE
00217                         r.m_whole = m_whole + a;
00218                 #else
00219                         r.m_halfs.low = m_halfs.low + a;
00220                         r.m_halfs.high = m_halfs.high + (r.m_halfs.low < a);
00221                 #endif
00222                 return r;
00223         }
00225         DWord operator-(DWord a)
00226         {
00227                 DWord r;
00228                 #ifdef CRYPTOPP_NATIVE_DWORD_AVAILABLE
00229                         r.m_whole = m_whole - a.m_whole;
00230                 #else
00231                         r.m_halfs.low = m_halfs.low - a.m_halfs.low;
00232                         r.m_halfs.high = m_halfs.high - a.m_halfs.high - (r.m_halfs.low > m_halfs.low);
00233                 #endif
00234                 return r;
00235         }
00237         DWord operator-(word a)
00238         {
00239                 DWord r;
00240                 #ifdef CRYPTOPP_NATIVE_DWORD_AVAILABLE
00241                         r.m_whole = m_whole - a;
00242                 #else
00243                         r.m_halfs.low = m_halfs.low - a;
00244                         r.m_halfs.high = m_halfs.high - (r.m_halfs.low > m_halfs.low);
00245                 #endif
00246                 return r;
00247         }
00249         // returns quotient, which must fit in a word
00250         word operator/(word divisor);
00252         word operator%(word a);
00254         bool operator!() const
00255         {
00257                 return !m_whole;
00258         #else
00259                 return !m_halfs.high && !m_halfs.low;
00260         #endif
00261         }
00263         word GetLowHalf() const {return m_halfs.low;}
00264         word GetHighHalf() const {return m_halfs.high;}
00265         word GetHighHalfAsBorrow() const {return 0-m_halfs.high;}
00267 private:
00268         union
00269         {
00271                 dword m_whole;
00272         #endif
00273                 struct
00274                 {
00275                 #ifdef IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN
00276                         word low;
00277                         word high;
00278                 #else
00279                         word high;
00280                         word low;
00281                 #endif
00282                 } m_halfs;
00283         };
00284 };
00286 class Word
00287 {
00288 public:
00289         Word() {}
00291         Word(word value)
00292         {
00293                 m_whole = value;
00294         }
00296         Word(hword low, hword high)
00297         {
00298                 m_whole = low | (word(high) << (WORD_BITS/2));
00299         }
00301         static Word Multiply(hword a, hword b)
00302         {
00303                 Word r;
00304                 r.m_whole = (word)a * b;
00305                 return r;
00306         }
00308         Word operator-(Word a)
00309         {
00310                 Word r;
00311                 r.m_whole = m_whole - a.m_whole;
00312                 return r;
00313         }
00315         Word operator-(hword a)
00316         {
00317                 Word r;
00318                 r.m_whole = m_whole - a;
00319                 return r;
00320         }
00322         // returns quotient, which must fit in a word
00323         hword operator/(hword divisor)
00324         {
00325                 return hword(m_whole / divisor);
00326         }
00328         bool operator!() const
00329         {
00330                 return !m_whole;
00331         }
00333         word GetWhole() const {return m_whole;}
00334         hword GetLowHalf() const {return hword(m_whole);}
00335         hword GetHighHalf() const {return hword(m_whole>>(WORD_BITS/2));}
00336         hword GetHighHalfAsBorrow() const {return 0-hword(m_whole>>(WORD_BITS/2));}
00338 private:
00339         word m_whole;
00340 };
00342 // do a 3 word by 2 word divide, returns quotient and leaves remainder in A
00343 template <class S, class D>
00344 S DivideThreeWordsByTwo(S *A, S B0, S B1, D *dummy=NULL)
00345 {
00346         // assert {A[2],A[1]} < {B1,B0}, so quotient can fit in a S
00347         assert(A[2] < B1 || (A[2]==B1 && A[1] < B0));
00349         // estimate the quotient: do a 2 S by 1 S divide
00350         S Q;
00351         if (S(B1+1) == 0)
00352                 Q = A[2];
00353         else
00354                 Q = D(A[1], A[2]) / S(B1+1);
00356         // now subtract Q*B from A
00357         D p = D::Multiply(B0, Q);
00358         D u = (D) A[0] - p.GetLowHalf();
00359         A[0] = u.GetLowHalf();
00360         u = (D) A[1] - p.GetHighHalf() - u.GetHighHalfAsBorrow() - D::Multiply(B1, Q);
00361         A[1] = u.GetLowHalf();
00362         A[2] += u.GetHighHalf();
00364         // Q <= actual quotient, so fix it
00365         while (A[2] || A[1] > B1 || (A[1]==B1 && A[0]>=B0))
00366         {
00367                 u = (D) A[0] - B0;
00368                 A[0] = u.GetLowHalf();
00369                 u = (D) A[1] - B1 - u.GetHighHalfAsBorrow();
00370                 A[1] = u.GetLowHalf();
00371                 A[2] += u.GetHighHalf();
00372                 Q++;
00373                 assert(Q);      // shouldn't overflow
00374         }
00376         return Q;
00377 }
00379 // do a 4 word by 2 word divide, returns 2 word quotient in Q0 and Q1
00380 template <class S, class D>
00381 inline D DivideFourWordsByTwo(S *T, const D &Al, const D &Ah, const D &B)
00382 {
00383         if (!B) // if divisor is 0, we assume divisor==2**(2*WORD_BITS)
00384                 return D(Ah.GetLowHalf(), Ah.GetHighHalf());
00385         else
00386         {
00387                 S Q[2];
00388                 T[0] = Al.GetLowHalf();
00389                 T[1] = Al.GetHighHalf(); 
00390                 T[2] = Ah.GetLowHalf();
00391                 T[3] = Ah.GetHighHalf();
00392                 Q[1] = DivideThreeWordsByTwo<S, D>(T+1, B.GetLowHalf(), B.GetHighHalf());
00393                 Q[0] = DivideThreeWordsByTwo<S, D>(T, B.GetLowHalf(), B.GetHighHalf());
00394                 return D(Q[0], Q[1]);
00395         }
00396 }
00398 // returns quotient, which must fit in a word
00399 inline word DWord::operator/(word a)
00400 {
00402                 return word(m_whole / a);
00403         #else
00404                 hword r[4];
00405                 return DivideFourWordsByTwo<hword, Word>(r, m_halfs.low, m_halfs.high, a).GetWhole();
00406         #endif
00407 }
00409 inline word DWord::operator%(word a)
00410 {
00412                 return word(m_whole % a);
00413         #else
00414                 if (a < (word(1) << (WORD_BITS/2)))
00415                 {
00416                         hword h = hword(a);
00417                         word r = m_halfs.high % h;
00418                         r = ((m_halfs.low >> (WORD_BITS/2)) + (r << (WORD_BITS/2))) % h;
00419                         return hword((hword(m_halfs.low) + (r << (WORD_BITS/2))) % h);
00420                 }
00421                 else
00422                 {
00423                         hword r[4];
00424                         DivideFourWordsByTwo<hword, Word>(r, m_halfs.low, m_halfs.high, a);
00425                         return Word(r[0], r[1]).GetWhole();
00426                 }
00427         #endif
00428 }
00430 // ********************************************************
00432 // use some tricks to share assembly code between MSVC and GCC
00433 #if defined(__GNUC__)
00434         #define AddPrologue \
00435                 int result;     \
00436                 __asm__ __volatile__ \
00437                 ( \
00438                         ".intel_syntax noprefix;"
00439         #define AddEpilogue \
00440                         ".att_syntax prefix;" \
00441                                         : "=a" (result)\
00442                                         : "d" (C), "a" (A), "D" (B), "c" (N) \
00443                                         : "%esi", "memory", "cc" \
00444                 );\
00445                 return result;
00446         #define MulPrologue \
00447                 __asm__ __volatile__ \
00448                 ( \
00449                         ".intel_syntax noprefix;" \
00450                         AS1(    push    ebx) \
00451                         AS2(    mov             ebx, edx)
00452         #define MulEpilogue \
00453                         AS1(    pop             ebx) \
00454                         ".att_syntax prefix;" \
00455                         : \
00456                         : "d" (s_maskLow16), "c" (C), "a" (A), "D" (B) \
00457                         : "%esi", "memory", "cc" \
00458                 );
00459         #define SquPrologue             MulPrologue
00460         #define SquEpilogue     \
00461                         AS1(    pop             ebx) \
00462                         ".att_syntax prefix;" \
00463                         : \
00464                         : "d" (s_maskLow16), "c" (C), "a" (A) \
00465                         : "%esi", "%edi", "memory", "cc" \
00466                 );
00467         #define TopPrologue             MulPrologue
00468         #define TopEpilogue     \
00469                         AS1(    pop             ebx) \
00470                         ".att_syntax prefix;" \
00471                         : \
00472                         : "d" (s_maskLow16), "c" (C), "a" (A), "D" (B), "S" (L) \
00473                         : "memory", "cc" \
00474                 );
00475 #else
00476         #define AddPrologue \
00477                 __asm   push edi \
00478                 __asm   push esi \
00479                 __asm   mov             eax, [esp+12] \
00480                 __asm   mov             edi, [esp+16]
00481         #define AddEpilogue \
00482                 __asm   pop esi \
00483                 __asm   pop edi \
00484                 __asm   ret 8
00485 #if _MSC_VER < 1300
00486         #define SaveEBX         __asm push ebx
00487         #define RestoreEBX      __asm pop ebx
00488 #else
00489         #define SaveEBX
00490         #define RestoreEBX
00491 #endif
00492         #define SquPrologue                                     \
00493                 AS2(    mov             eax, A)                 \
00494                 AS2(    mov             ecx, C)                 \
00495                 SaveEBX                                                 \
00496                 AS2(    lea             ebx, s_maskLow16)
00497         #define MulPrologue                                     \
00498                 AS2(    mov             eax, A)                 \
00499                 AS2(    mov             edi, B)                 \
00500                 AS2(    mov             ecx, C)                 \
00501                 SaveEBX                                                 \
00502                 AS2(    lea             ebx, s_maskLow16)
00503         #define TopPrologue                                     \
00504                 AS2(    mov             eax, A)                 \
00505                 AS2(    mov             edi, B)                 \
00506                 AS2(    mov             ecx, C)                 \
00507                 AS2(    mov             esi, L)                 \
00508                 SaveEBX                                                 \
00509                 AS2(    lea             ebx, s_maskLow16)
00510         #define SquEpilogue             RestoreEBX
00511         #define MulEpilogue             RestoreEBX
00512         #define TopEpilogue             RestoreEBX
00513 #endif
00516 extern "C" {
00517 int Baseline_Add(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B);
00518 int Baseline_Sub(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B);
00519 }
00520 #elif defined(CRYPTOPP_X64_ASM_AVAILABLE) && defined(__GNUC__)
00521 int Baseline_Add(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
00522 {
00523         word result;
00524         __asm__ __volatile__
00525         (
00526         ".intel_syntax;"
00527         AS1(    neg             %1)
00528         ASJ(    jz,             1, f)
00529         AS2(    mov             %0,[%3+8*%1])
00530         AS2(    add             %0,[%4+8*%1])
00531         AS2(    mov             [%2+8*%1],%0)
00532         ASL(0)
00533         AS2(    mov             %0,[%3+8*%1+8])
00534         AS2(    adc             %0,[%4+8*%1+8])
00535         AS2(    mov             [%2+8*%1+8],%0)
00536         AS2(    lea             %1,[%1+2])
00537         ASJ(    jrcxz,  1, f)
00538         AS2(    mov             %0,[%3+8*%1])
00539         AS2(    adc             %0,[%4+8*%1])
00540         AS2(    mov             [%2+8*%1],%0)
00541         ASJ(    jmp,    0, b)
00542         ASL(1)
00543         AS2(    mov             %0, 0)
00544         AS2(    adc             %0, %0)
00545         ".att_syntax;"
00546         : "=&r" (result)
00547         : "c" (N), "r" (C+N), "r" (A+N), "r" (B+N)
00548         : "memory", "cc"
00549         );
00550         return (int)result;
00551 }
00553 int Baseline_Sub(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
00554 {
00555         word result;
00556         __asm__ __volatile__
00557         (
00558         ".intel_syntax;"
00559         AS1(    neg             %1)
00560         ASJ(    jz,             1, f)
00561         AS2(    mov             %0,[%3+8*%1])
00562         AS2(    sub             %0,[%4+8*%1])
00563         AS2(    mov             [%2+8*%1],%0)
00564         ASL(0)
00565         AS2(    mov             %0,[%3+8*%1+8])
00566         AS2(    sbb             %0,[%4+8*%1+8])
00567         AS2(    mov             [%2+8*%1+8],%0)
00568         AS2(    lea             %1,[%1+2])
00569         ASJ(    jrcxz,  1, f)
00570         AS2(    mov             %0,[%3+8*%1])
00571         AS2(    sbb             %0,[%4+8*%1])
00572         AS2(    mov             [%2+8*%1],%0)
00573         ASJ(    jmp,    0, b)
00574         ASL(1)
00575         AS2(    mov             %0, 0)
00576         AS2(    adc             %0, %0)
00577         ".att_syntax;"
00578         : "=&r" (result)
00579         : "c" (N), "r" (C+N), "r" (A+N), "r" (B+N)
00580         : "memory", "cc"
00581         );
00582         return (int)result;
00583 }
00584 #elif defined(CRYPTOPP_X86_ASM_AVAILABLE) && CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86
00585 CRYPTOPP_NAKED int CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL Baseline_Add(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
00586 {
00587         AddPrologue
00589         // now: eax = A, edi = B, edx = C, ecx = N
00590         AS2(    lea             eax, [eax+4*ecx])
00591         AS2(    lea             edi, [edi+4*ecx])
00592         AS2(    lea             edx, [edx+4*ecx])
00594         AS1(    neg             ecx)                            // ecx is negative index
00595         AS2(    test    ecx, 2)                         // this clears carry flag
00596         ASJ(    jz,             0, f)
00597         AS2(    sub             ecx, 2)
00598         ASJ(    jmp,    1, f)
00600         ASL(0)
00601         ASJ(    jecxz,  2, f)                           // loop until ecx overflows and becomes zero
00602         AS2(    mov             esi,[eax+4*ecx])
00603         AS2(    adc             esi,[edi+4*ecx])
00604         AS2(    mov             [edx+4*ecx],esi)
00605         AS2(    mov             esi,[eax+4*ecx+4])
00606         AS2(    adc             esi,[edi+4*ecx+4])
00607         AS2(    mov             [edx+4*ecx+4],esi)
00608         ASL(1)
00609         AS2(    mov             esi,[eax+4*ecx+8])
00610         AS2(    adc             esi,[edi+4*ecx+8])
00611         AS2(    mov             [edx+4*ecx+8],esi)
00612         AS2(    mov             esi,[eax+4*ecx+12])
00613         AS2(    adc             esi,[edi+4*ecx+12])
00614         AS2(    mov             [edx+4*ecx+12],esi)
00616         AS2(    lea             ecx,[ecx+4])            // advance index, avoid inc which causes slowdown on Intel Core 2
00617         ASJ(    jmp,    0, b)
00619         ASL(2)
00620         AS2(    mov             eax, 0)
00621         AS1(    setc    al)                                     // store carry into eax (return result register)
00623         AddEpilogue
00624 }
00626 CRYPTOPP_NAKED int CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL Baseline_Sub(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
00627 {
00628         AddPrologue
00630         // now: eax = A, edi = B, edx = C, ecx = N
00631         AS2(    lea             eax, [eax+4*ecx])
00632         AS2(    lea             edi, [edi+4*ecx])
00633         AS2(    lea             edx, [edx+4*ecx])
00635         AS1(    neg             ecx)                            // ecx is negative index
00636         AS2(    test    ecx, 2)                         // this clears carry flag
00637         ASJ(    jz,             0, f)
00638         AS2(    sub             ecx, 2)
00639         ASJ(    jmp,    1, f)
00641         ASL(0)
00642         ASJ(    jecxz,  2, f)                           // loop until ecx overflows and becomes zero
00643         AS2(    mov             esi,[eax+4*ecx])
00644         AS2(    sbb             esi,[edi+4*ecx])
00645         AS2(    mov             [edx+4*ecx],esi)
00646         AS2(    mov             esi,[eax+4*ecx+4])
00647         AS2(    sbb             esi,[edi+4*ecx+4])
00648         AS2(    mov             [edx+4*ecx+4],esi)
00649         ASL(1)
00650         AS2(    mov             esi,[eax+4*ecx+8])
00651         AS2(    sbb             esi,[edi+4*ecx+8])
00652         AS2(    mov             [edx+4*ecx+8],esi)
00653         AS2(    mov             esi,[eax+4*ecx+12])
00654         AS2(    sbb             esi,[edi+4*ecx+12])
00655         AS2(    mov             [edx+4*ecx+12],esi)
00657         AS2(    lea             ecx,[ecx+4])            // advance index, avoid inc which causes slowdown on Intel Core 2
00658         ASJ(    jmp,    0, b)
00660         ASL(2)
00661         AS2(    mov             eax, 0)
00662         AS1(    setc    al)                                     // store carry into eax (return result register)
00664         AddEpilogue
00665 }
00668 CRYPTOPP_NAKED int CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL SSE2_Add(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
00669 {
00670         AddPrologue
00672         // now: eax = A, edi = B, edx = C, ecx = N
00673         AS2(    lea             eax, [eax+4*ecx])
00674         AS2(    lea             edi, [edi+4*ecx])
00675         AS2(    lea             edx, [edx+4*ecx])
00677         AS1(    neg             ecx)                            // ecx is negative index
00678         AS2(    pxor    mm2, mm2)
00679         ASJ(    jz,             2, f)
00680         AS2(    test    ecx, 2)                         // this clears carry flag
00681         ASJ(    jz,             0, f)
00682         AS2(    sub             ecx, 2)
00683         ASJ(    jmp,    1, f)
00685         ASL(0)
00686         AS2(    movd     mm0, DWORD PTR [eax+4*ecx])
00687         AS2(    movd     mm1, DWORD PTR [edi+4*ecx])
00688         AS2(    paddq    mm0, mm1)
00689         AS2(    paddq    mm2, mm0)
00690         AS2(    movd     DWORD PTR [edx+4*ecx], mm2)
00691         AS2(    psrlq    mm2, 32)
00693         AS2(    movd     mm0, DWORD PTR [eax+4*ecx+4])
00694         AS2(    movd     mm1, DWORD PTR [edi+4*ecx+4])
00695         AS2(    paddq    mm0, mm1)
00696         AS2(    paddq    mm2, mm0)
00697         AS2(    movd     DWORD PTR [edx+4*ecx+4], mm2)
00698         AS2(    psrlq    mm2, 32)
00700         ASL(1)
00701         AS2(    movd     mm0, DWORD PTR [eax+4*ecx+8])
00702         AS2(    movd     mm1, DWORD PTR [edi+4*ecx+8])
00703         AS2(    paddq    mm0, mm1)
00704         AS2(    paddq    mm2, mm0)
00705         AS2(    movd     DWORD PTR [edx+4*ecx+8], mm2)
00706         AS2(    psrlq    mm2, 32)
00708         AS2(    movd     mm0, DWORD PTR [eax+4*ecx+12])
00709         AS2(    movd     mm1, DWORD PTR [edi+4*ecx+12])
00710         AS2(    paddq    mm0, mm1)
00711         AS2(    paddq    mm2, mm0)
00712         AS2(    movd     DWORD PTR [edx+4*ecx+12], mm2)
00713         AS2(    psrlq    mm2, 32)
00715         AS2(    add             ecx, 4)
00716         ASJ(    jnz,    0, b)
00718         ASL(2)
00719         AS2(    movd    eax, mm2)
00720         AS1(    emms)
00722         AddEpilogue
00723 }
00724 CRYPTOPP_NAKED int CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL SSE2_Sub(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
00725 {
00726         AddPrologue
00728         // now: eax = A, edi = B, edx = C, ecx = N
00729         AS2(    lea             eax, [eax+4*ecx])
00730         AS2(    lea             edi, [edi+4*ecx])
00731         AS2(    lea             edx, [edx+4*ecx])
00733         AS1(    neg             ecx)                            // ecx is negative index
00734         AS2(    pxor    mm2, mm2)
00735         ASJ(    jz,             2, f)
00736         AS2(    test    ecx, 2)                         // this clears carry flag
00737         ASJ(    jz,             0, f)
00738         AS2(    sub             ecx, 2)
00739         ASJ(    jmp,    1, f)
00741         ASL(0)
00742         AS2(    movd     mm0, DWORD PTR [eax+4*ecx])
00743         AS2(    movd     mm1, DWORD PTR [edi+4*ecx])
00744         AS2(    psubq    mm0, mm1)
00745         AS2(    psubq    mm0, mm2)
00746         AS2(    movd     DWORD PTR [edx+4*ecx], mm0)
00747         AS2(    psrlq    mm0, 63)
00749         AS2(    movd     mm2, DWORD PTR [eax+4*ecx+4])
00750         AS2(    movd     mm1, DWORD PTR [edi+4*ecx+4])
00751         AS2(    psubq    mm2, mm1)
00752         AS2(    psubq    mm2, mm0)
00753         AS2(    movd     DWORD PTR [edx+4*ecx+4], mm2)
00754         AS2(    psrlq    mm2, 63)
00756         ASL(1)
00757         AS2(    movd     mm0, DWORD PTR [eax+4*ecx+8])
00758         AS2(    movd     mm1, DWORD PTR [edi+4*ecx+8])
00759         AS2(    psubq    mm0, mm1)
00760         AS2(    psubq    mm0, mm2)
00761         AS2(    movd     DWORD PTR [edx+4*ecx+8], mm0)
00762         AS2(    psrlq    mm0, 63)
00764         AS2(    movd     mm2, DWORD PTR [eax+4*ecx+12])
00765         AS2(    movd     mm1, DWORD PTR [edi+4*ecx+12])
00766         AS2(    psubq    mm2, mm1)
00767         AS2(    psubq    mm2, mm0)
00768         AS2(    movd     DWORD PTR [edx+4*ecx+12], mm2)
00769         AS2(    psrlq    mm2, 63)
00771         AS2(    add             ecx, 4)
00772         ASJ(    jnz,    0, b)
00774         ASL(2)
00775         AS2(    movd    eax, mm2)
00776         AS1(    emms)
00778         AddEpilogue
00779 }
00781 #else
00782 int CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL Baseline_Add(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
00783 {
00784         assert (N%2 == 0);
00786         Declare2Words(u);
00787         AssignWord(u, 0);
00788         for (size_t i=0; i<N; i+=2)
00789         {
00790                 AddWithCarry(u, A[i], B[i]);
00791                 C[i] = LowWord(u);
00792                 AddWithCarry(u, A[i+1], B[i+1]);
00793                 C[i+1] = LowWord(u);
00794         }
00795         return int(GetCarry(u));
00796 }
00798 int CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL Baseline_Sub(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
00799 {
00800         assert (N%2 == 0);
00802         Declare2Words(u);
00803         AssignWord(u, 0);
00804         for (size_t i=0; i<N; i+=2)
00805         {
00806                 SubtractWithBorrow(u, A[i], B[i]);
00807                 C[i] = LowWord(u);
00808                 SubtractWithBorrow(u, A[i+1], B[i+1]);
00809                 C[i+1] = LowWord(u);
00810         }
00811         return int(GetBorrow(u));
00812 }
00813 #endif
00815 static word LinearMultiply(word *C, const word *A, word B, size_t N)
00816 {
00817         word carry=0;
00818         for(unsigned i=0; i<N; i++)
00819         {
00820                 Declare2Words(p);
00821                 MultiplyWords(p, A[i], B);
00822                 Acc2WordsBy1(p, carry);
00823                 C[i] = LowWord(p);
00824                 carry = HighWord(p);
00825         }
00826         return carry;
00827 }
00831 #define Mul_2 \
00832         Mul_Begin(2) \
00833         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 0, 1) Mul_Acc(1, 0) \
00834         Mul_End(1, 1)
00836 #define Mul_4 \
00837         Mul_Begin(4) \
00838         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 0, 1) Mul_Acc(1, 0) \
00839         Mul_SaveAcc(1, 0, 2) Mul_Acc(1, 1) Mul_Acc(2, 0)  \
00840         Mul_SaveAcc(2, 0, 3) Mul_Acc(1, 2) Mul_Acc(2, 1) Mul_Acc(3, 0)  \
00841         Mul_SaveAcc(3, 1, 3) Mul_Acc(2, 2) Mul_Acc(3, 1)  \
00842         Mul_SaveAcc(4, 2, 3) Mul_Acc(3, 2) \
00843         Mul_End(5, 3)
00845 #define Mul_8 \
00846         Mul_Begin(8) \
00847         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 0, 1) Mul_Acc(1, 0) \
00848         Mul_SaveAcc(1, 0, 2) Mul_Acc(1, 1) Mul_Acc(2, 0)  \
00849         Mul_SaveAcc(2, 0, 3) Mul_Acc(1, 2) Mul_Acc(2, 1) Mul_Acc(3, 0)  \
00850         Mul_SaveAcc(3, 0, 4) Mul_Acc(1, 3) Mul_Acc(2, 2) Mul_Acc(3, 1) Mul_Acc(4, 0) \
00851         Mul_SaveAcc(4, 0, 5) Mul_Acc(1, 4) Mul_Acc(2, 3) Mul_Acc(3, 2) Mul_Acc(4, 1) Mul_Acc(5, 0) \
00852         Mul_SaveAcc(5, 0, 6) Mul_Acc(1, 5) Mul_Acc(2, 4) Mul_Acc(3, 3) Mul_Acc(4, 2) Mul_Acc(5, 1) Mul_Acc(6, 0) \
00853         Mul_SaveAcc(6, 0, 7) Mul_Acc(1, 6) Mul_Acc(2, 5) Mul_Acc(3, 4) Mul_Acc(4, 3) Mul_Acc(5, 2) Mul_Acc(6, 1) Mul_Acc(7, 0) \
00854         Mul_SaveAcc(7, 1, 7) Mul_Acc(2, 6) Mul_Acc(3, 5) Mul_Acc(4, 4) Mul_Acc(5, 3) Mul_Acc(6, 2) Mul_Acc(7, 1) \
00855         Mul_SaveAcc(8, 2, 7) Mul_Acc(3, 6) Mul_Acc(4, 5) Mul_Acc(5, 4) Mul_Acc(6, 3) Mul_Acc(7, 2) \
00856         Mul_SaveAcc(9, 3, 7) Mul_Acc(4, 6) Mul_Acc(5, 5) Mul_Acc(6, 4) Mul_Acc(7, 3) \
00857         Mul_SaveAcc(10, 4, 7) Mul_Acc(5, 6) Mul_Acc(6, 5) Mul_Acc(7, 4) \
00858         Mul_SaveAcc(11, 5, 7) Mul_Acc(6, 6) Mul_Acc(7, 5) \
00859         Mul_SaveAcc(12, 6, 7) Mul_Acc(7, 6) \
00860         Mul_End(13, 7)
00862 #define Mul_16 \
00863         Mul_Begin(16) \
00864         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 0, 1) Mul_Acc(1, 0) \
00865         Mul_SaveAcc(1, 0, 2) Mul_Acc(1, 1) Mul_Acc(2, 0) \
00866         Mul_SaveAcc(2, 0, 3) Mul_Acc(1, 2) Mul_Acc(2, 1) Mul_Acc(3, 0) \
00867         Mul_SaveAcc(3, 0, 4) Mul_Acc(1, 3) Mul_Acc(2, 2) Mul_Acc(3, 1) Mul_Acc(4, 0) \
00868         Mul_SaveAcc(4, 0, 5) Mul_Acc(1, 4) Mul_Acc(2, 3) Mul_Acc(3, 2) Mul_Acc(4, 1) Mul_Acc(5, 0) \
00869         Mul_SaveAcc(5, 0, 6) Mul_Acc(1, 5) Mul_Acc(2, 4) Mul_Acc(3, 3) Mul_Acc(4, 2) Mul_Acc(5, 1) Mul_Acc(6, 0) \
00870         Mul_SaveAcc(6, 0, 7) Mul_Acc(1, 6) Mul_Acc(2, 5) Mul_Acc(3, 4) Mul_Acc(4, 3) Mul_Acc(5, 2) Mul_Acc(6, 1) Mul_Acc(7, 0) \
00871         Mul_SaveAcc(7, 0, 8) Mul_Acc(1, 7) Mul_Acc(2, 6) Mul_Acc(3, 5) Mul_Acc(4, 4) Mul_Acc(5, 3) Mul_Acc(6, 2) Mul_Acc(7, 1) Mul_Acc(8, 0) \
00872         Mul_SaveAcc(8, 0, 9) Mul_Acc(1, 8) Mul_Acc(2, 7) Mul_Acc(3, 6) Mul_Acc(4, 5) Mul_Acc(5, 4) Mul_Acc(6, 3) Mul_Acc(7, 2) Mul_Acc(8, 1) Mul_Acc(9, 0) \
00873         Mul_SaveAcc(9, 0, 10) Mul_Acc(1, 9) Mul_Acc(2, 8) Mul_Acc(3, 7) Mul_Acc(4, 6) Mul_Acc(5, 5) Mul_Acc(6, 4) Mul_Acc(7, 3) Mul_Acc(8, 2) Mul_Acc(9, 1) Mul_Acc(10, 0) \
00874         Mul_SaveAcc(10, 0, 11) Mul_Acc(1, 10) Mul_Acc(2, 9) Mul_Acc(3, 8) Mul_Acc(4, 7) Mul_Acc(5, 6) Mul_Acc(6, 5) Mul_Acc(7, 4) Mul_Acc(8, 3) Mul_Acc(9, 2) Mul_Acc(10, 1) Mul_Acc(11, 0) \
00875         Mul_SaveAcc(11, 0, 12) Mul_Acc(1, 11) Mul_Acc(2, 10) Mul_Acc(3, 9) Mul_Acc(4, 8) Mul_Acc(5, 7) Mul_Acc(6, 6) Mul_Acc(7, 5) Mul_Acc(8, 4) Mul_Acc(9, 3) Mul_Acc(10, 2) Mul_Acc(11, 1) Mul_Acc(12, 0) \
00876         Mul_SaveAcc(12, 0, 13) Mul_Acc(1, 12) Mul_Acc(2, 11) Mul_Acc(3, 10) Mul_Acc(4, 9) Mul_Acc(5, 8) Mul_Acc(6, 7) Mul_Acc(7, 6) Mul_Acc(8, 5) Mul_Acc(9, 4) Mul_Acc(10, 3) Mul_Acc(11, 2) Mul_Acc(12, 1) Mul_Acc(13, 0) \
00877         Mul_SaveAcc(13, 0, 14) Mul_Acc(1, 13) Mul_Acc(2, 12) Mul_Acc(3, 11) Mul_Acc(4, 10) Mul_Acc(5, 9) Mul_Acc(6, 8) Mul_Acc(7, 7) Mul_Acc(8, 6) Mul_Acc(9, 5) Mul_Acc(10, 4) Mul_Acc(11, 3) Mul_Acc(12, 2) Mul_Acc(13, 1) Mul_Acc(14, 0) \
00878         Mul_SaveAcc(14, 0, 15) Mul_Acc(1, 14) Mul_Acc(2, 13) Mul_Acc(3, 12) Mul_Acc(4, 11) Mul_Acc(5, 10) Mul_Acc(6, 9) Mul_Acc(7, 8) Mul_Acc(8, 7) Mul_Acc(9, 6) Mul_Acc(10, 5) Mul_Acc(11, 4) Mul_Acc(12, 3) Mul_Acc(13, 2) Mul_Acc(14, 1) Mul_Acc(15, 0) \
00879         Mul_SaveAcc(15, 1, 15) Mul_Acc(2, 14) Mul_Acc(3, 13) Mul_Acc(4, 12) Mul_Acc(5, 11) Mul_Acc(6, 10) Mul_Acc(7, 9) Mul_Acc(8, 8) Mul_Acc(9, 7) Mul_Acc(10, 6) Mul_Acc(11, 5) Mul_Acc(12, 4) Mul_Acc(13, 3) Mul_Acc(14, 2) Mul_Acc(15, 1) \
00880         Mul_SaveAcc(16, 2, 15) Mul_Acc(3, 14) Mul_Acc(4, 13) Mul_Acc(5, 12) Mul_Acc(6, 11) Mul_Acc(7, 10) Mul_Acc(8, 9) Mul_Acc(9, 8) Mul_Acc(10, 7) Mul_Acc(11, 6) Mul_Acc(12, 5) Mul_Acc(13, 4) Mul_Acc(14, 3) Mul_Acc(15, 2) \
00881         Mul_SaveAcc(17, 3, 15) Mul_Acc(4, 14) Mul_Acc(5, 13) Mul_Acc(6, 12) Mul_Acc(7, 11) Mul_Acc(8, 10) Mul_Acc(9, 9) Mul_Acc(10, 8) Mul_Acc(11, 7) Mul_Acc(12, 6) Mul_Acc(13, 5) Mul_Acc(14, 4) Mul_Acc(15, 3) \
00882         Mul_SaveAcc(18, 4, 15) Mul_Acc(5, 14) Mul_Acc(6, 13) Mul_Acc(7, 12) Mul_Acc(8, 11) Mul_Acc(9, 10) Mul_Acc(10, 9) Mul_Acc(11, 8) Mul_Acc(12, 7) Mul_Acc(13, 6) Mul_Acc(14, 5) Mul_Acc(15, 4) \
00883         Mul_SaveAcc(19, 5, 15) Mul_Acc(6, 14) Mul_Acc(7, 13) Mul_Acc(8, 12) Mul_Acc(9, 11) Mul_Acc(10, 10) Mul_Acc(11, 9) Mul_Acc(12, 8) Mul_Acc(13, 7) Mul_Acc(14, 6) Mul_Acc(15, 5) \
00884         Mul_SaveAcc(20, 6, 15) Mul_Acc(7, 14) Mul_Acc(8, 13) Mul_Acc(9, 12) Mul_Acc(10, 11) Mul_Acc(11, 10) Mul_Acc(12, 9) Mul_Acc(13, 8) Mul_Acc(14, 7) Mul_Acc(15, 6) \
00885         Mul_SaveAcc(21, 7, 15) Mul_Acc(8, 14) Mul_Acc(9, 13) Mul_Acc(10, 12) Mul_Acc(11, 11) Mul_Acc(12, 10) Mul_Acc(13, 9) Mul_Acc(14, 8) Mul_Acc(15, 7) \
00886         Mul_SaveAcc(22, 8, 15) Mul_Acc(9, 14) Mul_Acc(10, 13) Mul_Acc(11, 12) Mul_Acc(12, 11) Mul_Acc(13, 10) Mul_Acc(14, 9) Mul_Acc(15, 8) \
00887         Mul_SaveAcc(23, 9, 15) Mul_Acc(10, 14) Mul_Acc(11, 13) Mul_Acc(12, 12) Mul_Acc(13, 11) Mul_Acc(14, 10) Mul_Acc(15, 9) \
00888         Mul_SaveAcc(24, 10, 15) Mul_Acc(11, 14) Mul_Acc(12, 13) Mul_Acc(13, 12) Mul_Acc(14, 11) Mul_Acc(15, 10) \
00889         Mul_SaveAcc(25, 11, 15) Mul_Acc(12, 14) Mul_Acc(13, 13) Mul_Acc(14, 12) Mul_Acc(15, 11) \
00890         Mul_SaveAcc(26, 12, 15) Mul_Acc(13, 14) Mul_Acc(14, 13) Mul_Acc(15, 12) \
00891         Mul_SaveAcc(27, 13, 15) Mul_Acc(14, 14) Mul_Acc(15, 13) \
00892         Mul_SaveAcc(28, 14, 15) Mul_Acc(15, 14) \
00893         Mul_End(29, 15)
00895 #define Squ_2 \
00896         Squ_Begin(2) \
00897         Squ_End(2)
00899 #define Squ_4 \
00900         Squ_Begin(4) \
00901         Squ_SaveAcc(1, 0, 2) Squ_Diag(1) \
00902         Squ_SaveAcc(2, 0, 3) Squ_Acc(1, 2) Squ_NonDiag \
00903         Squ_SaveAcc(3, 1, 3) Squ_Diag(2) \
00904         Squ_SaveAcc(4, 2, 3) Squ_NonDiag \
00905         Squ_End(4)
00907 #define Squ_8 \
00908         Squ_Begin(8) \
00909         Squ_SaveAcc(1, 0, 2) Squ_Diag(1) \
00910         Squ_SaveAcc(2, 0, 3) Squ_Acc(1, 2) Squ_NonDiag \
00911         Squ_SaveAcc(3, 0, 4) Squ_Acc(1, 3) Squ_Diag(2) \
00912         Squ_SaveAcc(4, 0, 5) Squ_Acc(1, 4) Squ_Acc(2, 3) Squ_NonDiag \
00913         Squ_SaveAcc(5, 0, 6) Squ_Acc(1, 5) Squ_Acc(2, 4) Squ_Diag(3) \
00914         Squ_SaveAcc(6, 0, 7) Squ_Acc(1, 6) Squ_Acc(2, 5) Squ_Acc(3, 4) Squ_NonDiag \
00915         Squ_SaveAcc(7, 1, 7) Squ_Acc(2, 6) Squ_Acc(3, 5) Squ_Diag(4) \
00916         Squ_SaveAcc(8, 2, 7) Squ_Acc(3, 6) Squ_Acc(4, 5)  Squ_NonDiag \
00917         Squ_SaveAcc(9, 3, 7) Squ_Acc(4, 6) Squ_Diag(5) \
00918         Squ_SaveAcc(10, 4, 7) Squ_Acc(5, 6) Squ_NonDiag \
00919         Squ_SaveAcc(11, 5, 7) Squ_Diag(6) \
00920         Squ_SaveAcc(12, 6, 7) Squ_NonDiag \
00921         Squ_End(8)
00923 #define Squ_16 \
00924         Squ_Begin(16) \
00925         Squ_SaveAcc(1, 0, 2) Squ_Diag(1) \
00926         Squ_SaveAcc(2, 0, 3) Squ_Acc(1, 2) Squ_NonDiag \
00927         Squ_SaveAcc(3, 0, 4) Squ_Acc(1, 3) Squ_Diag(2) \
00928         Squ_SaveAcc(4, 0, 5) Squ_Acc(1, 4) Squ_Acc(2, 3) Squ_NonDiag \
00929         Squ_SaveAcc(5, 0, 6) Squ_Acc(1, 5) Squ_Acc(2, 4) Squ_Diag(3) \
00930         Squ_SaveAcc(6, 0, 7) Squ_Acc(1, 6) Squ_Acc(2, 5) Squ_Acc(3, 4) Squ_NonDiag \
00931         Squ_SaveAcc(7, 0, 8) Squ_Acc(1, 7) Squ_Acc(2, 6) Squ_Acc(3, 5) Squ_Diag(4) \
00932         Squ_SaveAcc(8, 0, 9) Squ_Acc(1, 8) Squ_Acc(2, 7) Squ_Acc(3, 6) Squ_Acc(4, 5) Squ_NonDiag \
00933         Squ_SaveAcc(9, 0, 10) Squ_Acc(1, 9) Squ_Acc(2, 8) Squ_Acc(3, 7) Squ_Acc(4, 6) Squ_Diag(5) \
00934         Squ_SaveAcc(10, 0, 11) Squ_Acc(1, 10) Squ_Acc(2, 9) Squ_Acc(3, 8) Squ_Acc(4, 7) Squ_Acc(5, 6) Squ_NonDiag \
00935         Squ_SaveAcc(11, 0, 12) Squ_Acc(1, 11) Squ_Acc(2, 10) Squ_Acc(3, 9) Squ_Acc(4, 8) Squ_Acc(5, 7) Squ_Diag(6) \
00936         Squ_SaveAcc(12, 0, 13) Squ_Acc(1, 12) Squ_Acc(2, 11) Squ_Acc(3, 10) Squ_Acc(4, 9) Squ_Acc(5, 8) Squ_Acc(6, 7) Squ_NonDiag \
00937         Squ_SaveAcc(13, 0, 14) Squ_Acc(1, 13) Squ_Acc(2, 12) Squ_Acc(3, 11) Squ_Acc(4, 10) Squ_Acc(5, 9) Squ_Acc(6, 8) Squ_Diag(7) \
00938         Squ_SaveAcc(14, 0, 15) Squ_Acc(1, 14) Squ_Acc(2, 13) Squ_Acc(3, 12) Squ_Acc(4, 11) Squ_Acc(5, 10) Squ_Acc(6, 9) Squ_Acc(7, 8) Squ_NonDiag \
00939         Squ_SaveAcc(15, 1, 15) Squ_Acc(2, 14) Squ_Acc(3, 13) Squ_Acc(4, 12) Squ_Acc(5, 11) Squ_Acc(6, 10) Squ_Acc(7, 9) Squ_Diag(8) \
00940         Squ_SaveAcc(16, 2, 15) Squ_Acc(3, 14) Squ_Acc(4, 13) Squ_Acc(5, 12) Squ_Acc(6, 11) Squ_Acc(7, 10) Squ_Acc(8, 9) Squ_NonDiag \
00941         Squ_SaveAcc(17, 3, 15) Squ_Acc(4, 14) Squ_Acc(5, 13) Squ_Acc(6, 12) Squ_Acc(7, 11) Squ_Acc(8, 10) Squ_Diag(9) \
00942         Squ_SaveAcc(18, 4, 15) Squ_Acc(5, 14) Squ_Acc(6, 13) Squ_Acc(7, 12) Squ_Acc(8, 11) Squ_Acc(9, 10) Squ_NonDiag \
00943         Squ_SaveAcc(19, 5, 15) Squ_Acc(6, 14) Squ_Acc(7, 13) Squ_Acc(8, 12) Squ_Acc(9, 11) Squ_Diag(10) \
00944         Squ_SaveAcc(20, 6, 15) Squ_Acc(7, 14) Squ_Acc(8, 13) Squ_Acc(9, 12) Squ_Acc(10, 11) Squ_NonDiag \
00945         Squ_SaveAcc(21, 7, 15) Squ_Acc(8, 14) Squ_Acc(9, 13) Squ_Acc(10, 12) Squ_Diag(11) \
00946         Squ_SaveAcc(22, 8, 15) Squ_Acc(9, 14) Squ_Acc(10, 13) Squ_Acc(11, 12) Squ_NonDiag \
00947         Squ_SaveAcc(23, 9, 15) Squ_Acc(10, 14) Squ_Acc(11, 13) Squ_Diag(12) \
00948         Squ_SaveAcc(24, 10, 15) Squ_Acc(11, 14) Squ_Acc(12, 13) Squ_NonDiag \
00949         Squ_SaveAcc(25, 11, 15) Squ_Acc(12, 14) Squ_Diag(13) \
00950         Squ_SaveAcc(26, 12, 15) Squ_Acc(13, 14) Squ_NonDiag \
00951         Squ_SaveAcc(27, 13, 15) Squ_Diag(14) \
00952         Squ_SaveAcc(28, 14, 15) Squ_NonDiag \
00953         Squ_End(16)
00955 #define Bot_2 \
00956         Mul_Begin(2) \
00957         Bot_SaveAcc(0, 0, 1) Bot_Acc(1, 0) \
00958         Bot_End(2)
00960 #define Bot_4 \
00961         Mul_Begin(4) \
00962         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 0, 1) Mul_Acc(1, 0) \
00963         Mul_SaveAcc(1, 2, 0) Mul_Acc(1, 1) Mul_Acc(0, 2)  \
00964         Bot_SaveAcc(2, 0, 3) Bot_Acc(1, 2) Bot_Acc(2, 1) Bot_Acc(3, 0)  \
00965         Bot_End(4)
00967 #define Bot_8 \
00968         Mul_Begin(8) \
00969         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 0, 1) Mul_Acc(1, 0) \
00970         Mul_SaveAcc(1, 0, 2) Mul_Acc(1, 1) Mul_Acc(2, 0)  \
00971         Mul_SaveAcc(2, 0, 3) Mul_Acc(1, 2) Mul_Acc(2, 1) Mul_Acc(3, 0)  \
00972         Mul_SaveAcc(3, 0, 4) Mul_Acc(1, 3) Mul_Acc(2, 2) Mul_Acc(3, 1) Mul_Acc(4, 0) \
00973         Mul_SaveAcc(4, 0, 5) Mul_Acc(1, 4) Mul_Acc(2, 3) Mul_Acc(3, 2) Mul_Acc(4, 1) Mul_Acc(5, 0) \
00974         Mul_SaveAcc(5, 0, 6) Mul_Acc(1, 5) Mul_Acc(2, 4) Mul_Acc(3, 3) Mul_Acc(4, 2) Mul_Acc(5, 1) Mul_Acc(6, 0) \
00975         Bot_SaveAcc(6, 0, 7) Bot_Acc(1, 6) Bot_Acc(2, 5) Bot_Acc(3, 4) Bot_Acc(4, 3) Bot_Acc(5, 2) Bot_Acc(6, 1) Bot_Acc(7, 0) \
00976         Bot_End(8)
00978 #define Bot_16 \
00979         Mul_Begin(16) \
00980         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 0, 1) Mul_Acc(1, 0) \
00981         Mul_SaveAcc(1, 0, 2) Mul_Acc(1, 1) Mul_Acc(2, 0) \
00982         Mul_SaveAcc(2, 0, 3) Mul_Acc(1, 2) Mul_Acc(2, 1) Mul_Acc(3, 0) \
00983         Mul_SaveAcc(3, 0, 4) Mul_Acc(1, 3) Mul_Acc(2, 2) Mul_Acc(3, 1) Mul_Acc(4, 0) \
00984         Mul_SaveAcc(4, 0, 5) Mul_Acc(1, 4) Mul_Acc(2, 3) Mul_Acc(3, 2) Mul_Acc(4, 1) Mul_Acc(5, 0) \
00985         Mul_SaveAcc(5, 0, 6) Mul_Acc(1, 5) Mul_Acc(2, 4) Mul_Acc(3, 3) Mul_Acc(4, 2) Mul_Acc(5, 1) Mul_Acc(6, 0) \
00986         Mul_SaveAcc(6, 0, 7) Mul_Acc(1, 6) Mul_Acc(2, 5) Mul_Acc(3, 4) Mul_Acc(4, 3) Mul_Acc(5, 2) Mul_Acc(6, 1) Mul_Acc(7, 0) \
00987         Mul_SaveAcc(7, 0, 8) Mul_Acc(1, 7) Mul_Acc(2, 6) Mul_Acc(3, 5) Mul_Acc(4, 4) Mul_Acc(5, 3) Mul_Acc(6, 2) Mul_Acc(7, 1) Mul_Acc(8, 0) \
00988         Mul_SaveAcc(8, 0, 9) Mul_Acc(1, 8) Mul_Acc(2, 7) Mul_Acc(3, 6) Mul_Acc(4, 5) Mul_Acc(5, 4) Mul_Acc(6, 3) Mul_Acc(7, 2) Mul_Acc(8, 1) Mul_Acc(9, 0) \
00989         Mul_SaveAcc(9, 0, 10) Mul_Acc(1, 9) Mul_Acc(2, 8) Mul_Acc(3, 7) Mul_Acc(4, 6) Mul_Acc(5, 5) Mul_Acc(6, 4) Mul_Acc(7, 3) Mul_Acc(8, 2) Mul_Acc(9, 1) Mul_Acc(10, 0) \
00990         Mul_SaveAcc(10, 0, 11) Mul_Acc(1, 10) Mul_Acc(2, 9) Mul_Acc(3, 8) Mul_Acc(4, 7) Mul_Acc(5, 6) Mul_Acc(6, 5) Mul_Acc(7, 4) Mul_Acc(8, 3) Mul_Acc(9, 2) Mul_Acc(10, 1) Mul_Acc(11, 0) \
00991         Mul_SaveAcc(11, 0, 12) Mul_Acc(1, 11) Mul_Acc(2, 10) Mul_Acc(3, 9) Mul_Acc(4, 8) Mul_Acc(5, 7) Mul_Acc(6, 6) Mul_Acc(7, 5) Mul_Acc(8, 4) Mul_Acc(9, 3) Mul_Acc(10, 2) Mul_Acc(11, 1) Mul_Acc(12, 0) \
00992         Mul_SaveAcc(12, 0, 13) Mul_Acc(1, 12) Mul_Acc(2, 11) Mul_Acc(3, 10) Mul_Acc(4, 9) Mul_Acc(5, 8) Mul_Acc(6, 7) Mul_Acc(7, 6) Mul_Acc(8, 5) Mul_Acc(9, 4) Mul_Acc(10, 3) Mul_Acc(11, 2) Mul_Acc(12, 1) Mul_Acc(13, 0) \
00993         Mul_SaveAcc(13, 0, 14) Mul_Acc(1, 13) Mul_Acc(2, 12) Mul_Acc(3, 11) Mul_Acc(4, 10) Mul_Acc(5, 9) Mul_Acc(6, 8) Mul_Acc(7, 7) Mul_Acc(8, 6) Mul_Acc(9, 5) Mul_Acc(10, 4) Mul_Acc(11, 3) Mul_Acc(12, 2) Mul_Acc(13, 1) Mul_Acc(14, 0) \
00994         Bot_SaveAcc(14, 0, 15) Bot_Acc(1, 14) Bot_Acc(2, 13) Bot_Acc(3, 12) Bot_Acc(4, 11) Bot_Acc(5, 10) Bot_Acc(6, 9) Bot_Acc(7, 8) Bot_Acc(8, 7) Bot_Acc(9, 6) Bot_Acc(10, 5) Bot_Acc(11, 4) Bot_Acc(12, 3) Bot_Acc(13, 2) Bot_Acc(14, 1) Bot_Acc(15, 0) \
00995         Bot_End(16)
00997 #endif
00999 #if 0
01000 #define Mul_Begin(n)                            \
01001         Declare2Words(p)                                \
01002         Declare2Words(c)                                \
01003         Declare2Words(d)                                \
01004         MultiplyWords(p, A[0], B[0])    \
01005         AssignWord(c, LowWord(p))               \
01006         AssignWord(d, HighWord(p))
01008 #define Mul_Acc(i, j)                           \
01009         MultiplyWords(p, A[i], B[j])    \
01010         Acc2WordsBy1(c, LowWord(p))             \
01011         Acc2WordsBy1(d, HighWord(p))
01013 #define Mul_SaveAcc(k, i, j)            \
01014         R[k] = LowWord(c);                              \
01015         Add2WordsBy1(c, d, HighWord(c)) \
01016         MultiplyWords(p, A[i], B[j])    \
01017         AssignWord(d, HighWord(p))              \
01018         Acc2WordsBy1(c, LowWord(p))
01020 #define Mul_End(n)                                      \
01021         R[2*n-3] = LowWord(c);                  \
01022         Acc2WordsBy1(d, HighWord(c))    \
01023         MultiplyWords(p, A[n-1], B[n-1])\
01024         Acc2WordsBy2(d, p)                              \
01025         R[2*n-2] = LowWord(d);                  \
01026         R[2*n-1] = HighWord(d);
01028 #define Bot_SaveAcc(k, i, j)            \
01029         R[k] = LowWord(c);                              \
01030         word e = LowWord(d) + HighWord(c);      \
01031         e += A[i] * B[j];
01033 #define Bot_Acc(i, j)   \
01034         e += A[i] * B[j];
01036 #define Bot_End(n)              \
01037         R[n-1] = e;
01038 #else
01039 #define Mul_Begin(n)                            \
01040         Declare2Words(p)                                \
01041         word c; \
01042         Declare2Words(d)                                \
01043         MultiplyWords(p, A[0], B[0])    \
01044         c = LowWord(p);         \
01045         AssignWord(d, HighWord(p))
01047 #define Mul_Acc(i, j)                           \
01048         MulAcc(c, d, A[i], B[j])
01050 #define Mul_SaveAcc(k, i, j)            \
01051         R[k] = c;                               \
01052         c = LowWord(d); \
01053         AssignWord(d, HighWord(d))      \
01054         MulAcc(c, d, A[i], B[j])
01056 #define Mul_End(k, i)                                   \
01057         R[k] = c;                       \
01058         MultiplyWords(p, A[i], B[i])    \
01059         Acc2WordsBy2(p, d)                              \
01060         R[k+1] = LowWord(p);                    \
01061         R[k+2] = HighWord(p);
01063 #define Bot_SaveAcc(k, i, j)            \
01064         R[k] = c;                               \
01065         c = LowWord(d); \
01066         c += A[i] * B[j];
01068 #define Bot_Acc(i, j)   \
01069         c += A[i] * B[j];
01071 #define Bot_End(n)              \
01072         R[n-1] = c;
01073 #endif
01075 #define Squ_Begin(n)                            \
01076         Declare2Words(p)                                \
01077         word c;                         \
01078         Declare2Words(d)                                \
01079         Declare2Words(e)                                \
01080         MultiplyWords(p, A[0], A[0])    \
01081         R[0] = LowWord(p);                              \
01082         AssignWord(e, HighWord(p))              \
01083         MultiplyWords(p, A[0], A[1])    \
01084         c = LowWord(p);         \
01085         AssignWord(d, HighWord(p))              \
01086         Squ_NonDiag                                             \
01088 #define Squ_NonDiag                             \
01089         Double3Words(c, d)
01091 #define Squ_SaveAcc(k, i, j)            \
01092         Acc3WordsBy2(c, d, e)                   \
01093         R[k] = c;                               \
01094         MultiplyWords(p, A[i], A[j])    \
01095         c = LowWord(p);         \
01096         AssignWord(d, HighWord(p))              \
01098 #define Squ_Acc(i, j)                           \
01099         MulAcc(c, d, A[i], A[j])
01101 #define Squ_Diag(i)                                     \
01102         Squ_NonDiag                                             \
01103         MulAcc(c, d, A[i], A[i])
01105 #define Squ_End(n)                                      \
01106         Acc3WordsBy2(c, d, e)                   \
01107         R[2*n-3] = c;                   \
01108         MultiplyWords(p, A[n-1], A[n-1])\
01109         Acc2WordsBy2(p, e)                              \
01110         R[2*n-2] = LowWord(p);                  \
01111         R[2*n-1] = HighWord(p);
01113 void Baseline_Multiply2(word *R, const word *A, const word *B)
01114 {
01115         Mul_2
01116 }
01118 void Baseline_Multiply4(word *R, const word *A, const word *B)
01119 {
01120         Mul_4
01121 }
01123 void Baseline_Multiply8(word *R, const word *A, const word *B)
01124 {
01125         Mul_8
01126 }
01128 void Baseline_Square2(word *R, const word *A)
01129 {
01130         Squ_2
01131 }
01133 void Baseline_Square4(word *R, const word *A)
01134 {
01135         Squ_4
01136 }
01138 void Baseline_Square8(word *R, const word *A)
01139 {
01140         Squ_8
01141 }
01143 void Baseline_MultiplyBottom2(word *R, const word *A, const word *B)
01144 {
01145         Bot_2
01146 }
01148 void Baseline_MultiplyBottom4(word *R, const word *A, const word *B)
01149 {
01150         Bot_4
01151 }
01153 void Baseline_MultiplyBottom8(word *R, const word *A, const word *B)
01154 {
01155         Bot_8
01156 }
01158 #define Top_Begin(n)                            \
01159         Declare2Words(p)                                \
01160         word c; \
01161         Declare2Words(d)                                \
01162         MultiplyWords(p, A[0], B[n-2]);\
01163         AssignWord(d, HighWord(p));
01165 #define Top_Acc(i, j)   \
01166         MultiplyWords(p, A[i], B[j]);\
01167         Acc2WordsBy1(d, HighWord(p));
01169 #define Top_SaveAcc0(i, j)              \
01170         c = LowWord(d); \
01171         AssignWord(d, HighWord(d))      \
01172         MulAcc(c, d, A[i], B[j])
01174 #define Top_SaveAcc1(i, j)              \
01175         c = L<c; \
01176         Acc2WordsBy1(d, c);     \
01177         c = LowWord(d); \
01178         AssignWord(d, HighWord(d))      \
01179         MulAcc(c, d, A[i], B[j])
01181 void Baseline_MultiplyTop2(word *R, const word *A, const word *B, word L)
01182 {
01183         word T[4];
01184         Baseline_Multiply2(T, A, B);
01185         R[0] = T[2];
01186         R[1] = T[3];
01187 }
01189 void Baseline_MultiplyTop4(word *R, const word *A, const word *B, word L)
01190 {
01191         Top_Begin(4)
01192         Top_Acc(1, 1) Top_Acc(2, 0)  \
01193         Top_SaveAcc0(0, 3) Mul_Acc(1, 2) Mul_Acc(2, 1) Mul_Acc(3, 0)  \
01194         Top_SaveAcc1(1, 3) Mul_Acc(2, 2) Mul_Acc(3, 1)  \
01195         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 2, 3) Mul_Acc(3, 2) \
01196         Mul_End(1, 3)
01197 }
01199 void Baseline_MultiplyTop8(word *R, const word *A, const word *B, word L)
01200 {
01201         Top_Begin(8)
01202         Top_Acc(1, 5) Top_Acc(2, 4) Top_Acc(3, 3) Top_Acc(4, 2) Top_Acc(5, 1) Top_Acc(6, 0) \
01203         Top_SaveAcc0(0, 7) Mul_Acc(1, 6) Mul_Acc(2, 5) Mul_Acc(3, 4) Mul_Acc(4, 3) Mul_Acc(5, 2) Mul_Acc(6, 1) Mul_Acc(7, 0) \
01204         Top_SaveAcc1(1, 7) Mul_Acc(2, 6) Mul_Acc(3, 5) Mul_Acc(4, 4) Mul_Acc(5, 3) Mul_Acc(6, 2) Mul_Acc(7, 1) \
01205         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 2, 7) Mul_Acc(3, 6) Mul_Acc(4, 5) Mul_Acc(5, 4) Mul_Acc(6, 3) Mul_Acc(7, 2) \
01206         Mul_SaveAcc(1, 3, 7) Mul_Acc(4, 6) Mul_Acc(5, 5) Mul_Acc(6, 4) Mul_Acc(7, 3) \
01207         Mul_SaveAcc(2, 4, 7) Mul_Acc(5, 6) Mul_Acc(6, 5) Mul_Acc(7, 4) \
01208         Mul_SaveAcc(3, 5, 7) Mul_Acc(6, 6) Mul_Acc(7, 5) \
01209         Mul_SaveAcc(4, 6, 7) Mul_Acc(7, 6) \
01210         Mul_End(5, 7)
01211 }
01213 #if !CRYPTOPP_INTEGER_SSE2      // save memory by not compiling these functions when SSE2 is available
01214 void Baseline_Multiply16(word *R, const word *A, const word *B)
01215 {
01216         Mul_16
01217 }
01219 void Baseline_Square16(word *R, const word *A)
01220 {
01221         Squ_16
01222 }
01224 void Baseline_MultiplyBottom16(word *R, const word *A, const word *B)
01225 {
01226         Bot_16
01227 }
01229 void Baseline_MultiplyTop16(word *R, const word *A, const word *B, word L)
01230 {
01231         Top_Begin(16)
01232         Top_Acc(1, 13) Top_Acc(2, 12) Top_Acc(3, 11) Top_Acc(4, 10) Top_Acc(5, 9) Top_Acc(6, 8) Top_Acc(7, 7) Top_Acc(8, 6) Top_Acc(9, 5) Top_Acc(10, 4) Top_Acc(11, 3) Top_Acc(12, 2) Top_Acc(13, 1) Top_Acc(14, 0) \
01233         Top_SaveAcc0(0, 15) Mul_Acc(1, 14) Mul_Acc(2, 13) Mul_Acc(3, 12) Mul_Acc(4, 11) Mul_Acc(5, 10) Mul_Acc(6, 9) Mul_Acc(7, 8) Mul_Acc(8, 7) Mul_Acc(9, 6) Mul_Acc(10, 5) Mul_Acc(11, 4) Mul_Acc(12, 3) Mul_Acc(13, 2) Mul_Acc(14, 1) Mul_Acc(15, 0) \
01234         Top_SaveAcc1(1, 15) Mul_Acc(2, 14) Mul_Acc(3, 13) Mul_Acc(4, 12) Mul_Acc(5, 11) Mul_Acc(6, 10) Mul_Acc(7, 9) Mul_Acc(8, 8) Mul_Acc(9, 7) Mul_Acc(10, 6) Mul_Acc(11, 5) Mul_Acc(12, 4) Mul_Acc(13, 3) Mul_Acc(14, 2) Mul_Acc(15, 1) \
01235         Mul_SaveAcc(0, 2, 15) Mul_Acc(3, 14) Mul_Acc(4, 13) Mul_Acc(5, 12) Mul_Acc(6, 11) Mul_Acc(7, 10) Mul_Acc(8, 9) Mul_Acc(9, 8) Mul_Acc(10, 7) Mul_Acc(11, 6) Mul_Acc(12, 5) Mul_Acc(13, 4) Mul_Acc(14, 3) Mul_Acc(15, 2) \
01236         Mul_SaveAcc(1, 3, 15) Mul_Acc(4, 14) Mul_Acc(5, 13) Mul_Acc(6, 12) Mul_Acc(7, 11) Mul_Acc(8, 10) Mul_Acc(9, 9) Mul_Acc(10, 8) Mul_Acc(11, 7) Mul_Acc(12, 6) Mul_Acc(13, 5) Mul_Acc(14, 4) Mul_Acc(15, 3) \
01237         Mul_SaveAcc(2, 4, 15) Mul_Acc(5, 14) Mul_Acc(6, 13) Mul_Acc(7, 12) Mul_Acc(8, 11) Mul_Acc(9, 10) Mul_Acc(10, 9) Mul_Acc(11, 8) Mul_Acc(12, 7) Mul_Acc(13, 6) Mul_Acc(14, 5) Mul_Acc(15, 4) \
01238         Mul_SaveAcc(3, 5, 15) Mul_Acc(6, 14) Mul_Acc(7, 13) Mul_Acc(8, 12) Mul_Acc(9, 11) Mul_Acc(10, 10) Mul_Acc(11, 9) Mul_Acc(12, 8) Mul_Acc(13, 7) Mul_Acc(14, 6) Mul_Acc(15, 5) \
01239         Mul_SaveAcc(4, 6, 15) Mul_Acc(7, 14) Mul_Acc(8, 13) Mul_Acc(9, 12) Mul_Acc(10, 11) Mul_Acc(11, 10) Mul_Acc(12, 9) Mul_Acc(13, 8) Mul_Acc(14, 7) Mul_Acc(15, 6) \
01240         Mul_SaveAcc(5, 7, 15) Mul_Acc(8, 14) Mul_Acc(9, 13) Mul_Acc(10, 12) Mul_Acc(11, 11) Mul_Acc(12, 10) Mul_Acc(13, 9) Mul_Acc(14, 8) Mul_Acc(15, 7) \
01241         Mul_SaveAcc(6, 8, 15) Mul_Acc(9, 14) Mul_Acc(10, 13) Mul_Acc(11, 12) Mul_Acc(12, 11) Mul_Acc(13, 10) Mul_Acc(14, 9) Mul_Acc(15, 8) \
01242         Mul_SaveAcc(7, 9, 15) Mul_Acc(10, 14) Mul_Acc(11, 13) Mul_Acc(12, 12) Mul_Acc(13, 11) Mul_Acc(14, 10) Mul_Acc(15, 9) \
01243         Mul_SaveAcc(8, 10, 15) Mul_Acc(11, 14) Mul_Acc(12, 13) Mul_Acc(13, 12) Mul_Acc(14, 11) Mul_Acc(15, 10) \
01244         Mul_SaveAcc(9, 11, 15) Mul_Acc(12, 14) Mul_Acc(13, 13) Mul_Acc(14, 12) Mul_Acc(15, 11) \
01245         Mul_SaveAcc(10, 12, 15) Mul_Acc(13, 14) Mul_Acc(14, 13) Mul_Acc(15, 12) \
01246         Mul_SaveAcc(11, 13, 15) Mul_Acc(14, 14) Mul_Acc(15, 13) \
01247         Mul_SaveAcc(12, 14, 15) Mul_Acc(15, 14) \
01248         Mul_End(13, 15)
01249 }
01250 #endif
01252 // ********************************************************
01256 CRYPTOPP_ALIGN_DATA(16) static const word32 s_maskLow16[4] CRYPTOPP_SECTION_ALIGN16 = {0xffff,0xffff,0xffff,0xffff};
01258 #undef Mul_Begin
01259 #undef Mul_Acc
01260 #undef Top_Begin
01261 #undef Top_Acc
01262 #undef Squ_Acc
01263 #undef Squ_NonDiag
01264 #undef Squ_Diag
01265 #undef Squ_SaveAcc
01266 #undef Squ_Begin
01267 #undef Mul_SaveAcc
01268 #undef Bot_Acc
01269 #undef Bot_SaveAcc
01270 #undef Bot_End
01271 #undef Squ_End
01272 #undef Mul_End
01274 #define SSE2_FinalSave(k)                       \
01275         AS2(    psllq           xmm5, 16)       \
01276         AS2(    paddq           xmm4, xmm5)     \
01277         AS2(    movq            QWORD PTR [ecx+8*(k)], xmm4)
01279 #define SSE2_SaveShift(k)                       \
01280         AS2(    movq            xmm0, xmm6)     \
01281         AS2(    punpckhqdq      xmm6, xmm0)     \
01282         AS2(    movq            xmm1, xmm7)     \
01283         AS2(    punpckhqdq      xmm7, xmm1)     \
01284         AS2(    paddd           xmm6, xmm0)     \
01285         AS2(    pslldq          xmm6, 4)        \
01286         AS2(    paddd           xmm7, xmm1)     \
01287         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm6)     \
01288         AS2(    pslldq          xmm7, 4)        \
01289         AS2(    movq            xmm6, xmm4)     \
01290         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm7)     \
01291         AS2(    movq            xmm7, xmm5)     \
01292         AS2(    movd            DWORD PTR [ecx+8*(k)], xmm4)    \
01293         AS2(    psrlq           xmm6, 16)       \
01294         AS2(    paddq           xmm6, xmm7)     \
01295         AS2(    punpckhqdq      xmm4, xmm0)     \
01296         AS2(    punpckhqdq      xmm5, xmm0)     \
01297         AS2(    movq            QWORD PTR [ecx+8*(k)+2], xmm6)  \
01298         AS2(    psrlq           xmm6, 3*16)     \
01299         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm6)     \
01301 #define Squ_SSE2_SaveShift(k)                   \
01302         AS2(    movq            xmm0, xmm6)     \
01303         AS2(    punpckhqdq      xmm6, xmm0)     \
01304         AS2(    movq            xmm1, xmm7)     \
01305         AS2(    punpckhqdq      xmm7, xmm1)     \
01306         AS2(    paddd           xmm6, xmm0)     \
01307         AS2(    pslldq          xmm6, 4)        \
01308         AS2(    paddd           xmm7, xmm1)     \
01309         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm6)     \
01310         AS2(    pslldq          xmm7, 4)        \
01311         AS2(    movhlps         xmm6, xmm4)     \
01312         AS2(    movd            DWORD PTR [ecx+8*(k)], xmm4)    \
01313         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm7)     \
01314         AS2(    movhps          QWORD PTR [esp+12], xmm5)\
01315         AS2(    psrlq           xmm4, 16)       \
01316         AS2(    paddq           xmm4, xmm5)     \
01317         AS2(    movq            QWORD PTR [ecx+8*(k)+2], xmm4)  \
01318         AS2(    psrlq           xmm4, 3*16)     \
01319         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm6)     \
01320         AS2(    movq            QWORD PTR [esp+4], xmm4)\
01322 #define SSE2_FirstMultiply(i)                           \
01323         AS2(    movdqa          xmm7, [esi+(i)*16])\
01324         AS2(    movdqa          xmm5, [edi-(i)*16])\
01325         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm5, xmm7)             \
01326         AS2(    movdqa          xmm4, [ebx])\
01327         AS2(    movdqa          xmm6, xmm4)             \
01328         AS2(    pand            xmm4, xmm5)             \
01329         AS2(    psrld           xmm5, 16)               \
01330         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm7, [edx-(i)*16])\
01331         AS2(    pand            xmm6, xmm7)             \
01332         AS2(    psrld           xmm7, 16)
01334 #define Squ_Begin(n)                                                    \
01335         SquPrologue                                                                     \
01336         AS2(    mov             esi, esp)\
01337         AS2(    and             esp, 0xfffffff0)\
01338         AS2(    lea             edi, [esp-32*n])\
01339         AS2(    sub             esp, 32*n+16)\
01340         AS1(    push    esi)\
01341         AS2(    mov             esi, edi)                                       \
01342         AS2(    xor             edx, edx)                                       \
01343         ASL(1)                                                                          \
01344         ASS(    pshufd  xmm0, [eax+edx], 3,1,2,0)       \
01345         ASS(    pshufd  xmm1, [eax+edx], 2,0,3,1)       \
01346         AS2(    movdqa  [edi+2*edx], xmm0)              \
01347         AS2(    psrlq   xmm0, 32)                                       \
01348         AS2(    movdqa  [edi+2*edx+16], xmm0)   \
01349         AS2(    movdqa  [edi+16*n+2*edx], xmm1)         \
01350         AS2(    psrlq   xmm1, 32)                                       \
01351         AS2(    movdqa  [edi+16*n+2*edx+16], xmm1)      \
01352         AS2(    add             edx, 16)                                        \
01353         AS2(    cmp             edx, 8*(n))                                     \
01354         ASJ(    jne,    1, b)                                           \
01355         AS2(    lea             edx, [edi+16*n])\
01356         SSE2_FirstMultiply(0)                                                   \
01358 #define Squ_Acc(i)                                                              \
01359         ASL(LSqu##i)                                                            \
01360         AS2(    movdqa          xmm1, [esi+(i)*16])     \
01361         AS2(    movdqa          xmm0, [edi-(i)*16])     \
01362         AS2(    movdqa          xmm2, [ebx])    \
01363         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm0, xmm1)                             \
01364         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm1, [edx-(i)*16])     \
01365         AS2(    movdqa          xmm3, xmm2)                     \
01366         AS2(    pand            xmm2, xmm0)                     \
01367         AS2(    psrld           xmm0, 16)                       \
01368         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm2)                     \
01369         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm0)                     \
01370         AS2(    pand            xmm3, xmm1)                     \
01371         AS2(    psrld           xmm1, 16)                       \
01372         AS2(    paddd           xmm6, xmm3)                     \
01373         AS2(    paddd           xmm7, xmm1)             \
01375 #define Squ_Acc1(i)             
01376 #define Squ_Acc2(i)             ASC(call, LSqu##i)
01377 #define Squ_Acc3(i)             Squ_Acc2(i)
01378 #define Squ_Acc4(i)             Squ_Acc2(i)
01379 #define Squ_Acc5(i)             Squ_Acc2(i)
01380 #define Squ_Acc6(i)             Squ_Acc2(i)
01381 #define Squ_Acc7(i)             Squ_Acc2(i)
01382 #define Squ_Acc8(i)             Squ_Acc2(i)
01384 #define SSE2_End(E, n)                                  \
01385         SSE2_SaveShift(2*(n)-3)                 \
01386         AS2(    movdqa          xmm7, [esi+16]) \
01387         AS2(    movdqa          xmm0, [edi])    \
01388         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm0, xmm7)                             \
01389         AS2(    movdqa          xmm2, [ebx])            \
01390         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm7, [edx])    \
01391         AS2(    movdqa          xmm6, xmm2)                             \
01392         AS2(    pand            xmm2, xmm0)                             \
01393         AS2(    psrld           xmm0, 16)                               \
01394         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm2)                             \
01395         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm0)                             \
01396         AS2(    pand            xmm6, xmm7)                             \
01397         AS2(    psrld           xmm7, 16)       \
01398         SSE2_SaveShift(2*(n)-2)                 \
01399         SSE2_FinalSave(2*(n)-1)                 \
01400         AS1(    pop             esp)\
01401         E
01403 #define Squ_End(n)              SSE2_End(SquEpilogue, n)
01404 #define Mul_End(n)              SSE2_End(MulEpilogue, n)
01405 #define Top_End(n)              SSE2_End(TopEpilogue, n)
01407 #define Squ_Column1(k, i)       \
01408         Squ_SSE2_SaveShift(k)                                   \
01409         AS2(    add                     esi, 16)        \
01410         SSE2_FirstMultiply(1)\
01411         Squ_Acc##i(i)   \
01412         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm4)             \
01413         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm5)             \
01414         AS2(    movdqa          xmm3, [esi])                            \
01415         AS2(    movq            xmm1, QWORD PTR [esi+8])        \
01416         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm1, xmm3)             \
01417         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm3, xmm3)             \
01418         AS2(    movdqa          xmm0, [ebx])\
01419         AS2(    movdqa          xmm2, xmm0)             \
01420         AS2(    pand            xmm0, xmm1)             \
01421         AS2(    psrld           xmm1, 16)               \
01422         AS2(    paddd           xmm6, xmm0)             \
01423         AS2(    paddd           xmm7, xmm1)             \
01424         AS2(    pand            xmm2, xmm3)             \
01425         AS2(    psrld           xmm3, 16)               \
01426         AS2(    paddd           xmm6, xmm6)             \
01427         AS2(    paddd           xmm7, xmm7)             \
01428         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm2)             \
01429         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm3)             \
01430         AS2(    movq            xmm0, QWORD PTR [esp+4])\
01431         AS2(    movq            xmm1, QWORD PTR [esp+12])\
01432         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm0)\
01433         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm1)\
01435 #define Squ_Column0(k, i)       \
01436         Squ_SSE2_SaveShift(k)                                   \
01437         AS2(    add                     edi, 16)        \
01438         AS2(    add                     edx, 16)        \
01439         SSE2_FirstMultiply(1)\
01440         Squ_Acc##i(i)   \
01441         AS2(    paddd           xmm6, xmm6)             \
01442         AS2(    paddd           xmm7, xmm7)             \
01443         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm4)             \
01444         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm5)             \
01445         AS2(    movq            xmm0, QWORD PTR [esp+4])\
01446         AS2(    movq            xmm1, QWORD PTR [esp+12])\
01447         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm0)\
01448         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm1)\
01450 #define SSE2_MulAdd45                                           \
01451         AS2(    movdqa          xmm7, [esi])    \
01452         AS2(    movdqa          xmm0, [edi])    \
01453         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm0, xmm7)                             \
01454         AS2(    movdqa          xmm2, [ebx])            \
01455         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm7, [edx])    \
01456         AS2(    movdqa          xmm6, xmm2)                             \
01457         AS2(    pand            xmm2, xmm0)                             \
01458         AS2(    psrld           xmm0, 16)                               \
01459         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm2)                             \
01460         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm0)                             \
01461         AS2(    pand            xmm6, xmm7)                             \
01462         AS2(    psrld           xmm7, 16)
01464 #define Mul_Begin(n)                                                    \
01465         MulPrologue                                                                     \
01466         AS2(    mov             esi, esp)\
01467         AS2(    and             esp, 0xfffffff0)\
01468         AS2(    sub             esp, 48*n+16)\
01469         AS1(    push    esi)\
01470         AS2(    xor             edx, edx)                                       \
01471         ASL(1)                                                                          \
01472         ASS(    pshufd  xmm0, [eax+edx], 3,1,2,0)       \
01473         ASS(    pshufd  xmm1, [eax+edx], 2,0,3,1)       \
01474         ASS(    pshufd  xmm2, [edi+edx], 3,1,2,0)       \
01475         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+2*edx], xmm0)           \
01476         AS2(    psrlq   xmm0, 32)                                       \
01477         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+2*edx+16], xmm0)        \
01478         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+16*n+2*edx], xmm1)              \
01479         AS2(    psrlq   xmm1, 32)                                       \
01480         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+16*n+2*edx+16], xmm1)   \
01481         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+32*n+2*edx], xmm2)              \
01482         AS2(    psrlq   xmm2, 32)                                       \
01483         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+32*n+2*edx+16], xmm2)   \
01484         AS2(    add             edx, 16)                                        \
01485         AS2(    cmp             edx, 8*(n))                                     \
01486         ASJ(    jne,    1, b)                                           \
01487         AS2(    lea             edi, [esp+20])\
01488         AS2(    lea             edx, [esp+20+16*n])\
01489         AS2(    lea             esi, [esp+20+32*n])\
01490         SSE2_FirstMultiply(0)                                                   \
01492 #define Mul_Acc(i)                                                              \
01493         ASL(LMul##i)                                                                            \
01494         AS2(    movdqa          xmm1, [esi+i/2*(1-(i-2*(i/2))*2)*16])   \
01495         AS2(    movdqa          xmm0, [edi-i/2*(1-(i-2*(i/2))*2)*16])   \
01496         AS2(    movdqa          xmm2, [ebx])    \
01497         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm0, xmm1)                             \
01498         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm1, [edx-i/2*(1-(i-2*(i/2))*2)*16])   \
01499         AS2(    movdqa          xmm3, xmm2)                     \
01500         AS2(    pand            xmm2, xmm0)                     \
01501         AS2(    psrld           xmm0, 16)                       \
01502         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm2)                     \
01503         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm0)                     \
01504         AS2(    pand            xmm3, xmm1)                     \
01505         AS2(    psrld           xmm1, 16)                       \
01506         AS2(    paddd           xmm6, xmm3)                     \
01507         AS2(    paddd           xmm7, xmm1)             \
01509 #define Mul_Acc1(i)             
01510 #define Mul_Acc2(i)             ASC(call, LMul##i)
01511 #define Mul_Acc3(i)             Mul_Acc2(i)
01512 #define Mul_Acc4(i)             Mul_Acc2(i)
01513 #define Mul_Acc5(i)             Mul_Acc2(i)
01514 #define Mul_Acc6(i)             Mul_Acc2(i)
01515 #define Mul_Acc7(i)             Mul_Acc2(i)
01516 #define Mul_Acc8(i)             Mul_Acc2(i)
01517 #define Mul_Acc9(i)             Mul_Acc2(i)
01518 #define Mul_Acc10(i)    Mul_Acc2(i)
01519 #define Mul_Acc11(i)    Mul_Acc2(i)
01520 #define Mul_Acc12(i)    Mul_Acc2(i)
01521 #define Mul_Acc13(i)    Mul_Acc2(i)
01522 #define Mul_Acc14(i)    Mul_Acc2(i)
01523 #define Mul_Acc15(i)    Mul_Acc2(i)
01524 #define Mul_Acc16(i)    Mul_Acc2(i)
01526 #define Mul_Column1(k, i)       \
01527         SSE2_SaveShift(k)                                       \
01528         AS2(    add                     esi, 16)        \
01529         SSE2_MulAdd45\
01530         Mul_Acc##i(i)   \
01532 #define Mul_Column0(k, i)       \
01533         SSE2_SaveShift(k)                                       \
01534         AS2(    add                     edi, 16)        \
01535         AS2(    add                     edx, 16)        \
01536         SSE2_MulAdd45\
01537         Mul_Acc##i(i)   \
01539 #define Bot_Acc(i)                                                      \
01540         AS2(    movdqa          xmm1, [esi+i/2*(1-(i-2*(i/2))*2)*16])   \
01541         AS2(    movdqa          xmm0, [edi-i/2*(1-(i-2*(i/2))*2)*16])   \
01542         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm0, xmm1)                             \
01543         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm1, [edx-i/2*(1-(i-2*(i/2))*2)*16])           \
01544         AS2(    paddq           xmm4, xmm0)                             \
01545         AS2(    paddd           xmm6, xmm1)
01547 #define Bot_SaveAcc(k)                                  \
01548         SSE2_SaveShift(k)                                                       \
01549         AS2(    add                     edi, 16)        \
01550         AS2(    add                     edx, 16)        \
01551         AS2(    movdqa          xmm6, [esi])    \
01552         AS2(    movdqa          xmm0, [edi])    \
01553         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm0, xmm6)                             \
01554         AS2(    paddq           xmm4, xmm0)                             \
01555         AS2(    psllq           xmm5, 16)                               \
01556         AS2(    paddq           xmm4, xmm5)                             \
01557         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm6, [edx])
01559 #define Bot_End(n)                                                      \
01560         AS2(    movhlps         xmm7, xmm6)                     \
01561         AS2(    paddd           xmm6, xmm7)                     \
01562         AS2(    psllq           xmm6, 32)                       \
01563         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm6)                     \
01564         AS2(    movq            QWORD PTR [ecx+8*((n)-1)], xmm4)        \
01565         AS1(    pop             esp)\
01566         MulEpilogue
01568 #define Top_Begin(n)                                                    \
01569         TopPrologue                                                                     \
01570         AS2(    mov             edx, esp)\
01571         AS2(    and             esp, 0xfffffff0)\
01572         AS2(    sub             esp, 48*n+16)\
01573         AS1(    push    edx)\
01574         AS2(    xor             edx, edx)                                       \
01575         ASL(1)                                                                          \
01576         ASS(    pshufd  xmm0, [eax+edx], 3,1,2,0)       \
01577         ASS(    pshufd  xmm1, [eax+edx], 2,0,3,1)       \
01578         ASS(    pshufd  xmm2, [edi+edx], 3,1,2,0)       \
01579         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+2*edx], xmm0)           \
01580         AS2(    psrlq   xmm0, 32)                                       \
01581         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+2*edx+16], xmm0)        \
01582         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+16*n+2*edx], xmm1)              \
01583         AS2(    psrlq   xmm1, 32)                                       \
01584         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+16*n+2*edx+16], xmm1)   \
01585         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+32*n+2*edx], xmm2)              \
01586         AS2(    psrlq   xmm2, 32)                                       \
01587         AS2(    movdqa  [esp+20+32*n+2*edx+16], xmm2)   \
01588         AS2(    add             edx, 16)                                        \
01589         AS2(    cmp             edx, 8*(n))                                     \
01590         ASJ(    jne,    1, b)                                           \
01591         AS2(    mov             eax, esi)                                       \
01592         AS2(    lea             edi, [esp+20+00*n+16*(n/2-1)])\
01593         AS2(    lea             edx, [esp+20+16*n+16*(n/2-1)])\
01594         AS2(    lea             esi, [esp+20+32*n+16*(n/2-1)])\
01595         AS2(    pxor    xmm4, xmm4)\
01596         AS2(    pxor    xmm5, xmm5)
01598 #define Top_Acc(i)                                                      \
01599         AS2(    movq            xmm0, QWORD PTR [esi+i/2*(1-(i-2*(i/2))*2)*16+8])       \
01600         AS2(    pmuludq         xmm0, [edx-i/2*(1-(i-2*(i/2))*2)*16])   \
01601         AS2(    psrlq           xmm0, 48)                               \
01602         AS2(    paddd           xmm5, xmm0)\
01604 #define Top_Column0(i)  \
01605         AS2(    psllq           xmm5, 32)                               \
01606         AS2(    add                     edi, 16)        \
01607         AS2(    add                     edx, 16)        \
01608         SSE2_MulAdd45\
01609         Mul_Acc##i(i)   \
01611 #define Top_Column1(i)  \
01612         SSE2_SaveShift(0)                                       \
01613         AS2(    add                     esi, 16)        \
01614         SSE2_MulAdd45\
01615         Mul_Acc##i(i)   \
01616         AS2(    shr                     eax, 16)        \
01617         AS2(    movd            xmm0, eax)\
01618         AS2(    movd            xmm1, [ecx+4])\
01619         AS2(    psrld           xmm1, 16)\
01620         AS2(    pcmpgtd         xmm1, xmm0)\
01621         AS2(    psrld           xmm1, 31)\
01622         AS2(    paddd           xmm4, xmm1)\
01624 void SSE2_Square4(word *C, const word *A)
01625 {
01626         Squ_Begin(2)
01627         Squ_Column0(0, 1)
01628         Squ_End(2)
01629 }
01631 void SSE2_Square8(word *C, const word *A)
01632 {
01633         Squ_Begin(4)
01634 #ifndef __GNUC__
01635         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01636         Squ_Acc(2)
01637         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01638 #endif
01639         Squ_Column0(0, 1)
01640         Squ_Column1(1, 1)
01641         Squ_Column0(2, 2)
01642         Squ_Column1(3, 1)
01643         Squ_Column0(4, 1)
01644         Squ_End(4)
01645 }
01647 void SSE2_Square16(word *C, const word *A)
01648 {
01649         Squ_Begin(8)
01650 #ifndef __GNUC__
01651         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01652         Squ_Acc(4) Squ_Acc(3) Squ_Acc(2)
01653         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01654 #endif
01655         Squ_Column0(0, 1)
01656         Squ_Column1(1, 1)
01657         Squ_Column0(2, 2)
01658         Squ_Column1(3, 2)
01659         Squ_Column0(4, 3)
01660         Squ_Column1(5, 3)
01661         Squ_Column0(6, 4)
01662         Squ_Column1(7, 3)
01663         Squ_Column0(8, 3)
01664         Squ_Column1(9, 2)
01665         Squ_Column0(10, 2)
01666         Squ_Column1(11, 1)
01667         Squ_Column0(12, 1)
01668         Squ_End(8)
01669 }
01671 void SSE2_Square32(word *C, const word *A)
01672 {
01673         Squ_Begin(16)
01674         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01675         Squ_Acc(8) Squ_Acc(7) Squ_Acc(6) Squ_Acc(5) Squ_Acc(4) Squ_Acc(3) Squ_Acc(2)
01676         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01677         Squ_Column0(0, 1)
01678         Squ_Column1(1, 1)
01679         Squ_Column0(2, 2)
01680         Squ_Column1(3, 2)
01681         Squ_Column0(4, 3)
01682         Squ_Column1(5, 3)
01683         Squ_Column0(6, 4)
01684         Squ_Column1(7, 4)
01685         Squ_Column0(8, 5)
01686         Squ_Column1(9, 5)
01687         Squ_Column0(10, 6)
01688         Squ_Column1(11, 6)
01689         Squ_Column0(12, 7)
01690         Squ_Column1(13, 7)
01691         Squ_Column0(14, 8)
01692         Squ_Column1(15, 7)
01693         Squ_Column0(16, 7)
01694         Squ_Column1(17, 6)
01695         Squ_Column0(18, 6)
01696         Squ_Column1(19, 5)
01697         Squ_Column0(20, 5)
01698         Squ_Column1(21, 4)
01699         Squ_Column0(22, 4)
01700         Squ_Column1(23, 3)
01701         Squ_Column0(24, 3)
01702         Squ_Column1(25, 2)
01703         Squ_Column0(26, 2)
01704         Squ_Column1(27, 1)
01705         Squ_Column0(28, 1)
01706         Squ_End(16)
01707 }
01709 void SSE2_Multiply4(word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
01710 {
01711         Mul_Begin(2)
01712 #ifndef __GNUC__
01713         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01714         Mul_Acc(2)
01715         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01716 #endif
01717         Mul_Column0(0, 2)
01718         Mul_End(2)
01719 }
01721 void SSE2_Multiply8(word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
01722 {
01723         Mul_Begin(4)
01724 #ifndef __GNUC__
01725         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01726         Mul_Acc(4) Mul_Acc(3) Mul_Acc(2)
01727         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01728 #endif
01729         Mul_Column0(0, 2)
01730         Mul_Column1(1, 3)
01731         Mul_Column0(2, 4)
01732         Mul_Column1(3, 3)
01733         Mul_Column0(4, 2)
01734         Mul_End(4)
01735 }
01737 void SSE2_Multiply16(word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
01738 {
01739         Mul_Begin(8)
01740 #ifndef __GNUC__
01741         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01742         Mul_Acc(8) Mul_Acc(7) Mul_Acc(6) Mul_Acc(5) Mul_Acc(4) Mul_Acc(3) Mul_Acc(2)
01743         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01744 #endif
01745         Mul_Column0(0, 2)
01746         Mul_Column1(1, 3)
01747         Mul_Column0(2, 4)
01748         Mul_Column1(3, 5)
01749         Mul_Column0(4, 6)
01750         Mul_Column1(5, 7)
01751         Mul_Column0(6, 8)
01752         Mul_Column1(7, 7)
01753         Mul_Column0(8, 6)
01754         Mul_Column1(9, 5)
01755         Mul_Column0(10, 4)
01756         Mul_Column1(11, 3)
01757         Mul_Column0(12, 2)
01758         Mul_End(8)
01759 }
01761 void SSE2_Multiply32(word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
01762 {
01763         Mul_Begin(16)
01764         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01765         Mul_Acc(16) Mul_Acc(15) Mul_Acc(14) Mul_Acc(13) Mul_Acc(12) Mul_Acc(11) Mul_Acc(10) Mul_Acc(9) Mul_Acc(8) Mul_Acc(7) Mul_Acc(6) Mul_Acc(5) Mul_Acc(4) Mul_Acc(3) Mul_Acc(2)
01766         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01767         Mul_Column0(0, 2)
01768         Mul_Column1(1, 3)
01769         Mul_Column0(2, 4)
01770         Mul_Column1(3, 5)
01771         Mul_Column0(4, 6)
01772         Mul_Column1(5, 7)
01773         Mul_Column0(6, 8)
01774         Mul_Column1(7, 9)
01775         Mul_Column0(8, 10)
01776         Mul_Column1(9, 11)
01777         Mul_Column0(10, 12)
01778         Mul_Column1(11, 13)
01779         Mul_Column0(12, 14)
01780         Mul_Column1(13, 15)
01781         Mul_Column0(14, 16)
01782         Mul_Column1(15, 15)
01783         Mul_Column0(16, 14)
01784         Mul_Column1(17, 13)
01785         Mul_Column0(18, 12)
01786         Mul_Column1(19, 11)
01787         Mul_Column0(20, 10)
01788         Mul_Column1(21, 9)
01789         Mul_Column0(22, 8)
01790         Mul_Column1(23, 7)
01791         Mul_Column0(24, 6)
01792         Mul_Column1(25, 5)
01793         Mul_Column0(26, 4)
01794         Mul_Column1(27, 3)
01795         Mul_Column0(28, 2)
01796         Mul_End(16)
01797 }
01799 void SSE2_MultiplyBottom4(word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
01800 {
01801         Mul_Begin(2)
01802         Bot_SaveAcc(0) Bot_Acc(2)
01803         Bot_End(2)
01804 }
01806 void SSE2_MultiplyBottom8(word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
01807 {
01808         Mul_Begin(4)
01809 #ifndef __GNUC__
01810         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01811         Mul_Acc(3) Mul_Acc(2)
01812         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01813 #endif
01814         Mul_Column0(0, 2)
01815         Mul_Column1(1, 3)
01816         Bot_SaveAcc(2) Bot_Acc(4) Bot_Acc(3) Bot_Acc(2)
01817         Bot_End(4)
01818 }
01820 void SSE2_MultiplyBottom16(word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
01821 {
01822         Mul_Begin(8)
01823 #ifndef __GNUC__
01824         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01825         Mul_Acc(7) Mul_Acc(6) Mul_Acc(5) Mul_Acc(4) Mul_Acc(3) Mul_Acc(2)
01826         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01827 #endif
01828         Mul_Column0(0, 2)
01829         Mul_Column1(1, 3)
01830         Mul_Column0(2, 4)
01831         Mul_Column1(3, 5)
01832         Mul_Column0(4, 6)
01833         Mul_Column1(5, 7)
01834         Bot_SaveAcc(6) Bot_Acc(8) Bot_Acc(7) Bot_Acc(6) Bot_Acc(5) Bot_Acc(4) Bot_Acc(3) Bot_Acc(2)
01835         Bot_End(8)
01836 }
01838 void SSE2_MultiplyBottom32(word *C, const word *A, const word *B)
01839 {
01840         Mul_Begin(16)
01841 #ifndef __GNUC__
01842         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01843         Mul_Acc(15) Mul_Acc(14) Mul_Acc(13) Mul_Acc(12) Mul_Acc(11) Mul_Acc(10) Mul_Acc(9) Mul_Acc(8) Mul_Acc(7) Mul_Acc(6) Mul_Acc(5) Mul_Acc(4) Mul_Acc(3) Mul_Acc(2)
01844         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01845 #endif
01846         Mul_Column0(0, 2)
01847         Mul_Column1(1, 3)
01848         Mul_Column0(2, 4)
01849         Mul_Column1(3, 5)
01850         Mul_Column0(4, 6)
01851         Mul_Column1(5, 7)
01852         Mul_Column0(6, 8)
01853         Mul_Column1(7, 9)
01854         Mul_Column0(8, 10)
01855         Mul_Column1(9, 11)
01856         Mul_Column0(10, 12)
01857         Mul_Column1(11, 13)
01858         Mul_Column0(12, 14)
01859         Mul_Column1(13, 15)
01860         Bot_SaveAcc(14) Bot_Acc(16) Bot_Acc(15) Bot_Acc(14) Bot_Acc(13) Bot_Acc(12) Bot_Acc(11) Bot_Acc(10) Bot_Acc(9) Bot_Acc(8) Bot_Acc(7) Bot_Acc(6) Bot_Acc(5) Bot_Acc(4) Bot_Acc(3) Bot_Acc(2)
01861         Bot_End(16)
01862 }
01864 void SSE2_MultiplyTop8(word *C, const word *A, const word *B, word L)
01865 {
01866         Top_Begin(4)
01867         Top_Acc(3) Top_Acc(2) Top_Acc(1)
01868 #ifndef __GNUC__
01869         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01870         Mul_Acc(4) Mul_Acc(3) Mul_Acc(2)
01871         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01872 #endif
01873         Top_Column0(4)
01874         Top_Column1(3)
01875         Mul_Column0(0, 2)
01876         Top_End(2)
01877 }
01879 void SSE2_MultiplyTop16(word *C, const word *A, const word *B, word L)
01880 {
01881         Top_Begin(8)
01882         Top_Acc(7) Top_Acc(6) Top_Acc(5) Top_Acc(4) Top_Acc(3) Top_Acc(2) Top_Acc(1)
01883 #ifndef __GNUC__
01884         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01885         Mul_Acc(8) Mul_Acc(7) Mul_Acc(6) Mul_Acc(5) Mul_Acc(4) Mul_Acc(3) Mul_Acc(2)
01886         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01887 #endif
01888         Top_Column0(8)
01889         Top_Column1(7)
01890         Mul_Column0(0, 6)
01891         Mul_Column1(1, 5)
01892         Mul_Column0(2, 4)
01893         Mul_Column1(3, 3)
01894         Mul_Column0(4, 2)
01895         Top_End(4)
01896 }
01898 void SSE2_MultiplyTop32(word *C, const word *A, const word *B, word L)
01899 {
01900         Top_Begin(16)
01901         Top_Acc(15) Top_Acc(14) Top_Acc(13) Top_Acc(12) Top_Acc(11) Top_Acc(10) Top_Acc(9) Top_Acc(8) Top_Acc(7) Top_Acc(6) Top_Acc(5) Top_Acc(4) Top_Acc(3) Top_Acc(2) Top_Acc(1)
01902 #ifndef __GNUC__
01903         ASJ(    jmp,    0, f)
01904         Mul_Acc(16) Mul_Acc(15) Mul_Acc(14) Mul_Acc(13) Mul_Acc(12) Mul_Acc(11) Mul_Acc(10) Mul_Acc(9) Mul_Acc(8) Mul_Acc(7) Mul_Acc(6) Mul_Acc(5) Mul_Acc(4) Mul_Acc(3) Mul_Acc(2)
01905         AS1(    ret) ASL(0)
01906 #endif
01907         Top_Column0(16)
01908         Top_Column1(15)
01909         Mul_Column0(0, 14)
01910         Mul_Column1(1, 13)
01911         Mul_Column0(2, 12)
01912         Mul_Column1(3, 11)
01913         Mul_Column0(4, 10)
01914         Mul_Column1(5, 9)
01915         Mul_Column0(6, 8)
01916         Mul_Column1(7, 7)
01917         Mul_Column0(8, 6)
01918         Mul_Column1(9, 5)
01919         Mul_Column0(10, 4)
01920         Mul_Column1(11, 3)
01921         Mul_Column0(12, 2)
01922         Top_End(8)
01923 }
01925 #endif  // #if CRYPTOPP_INTEGER_SSE2
01927 // ********************************************************
01929 typedef int (CRYPTOPP_FASTCALL * PAdd)(size_t N, word *C, const word *A, const word *B);
01930 typedef void (* PMul)(word *C, const word *A, const word *B);
01931 typedef void (* PSqu)(word *C, const word *A);
01932 typedef void (* PMulTop)(word *C, const word *A, const word *B, word L);
01935 static PAdd s_pAdd = &Baseline_Add, s_pSub = &Baseline_Sub;
01936 static size_t s_recursionLimit = 8;
01937 #else
01938 static const size_t s_recursionLimit = 16;
01939 #endif
01941 static PMul s_pMul[9], s_pBot[9];
01942 static PSqu s_pSqu[9];
01943 static PMulTop s_pTop[9];
01945 static void SetFunctionPointers()
01946 {
01947         s_pMul[0] = &Baseline_Multiply2;
01948         s_pBot[0] = &Baseline_MultiplyBottom2;
01949         s_pSqu[0] = &Baseline_Square2;
01950         s_pTop[0] = &Baseline_MultiplyTop2;
01951         s_pTop[1] = &Baseline_MultiplyTop4;
01954         if (HasSSE2())
01955         {
01956                 if (IsP4())
01957                 {
01958                         s_pAdd = &SSE2_Add;
01959                         s_pSub = &SSE2_Sub;
01960                 }
01962                 s_recursionLimit = 32;
01964                 s_pMul[1] = &SSE2_Multiply4;
01965                 s_pMul[2] = &SSE2_Multiply8;
01966                 s_pMul[4] = &SSE2_Multiply16;
01967                 s_pMul[8] = &SSE2_Multiply32;
01969                 s_pBot[1] = &SSE2_MultiplyBottom4;
01970                 s_pBot[2] = &SSE2_MultiplyBottom8;
01971                 s_pBot[4] = &SSE2_MultiplyBottom16;
01972                 s_pBot[8] = &SSE2_MultiplyBottom32;
01974                 s_pSqu[1] = &SSE2_Square4;
01975                 s_pSqu[2] = &SSE2_Square8;
01976                 s_pSqu[4] = &SSE2_Square16;
01977                 s_pSqu[8] = &SSE2_Square32;
01979                 s_pTop[2] = &SSE2_MultiplyTop8;
01980                 s_pTop[4] = &SSE2_MultiplyTop16;
01981                 s_pTop[8] = &SSE2_MultiplyTop32;
01982         }
01983         else
01984 #endif
01985         {
01986                 s_pMul[1] = &Baseline_Multiply4;
01987                 s_pMul[2] = &Baseline_Multiply8;
01989                 s_pBot[1] = &Baseline_MultiplyBottom4;
01990                 s_pBot[2] = &Baseline_MultiplyBottom8;
01992                 s_pSqu[1] = &Baseline_Square4;
01993                 s_pSqu[2] = &Baseline_Square8;
01995                 s_pTop[2] = &Baseline_MultiplyTop8;
01997 #if     !CRYPTOPP_INTEGER_SSE2
01998                 s_pMul[4] = &Baseline_Multiply16;
01999                 s_pBot[4] = &Baseline_MultiplyBottom16;
02000                 s_pSqu[4] = &Baseline_Square16;
02001                 s_pTop[4] = &Baseline_MultiplyTop16;
02002 #endif
02003         }
02004 }
02006 inline int Add(word *C, const word *A, const word *B, size_t N)
02007 {
02009         return s_pAdd(N, C, A, B);
02010 #else
02011         return Baseline_Add(N, C, A, B);
02012 #endif
02013 }
02015 inline int Subtract(word *C, const word *A, const word *B, size_t N)
02016 {
02018         return s_pSub(N, C, A, B);
02019 #else
02020         return Baseline_Sub(N, C, A, B);
02021 #endif
02022 }
02024 // ********************************************************
02027 #define A0              A
02028 #define A1              (A+N2)
02029 #define B0              B
02030 #define B1              (B+N2)
02032 #define T0              T
02033 #define T1              (T+N2)
02034 #define T2              (T+N)
02035 #define T3              (T+N+N2)
02037 #define R0              R
02038 #define R1              (R+N2)
02039 #define R2              (R+N)
02040 #define R3              (R+N+N2)
02042 // R[2*N] - result = A*B
02043 // T[2*N] - temporary work space
02044 // A[N] --- multiplier
02045 // B[N] --- multiplicant
02047 void RecursiveMultiply(word *R, word *T, const word *A, const word *B, size_t N)
02048 {
02049         assert(N>=2 && N%2==0);
02051         if (N <= s_recursionLimit)
02052                 s_pMul[N/4](R, A, B);
02053         else
02054         {
02055                 const size_t N2 = N/2;
02057                 size_t AN2 = Compare(A0, A1, N2) > 0 ?  0 : N2;
02058                 Subtract(R0, A + AN2, A + (N2 ^ AN2), N2);
02060                 size_t BN2 = Compare(B0, B1, N2) > 0 ?  0 : N2;
02061                 Subtract(R1, B + BN2, B + (N2 ^ BN2), N2);
02063                 RecursiveMultiply(R2, T2, A1, B1, N2);
02064                 RecursiveMultiply(T0, T2, R0, R1, N2);
02065                 RecursiveMultiply(R0, T2, A0, B0, N2);
02067                 // now T[01] holds (A1-A0)*(B0-B1), R[01] holds A0*B0, R[23] holds A1*B1
02069                 int c2 = Add(R2, R2, R1, N2);
02070                 int c3 = c2;
02071                 c2 += Add(R1, R2, R0, N2);
02072                 c3 += Add(R2, R2, R3, N2);
02074                 if (AN2 == BN2)
02075                         c3 -= Subtract(R1, R1, T0, N);
02076                 else
02077                         c3 += Add(R1, R1, T0, N);
02079                 c3 += Increment(R2, N2, c2);
02080                 assert (c3 >= 0 && c3 <= 2);
02081                 Increment(R3, N2, c3);
02082         }
02083 }
02085 // R[2*N] - result = A*A
02086 // T[2*N] - temporary work space
02087 // A[N] --- number to be squared
02089 void RecursiveSquare(word *R, word *T, const word *A, size_t N)
02090 {
02091         assert(N && N%2==0);
02093         if (N <= s_recursionLimit)
02094                 s_pSqu[N/4](R, A);
02095         else
02096         {
02097                 const size_t N2 = N/2;
02099                 RecursiveSquare(R0, T2, A0, N2);
02100                 RecursiveSquare(R2, T2, A1, N2);
02101                 RecursiveMultiply(T0, T2, A0, A1, N2);
02103                 int carry = Add(R1, R1, T0, N);
02104                 carry += Add(R1, R1, T0, N);
02105                 Increment(R3, N2, carry);
02106         }
02107 }
02109 // R[N] - bottom half of A*B
02110 // T[3*N/2] - temporary work space
02111 // A[N] - multiplier
02112 // B[N] - multiplicant
02114 void RecursiveMultiplyBottom(word *R, word *T, const word *A, const word *B, size_t N)
02115 {
02116         assert(N>=2 && N%2==0);
02118         if (N <= s_recursionLimit)
02119                 s_pBot[N/4](R, A, B);
02120         else
02121         {
02122                 const size_t N2 = N/2;
02124                 RecursiveMultiply(R, T, A0, B0, N2);
02125                 RecursiveMultiplyBottom(T0, T1, A1, B0, N2);
02126                 Add(R1, R1, T0, N2);
02127                 RecursiveMultiplyBottom(T0, T1, A0, B1, N2);
02128                 Add(R1, R1, T0, N2);
02129         }
02130 }
02132 // R[N] --- upper half of A*B
02133 // T[2*N] - temporary work space
02134 // L[N] --- lower half of A*B
02135 // A[N] --- multiplier
02136 // B[N] --- multiplicant
02138 void MultiplyTop(word *R, word *T, const word *L, const word *A, const word *B, size_t N)
02139 {
02140         assert(N>=2 && N%2==0);
02142         if (N <= s_recursionLimit)
02143                 s_pTop[N/4](R, A, B, L[N-1]);
02144         else
02145         {
02146                 const size_t N2 = N/2;
02148                 size_t AN2 = Compare(A0, A1, N2) > 0 ?  0 : N2;
02149                 Subtract(R0, A + AN2, A + (N2 ^ AN2), N2);
02151                 size_t BN2 = Compare(B0, B1, N2) > 0 ?  0 : N2;
02152                 Subtract(R1, B + BN2, B + (N2 ^ BN2), N2);
02154                 RecursiveMultiply(T0, T2, R0, R1, N2);
02155                 RecursiveMultiply(R0, T2, A1, B1, N2);
02157                 // now T[01] holds (A1-A0)*(B0-B1) = A1*B0+A0*B1-A1*B1-A0*B0, R[01] holds A1*B1
02159                 int t, c3;
02160                 int c2 = Subtract(T2, L+N2, L, N2);
02162                 if (AN2 == BN2)
02163                 {
02164                         c2 -= Add(T2, T2, T0, N2);
02165                         t = (Compare(T2, R0, N2) == -1);
02166                         c3 = t - Subtract(T2, T2, T1, N2);
02167                 }
02168                 else
02169                 {
02170                         c2 += Subtract(T2, T2, T0, N2);
02171                         t = (Compare(T2, R0, N2) == -1);
02172                         c3 = t + Add(T2, T2, T1, N2);
02173                 }
02175                 c2 += t;
02176                 if (c2 >= 0)
02177                         c3 += Increment(T2, N2, c2);
02178                 else
02179                         c3 -= Decrement(T2, N2, -c2);
02180                 c3 += Add(R0, T2, R1, N2);
02182                 assert (c3 >= 0 && c3 <= 2);
02183                 Increment(R1, N2, c3);
02184         }
02185 }
02187 inline void Multiply(word *R, word *T, const word *A, const word *B, size_t N)
02188 {
02189         RecursiveMultiply(R, T, A, B, N);
02190 }
02192 inline void Square(word *R, word *T, const word *A, size_t N)
02193 {
02194         RecursiveSquare(R, T, A, N);
02195 }
02197 inline void MultiplyBottom(word *R, word *T, const word *A, const word *B, size_t N)
02198 {
02199         RecursiveMultiplyBottom(R, T, A, B, N);
02200 }
02202 // R[NA+NB] - result = A*B
02203 // T[NA+NB] - temporary work space
02204 // A[NA] ---- multiplier
02205 // B[NB] ---- multiplicant
02207 void AsymmetricMultiply(word *R, word *T, const word *A, size_t NA, const word *B, size_t NB)
02208 {
02209         if (NA == NB)
02210         {
02211                 if (A == B)
02212                         Square(R, T, A, NA);
02213                 else
02214                         Multiply(R, T, A, B, NA);
02216                 return;
02217         }
02219         if (NA > NB)
02220         {
02221                 std::swap(A, B);
02222                 std::swap(NA, NB);
02223         }
02225         assert(NB % NA == 0);
02227         if (NA==2 && !A[1])
02228         {
02229                 switch (A[0])
02230                 {
02231                 case 0:
02232                         SetWords(R, 0, NB+2);
02233                         return;
02234                 case 1:
02235                         CopyWords(R, B, NB);
02236                         R[NB] = R[NB+1] = 0;
02237                         return;
02238                 default:
02239                         R[NB] = LinearMultiply(R, B, A[0], NB);
02240                         R[NB+1] = 0;
02241                         return;
02242                 }
02243         }
02245         size_t i;
02246         if ((NB/NA)%2 == 0)
02247         {
02248                 Multiply(R, T, A, B, NA);
02249                 CopyWords(T+2*NA, R+NA, NA);
02251                 for (i=2*NA; i<NB; i+=2*NA)
02252                         Multiply(T+NA+i, T, A, B+i, NA);
02253                 for (i=NA; i<NB; i+=2*NA)
02254                         Multiply(R+i, T, A, B+i, NA);
02255         }
02256         else
02257         {
02258                 for (i=0; i<NB; i+=2*NA)
02259                         Multiply(R+i, T, A, B+i, NA);
02260                 for (i=NA; i<NB; i+=2*NA)
02261                         Multiply(T+NA+i, T, A, B+i, NA);
02262         }
02264         if (Add(R+NA, R+NA, T+2*NA, NB-NA))
02265                 Increment(R+NB, NA);
02266 }
02268 // R[N] ----- result = A inverse mod 2**(WORD_BITS*N)
02269 // T[3*N/2] - temporary work space
02270 // A[N] ----- an odd number as input
02272 void RecursiveInverseModPower2(word *R, word *T, const word *A, size_t N)
02273 {
02274         if (N==2)
02275         {
02276                 T[0] = AtomicInverseModPower2(A[0]);
02277                 T[1] = 0;
02278                 s_pBot[0](T+2, T, A);
02279                 TwosComplement(T+2, 2);
02280                 Increment(T+2, 2, 2);
02281                 s_pBot[0](R, T, T+2);
02282         }
02283         else
02284         {
02285                 const size_t N2 = N/2;
02286                 RecursiveInverseModPower2(R0, T0, A0, N2);
02287                 T0[0] = 1;
02288                 SetWords(T0+1, 0, N2-1);
02289                 MultiplyTop(R1, T1, T0, R0, A0, N2);
02290                 MultiplyBottom(T0, T1, R0, A1, N2);
02291                 Add(T0, R1, T0, N2);
02292                 TwosComplement(T0, N2);
02293                 MultiplyBottom(R1, T1, R0, T0, N2);
02294         }
02295 }
02297 // R[N] --- result = X/(2**(WORD_BITS*N)) mod M
02298 // T[3*N] - temporary work space
02299 // X[2*N] - number to be reduced
02300 // M[N] --- modulus
02301 // U[N] --- multiplicative inverse of M mod 2**(WORD_BITS*N)
02303 void MontgomeryReduce(word *R, word *T, word *X, const word *M, const word *U, size_t N)
02304 {
02305 #if 1
02306         MultiplyBottom(R, T, X, U, N);
02307         MultiplyTop(T, T+N, X, R, M, N);
02308         word borrow = Subtract(T, X+N, T, N);
02309         // defend against timing attack by doing this Add even when not needed
02310         word carry = Add(T+N, T, M, N);
02311         assert(carry || !borrow);
02312         CopyWords(R, T + (borrow ? N : 0), N);
02313 #elif 0
02314         const word u = 0-U[0];
02315         Declare2Words(p)
02316         for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
02317         {
02318                 const word t = u * X[i];
02319                 word c = 0;
02320                 for (size_t j=0; j<N; j+=2)
02321                 {
02322                         MultiplyWords(p, t, M[j]);
02323                         Acc2WordsBy1(p, X[i+j]);
02324                         Acc2WordsBy1(p, c);
02325                         X[i+j] = LowWord(p);
02326                         c = HighWord(p);
02327                         MultiplyWords(p, t, M[j+1]);
02328                         Acc2WordsBy1(p, X[i+j+1]);
02329                         Acc2WordsBy1(p, c);
02330                         X[i+j+1] = LowWord(p);
02331                         c = HighWord(p);
02332                 }
02334                 if (Increment(X+N+i, N-i, c))
02335                         while (!Subtract(X+N, X+N, M, N)) {}
02336         }
02338         memcpy(R, X+N, N*WORD_SIZE);
02339 #else
02340         __m64 u = _mm_cvtsi32_si64(0-U[0]), p;
02341         for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
02342         {
02343                 __m64 t = _mm_cvtsi32_si64(X[i]);
02344                 t = _mm_mul_su32(t, u);
02345                 __m64 c = _mm_setzero_si64();
02346                 for (size_t j=0; j<N; j+=2)
02347                 {
02348                         p = _mm_mul_su32(t, _mm_cvtsi32_si64(M[j]));
02349                         p = _mm_add_si64(p, _mm_cvtsi32_si64(X[i+j]));
02350                         c = _mm_add_si64(c, p);
02351                         X[i+j] = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(c);
02352                         c = _mm_srli_si64(c, 32);
02353                         p = _mm_mul_su32(t, _mm_cvtsi32_si64(M[j+1]));
02354                         p = _mm_add_si64(p, _mm_cvtsi32_si64(X[i+j+1]));
02355                         c = _mm_add_si64(c, p);
02356                         X[i+j+1] = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(c);
02357                         c = _mm_srli_si64(c, 32);
02358                 }
02360                 if (Increment(X+N+i, N-i, _mm_cvtsi64_si32(c)))
02361                         while (!Subtract(X+N, X+N, M, N)) {}
02362         }
02364         memcpy(R, X+N, N*WORD_SIZE);
02365         _mm_empty();
02366 #endif
02367 }
02369 // R[N] --- result = X/(2**(WORD_BITS*N/2)) mod M
02370 // T[2*N] - temporary work space
02371 // X[2*N] - number to be reduced
02372 // M[N] --- modulus
02373 // U[N/2] - multiplicative inverse of M mod 2**(WORD_BITS*N/2)
02374 // V[N] --- 2**(WORD_BITS*3*N/2) mod M
02376 void HalfMontgomeryReduce(word *R, word *T, const word *X, const word *M, const word *U, const word *V, size_t N)
02377 {
02378         assert(N%2==0 && N>=4);
02380 #define M0              M
02381 #define M1              (M+N2)
02382 #define V0              V
02383 #define V1              (V+N2)
02385 #define X0              X
02386 #define X1              (X+N2)
02387 #define X2              (X+N)
02388 #define X3              (X+N+N2)
02390         const size_t N2 = N/2;
02391         Multiply(T0, T2, V0, X3, N2);
02392         int c2 = Add(T0, T0, X0, N);
02393         MultiplyBottom(T3, T2, T0, U, N2);
02394         MultiplyTop(T2, R, T0, T3, M0, N2);
02395         c2 -= Subtract(T2, T1, T2, N2);
02396         Multiply(T0, R, T3, M1, N2);
02397         c2 -= Subtract(T0, T2, T0, N2);
02398         int c3 = -(int)Subtract(T1, X2, T1, N2);
02399         Multiply(R0, T2, V1, X3, N2);
02400         c3 += Add(R, R, T, N);
02402         if (c2>0)
02403                 c3 += Increment(R1, N2);
02404         else if (c2<0)
02405                 c3 -= Decrement(R1, N2, -c2);
02407         assert(c3>=-1 && c3<=1);
02408         if (c3>0)
02409                 Subtract(R, R, M, N);
02410         else if (c3<0)
02411                 Add(R, R, M, N);
02413 #undef M0
02414 #undef M1
02415 #undef V0
02416 #undef V1
02418 #undef X0
02419 #undef X1
02420 #undef X2
02421 #undef X3
02422 }
02424 #undef A0
02425 #undef A1
02426 #undef B0
02427 #undef B1
02429 #undef T0
02430 #undef T1
02431 #undef T2
02432 #undef T3
02434 #undef R0
02435 #undef R1
02436 #undef R2
02437 #undef R3
02439 /*
02440 // do a 3 word by 2 word divide, returns quotient and leaves remainder in A
02441 static word SubatomicDivide(word *A, word B0, word B1)
02442 {
02443         // assert {A[2],A[1]} < {B1,B0}, so quotient can fit in a word
02444         assert(A[2] < B1 || (A[2]==B1 && A[1] < B0));
02446         // estimate the quotient: do a 2 word by 1 word divide
02447         word Q;
02448         if (B1+1 == 0)
02449                 Q = A[2];
02450         else
02451                 Q = DWord(A[1], A[2]).DividedBy(B1+1);
02453         // now subtract Q*B from A
02454         DWord p = DWord::Multiply(B0, Q);
02455         DWord u = (DWord) A[0] - p.GetLowHalf();
02456         A[0] = u.GetLowHalf();
02457         u = (DWord) A[1] - p.GetHighHalf() - u.GetHighHalfAsBorrow() - DWord::Multiply(B1, Q);
02458         A[1] = u.GetLowHalf();
02459         A[2] += u.GetHighHalf();
02461         // Q <= actual quotient, so fix it
02462         while (A[2] || A[1] > B1 || (A[1]==B1 && A[0]>=B0))
02463         {
02464                 u = (DWord) A[0] - B0;
02465                 A[0] = u.GetLowHalf();
02466                 u = (DWord) A[1] - B1 - u.GetHighHalfAsBorrow();
02467                 A[1] = u.GetLowHalf();
02468                 A[2] += u.GetHighHalf();
02469                 Q++;
02470                 assert(Q);      // shouldn't overflow
02471         }
02473         return Q;
02474 }
02476 // do a 4 word by 2 word divide, returns 2 word quotient in Q0 and Q1
02477 static inline void AtomicDivide(word *Q, const word *A, const word *B)
02478 {
02479         if (!B[0] && !B[1]) // if divisor is 0, we assume divisor==2**(2*WORD_BITS)
02480         {
02481                 Q[0] = A[2];
02482                 Q[1] = A[3];
02483         }
02484         else
02485         {
02486                 word T[4];
02487                 T[0] = A[0]; T[1] = A[1]; T[2] = A[2]; T[3] = A[3];
02488                 Q[1] = SubatomicDivide(T+1, B[0], B[1]);
02489                 Q[0] = SubatomicDivide(T, B[0], B[1]);
02491 #ifndef NDEBUG
02492                 // multiply quotient and divisor and add remainder, make sure it equals dividend
02493                 assert(!T[2] && !T[3] && (T[1] < B[1] || (T[1]==B[1] && T[0]<B[0])));
02494                 word P[4];
02495                 LowLevel::Multiply2(P, Q, B);
02496                 Add(P, P, T, 4);
02497                 assert(memcmp(P, A, 4*WORD_SIZE)==0);
02498 #endif
02499         }
02500 }
02501 */
02503 static inline void AtomicDivide(word *Q, const word *A, const word *B)
02504 {
02505         word T[4];
02506         DWord q = DivideFourWordsByTwo<word, DWord>(T, DWord(A[0], A[1]), DWord(A[2], A[3]), DWord(B[0], B[1]));
02507         Q[0] = q.GetLowHalf();
02508         Q[1] = q.GetHighHalf();
02510 #ifndef NDEBUG
02511         if (B[0] || B[1])
02512         {
02513                 // multiply quotient and divisor and add remainder, make sure it equals dividend
02514                 assert(!T[2] && !T[3] && (T[1] < B[1] || (T[1]==B[1] && T[0]<B[0])));
02515                 word P[4];
02516                 s_pMul[0](P, Q, B);
02517                 Add(P, P, T, 4);
02518                 assert(memcmp(P, A, 4*WORD_SIZE)==0);
02519         }
02520 #endif
02521 }
02523 // for use by Divide(), corrects the underestimated quotient {Q1,Q0}
02524 static void CorrectQuotientEstimate(word *R, word *T, word *Q, const word *B, size_t N)
02525 {
02526         assert(N && N%2==0);
02528         AsymmetricMultiply(T, T+N+2, Q, 2, B, N);
02530         word borrow = Subtract(R, R, T, N+2);
02531         assert(!borrow && !R[N+1]);
02533         while (R[N] || Compare(R, B, N) >= 0)
02534         {
02535                 R[N] -= Subtract(R, R, B, N);
02536                 Q[1] += (++Q[0]==0);
02537                 assert(Q[0] || Q[1]); // no overflow
02538         }
02539 }
02541 // R[NB] -------- remainder = A%B
02542 // Q[NA-NB+2] --- quotient      = A/B
02543 // T[NA+3*(NB+2)] - temp work space
02544 // A[NA] -------- dividend
02545 // B[NB] -------- divisor
02547 void Divide(word *R, word *Q, word *T, const word *A, size_t NA, const word *B, size_t NB)
02548 {
02549         assert(NA && NB && NA%2==0 && NB%2==0);
02550         assert(B[NB-1] || B[NB-2]);
02551         assert(NB <= NA);
02553         // set up temporary work space
02554         word *const TA=T;
02555         word *const TB=T+NA+2;
02556         word *const TP=T+NA+2+NB;
02558         // copy B into TB and normalize it so that TB has highest bit set to 1
02559         unsigned shiftWords = (B[NB-1]==0);
02560         TB[0] = TB[NB-1] = 0;
02561         CopyWords(TB+shiftWords, B, NB-shiftWords);
02562         unsigned shiftBits = WORD_BITS - BitPrecision(TB[NB-1]);
02563         assert(shiftBits < WORD_BITS);
02564         ShiftWordsLeftByBits(TB, NB, shiftBits);
02566         // copy A into TA and normalize it
02567         TA[0] = TA[NA] = TA[NA+1] = 0;
02568         CopyWords(TA+shiftWords, A, NA);
02569         ShiftWordsLeftByBits(TA, NA+2, shiftBits);
02571         if (TA[NA+1]==0 && TA[NA] <= 1)
02572         {
02573                 Q[NA-NB+1] = Q[NA-NB] = 0;
02574                 while (TA[NA] || Compare(TA+NA-NB, TB, NB) >= 0)
02575                 {
02576                         TA[NA] -= Subtract(TA+NA-NB, TA+NA-NB, TB, NB);
02577                         ++Q[NA-NB];
02578                 }
02579         }
02580         else
02581         {
02582                 NA+=2;
02583                 assert(Compare(TA+NA-NB, TB, NB) < 0);
02584         }
02586         word BT[2];
02587         BT[0] = TB[NB-2] + 1;
02588         BT[1] = TB[NB-1] + (BT[0]==0);
02590         // start reducing TA mod TB, 2 words at a time
02591         for (size_t i=NA-2; i>=NB; i-=2)
02592         {
02593                 AtomicDivide(Q+i-NB, TA+i-2, BT);
02594                 CorrectQuotientEstimate(TA+i-NB, TP, Q+i-NB, TB, NB);
02595         }
02597         // copy TA into R, and denormalize it
02598         CopyWords(R, TA+shiftWords, NB);
02599         ShiftWordsRightByBits(R, NB, shiftBits);
02600 }
02602 static inline size_t EvenWordCount(const word *X, size_t N)
02603 {
02604         while (N && X[N-2]==0 && X[N-1]==0)
02605                 N-=2;
02606         return N;
02607 }
02609 // return k
02610 // R[N] --- result = A^(-1) * 2^k mod M
02611 // T[4*N] - temporary work space
02612 // A[NA] -- number to take inverse of
02613 // M[N] --- modulus
02615 unsigned int AlmostInverse(word *R, word *T, const word *A, size_t NA, const word *M, size_t N)
02616 {
02617         assert(NA<=N && N && N%2==0);
02619         word *b = T;
02620         word *c = T+N;
02621         word *f = T+2*N;
02622         word *g = T+3*N;
02623         size_t bcLen=2, fgLen=EvenWordCount(M, N);
02624         unsigned int k=0, s=0;
02626         SetWords(T, 0, 3*N);
02627         b[0]=1;
02628         CopyWords(f, A, NA);
02629         CopyWords(g, M, N);
02631         while (1)
02632         {
02633                 word t=f[0];
02634                 while (!t)
02635                 {
02636                         if (EvenWordCount(f, fgLen)==0)
02637                         {
02638                                 SetWords(R, 0, N);
02639                                 return 0;
02640                         }
02642                         ShiftWordsRightByWords(f, fgLen, 1);
02643                         if (c[bcLen-1]) bcLen+=2;
02644                         assert(bcLen <= N);
02645                         ShiftWordsLeftByWords(c, bcLen, 1);
02646                         k+=WORD_BITS;
02647                         t=f[0];
02648                 }
02650                 unsigned int i=0;
02651                 while (t%2 == 0)
02652                 {
02653                         t>>=1;
02654                         i++;
02655                 }
02656                 k+=i;
02658                 if (t==1 && f[1]==0 && EvenWordCount(f, fgLen)==2)
02659                 {
02660                         if (s%2==0)
02661                                 CopyWords(R, b, N);
02662                         else
02663                                 Subtract(R, M, b, N);
02664                         return k;
02665                 }
02667                 ShiftWordsRightByBits(f, fgLen, i);
02668                 t=ShiftWordsLeftByBits(c, bcLen, i);
02669                 if (t)
02670                 {
02671                         c[bcLen] = t;
02672                         bcLen+=2;
02673                         assert(bcLen <= N);
02674                 }
02676                 if (f[fgLen-2]==0 && g[fgLen-2]==0 && f[fgLen-1]==0 && g[fgLen-1]==0)
02677                         fgLen-=2;
02679                 if (Compare(f, g, fgLen)==-1)
02680                 {
02681                         std::swap(f, g);
02682                         std::swap(b, c);
02683                         s++;
02684                 }
02686                 Subtract(f, f, g, fgLen);
02688                 if (Add(b, b, c, bcLen))
02689                 {
02690                         b[bcLen] = 1;
02691                         bcLen+=2;
02692                         assert(bcLen <= N);
02693                 }
02694         }
02695 }
02697 // R[N] - result = A/(2^k) mod M
02698 // A[N] - input
02699 // M[N] - modulus
02701 void DivideByPower2Mod(word *R, const word *A, size_t k, const word *M, size_t N)
02702 {
02703         CopyWords(R, A, N);
02705         while (k--)
02706         {
02707                 if (R[0]%2==0)
02708                         ShiftWordsRightByBits(R, N, 1);
02709                 else
02710                 {
02711                         word carry = Add(R, R, M, N);
02712                         ShiftWordsRightByBits(R, N, 1);
02713                         R[N-1] += carry<<(WORD_BITS-1);
02714                 }
02715         }
02716 }
02718 // R[N] - result = A*(2^k) mod M
02719 // A[N] - input
02720 // M[N] - modulus
02722 void MultiplyByPower2Mod(word *R, const word *A, size_t k, const word *M, size_t N)
02723 {
02724         CopyWords(R, A, N);
02726         while (k--)
02727                 if (ShiftWordsLeftByBits(R, N, 1) || Compare(R, M, N)>=0)
02728                         Subtract(R, R, M, N);
02729 }
02731 // ******************************************************************
02733 InitializeInteger::InitializeInteger()
02734 {
02735         if (!g_pAssignIntToInteger)
02736         {
02737                 SetFunctionPointers();
02738                 g_pAssignIntToInteger = AssignIntToInteger;
02739         }
02740 }
02742 static const unsigned int RoundupSizeTable[] = {2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8};
02744 static inline size_t RoundupSize(size_t n)
02745 {
02746         if (n<=8)
02747                 return RoundupSizeTable[n];
02748         else if (n<=16)
02749                 return 16;
02750         else if (n<=32)
02751                 return 32;
02752         else if (n<=64)
02753                 return 64;
02754         else return size_t(1) << BitPrecision(n-1);
02755 }
02757 Integer::Integer()
02758         : reg(2), sign(POSITIVE)
02759 {
02760         reg[0] = reg[1] = 0;
02761 }
02763 Integer::Integer(const Integer& t)
02764         : reg(RoundupSize(t.WordCount())), sign(t.sign)
02765 {
02766         CopyWords(reg, t.reg, reg.size());
02767 }
02769 Integer::Integer(Sign s, lword value)
02770         : reg(2), sign(s)
02771 {
02772         reg[0] = word(value);
02773         reg[1] = word(SafeRightShift<WORD_BITS>(value));
02774 }
02776 Integer::Integer(signed long value)
02777         : reg(2)
02778 {
02779         if (value >= 0)
02780                 sign = POSITIVE;
02781         else
02782         {
02783                 sign = NEGATIVE;
02784                 value = -value;
02785         }
02786         reg[0] = word(value);
02787         reg[1] = word(SafeRightShift<WORD_BITS>((unsigned long)value));
02788 }
02790 Integer::Integer(Sign s, word high, word low)
02791         : reg(2), sign(s)
02792 {
02793         reg[0] = low;
02794         reg[1] = high;
02795 }
02797 bool Integer::IsConvertableToLong() const
02798 {
02799         if (ByteCount() > sizeof(long))
02800                 return false;
02802         unsigned long value = (unsigned long)reg[0];
02803         value += SafeLeftShift<WORD_BITS, unsigned long>((unsigned long)reg[1]);
02805         if (sign==POSITIVE)
02806                 return (signed long)value >= 0;
02807         else
02808                 return -(signed long)value < 0;
02809 }
02811 signed long Integer::ConvertToLong() const
02812 {
02813         assert(IsConvertableToLong());
02815         unsigned long value = (unsigned long)reg[0];
02816         value += SafeLeftShift<WORD_BITS, unsigned long>((unsigned long)reg[1]);
02817         return sign==POSITIVE ? value : -(signed long)value;
02818 }
02820 Integer::Integer(BufferedTransformation &encodedInteger, size_t byteCount, Signedness s)
02821 {
02822         Decode(encodedInteger, byteCount, s);
02823 }
02825 Integer::Integer(const byte *encodedInteger, size_t byteCount, Signedness s)
02826 {
02827         Decode(encodedInteger, byteCount, s);
02828 }
02830 Integer::Integer(BufferedTransformation &bt)
02831 {
02832         BERDecode(bt);
02833 }
02835 Integer::Integer(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t bitcount)
02836 {
02837         Randomize(rng, bitcount);
02838 }
02840 Integer::Integer(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max, RandomNumberType rnType, const Integer &equiv, const Integer &mod)
02841 {
02842         if (!Randomize(rng, min, max, rnType, equiv, mod))
02843                 throw Integer::RandomNumberNotFound();
02844 }
02846 Integer Integer::Power2(size_t e)
02847 {
02848         Integer r((word)0, BitsToWords(e+1));
02849         r.SetBit(e);
02850         return r;
02851 }
02853 template <long i>
02854 struct NewInteger
02855 {
02856         Integer * operator()() const
02857         {
02858                 return new Integer(i);
02859         }
02860 };
02862 const Integer &Integer::Zero()
02863 {
02864         return Singleton<Integer>().Ref();
02865 }
02867 const Integer &Integer::One()
02868 {
02869         return Singleton<Integer, NewInteger<1> >().Ref();
02870 }
02872 const Integer &Integer::Two()
02873 {
02874         return Singleton<Integer, NewInteger<2> >().Ref();
02875 }
02877 bool Integer::operator!() const
02878 {
02879         return IsNegative() ? false : (reg[0]==0 && WordCount()==0);
02880 }
02882 Integer& Integer::operator=(const Integer& t)
02883 {
02884         if (this != &t)
02885         {
02886                 if (reg.size() != t.reg.size() || t.reg[t.reg.size()/2] == 0)
02887                         reg.New(RoundupSize(t.WordCount()));
02888                 CopyWords(reg, t.reg, reg.size());
02889                 sign = t.sign;
02890         }
02891         return *this;
02892 }
02894 bool Integer::GetBit(size_t n) const
02895 {
02896         if (n/WORD_BITS >= reg.size())
02897                 return 0;
02898         else
02899                 return bool((reg[n/WORD_BITS] >> (n % WORD_BITS)) & 1);
02900 }
02902 void Integer::SetBit(size_t n, bool value)
02903 {
02904         if (value)
02905         {
02906                 reg.CleanGrow(RoundupSize(BitsToWords(n+1)));
02907                 reg[n/WORD_BITS] |= (word(1) << (n%WORD_BITS));
02908         }
02909         else
02910         {
02911                 if (n/WORD_BITS < reg.size())
02912                         reg[n/WORD_BITS] &= ~(word(1) << (n%WORD_BITS));
02913         }
02914 }
02916 byte Integer::GetByte(size_t n) const
02917 {
02918         if (n/WORD_SIZE >= reg.size())
02919                 return 0;
02920         else
02921                 return byte(reg[n/WORD_SIZE] >> ((n%WORD_SIZE)*8));
02922 }
02924 void Integer::SetByte(size_t n, byte value)
02925 {
02926         reg.CleanGrow(RoundupSize(BytesToWords(n+1)));
02927         reg[n/WORD_SIZE] &= ~(word(0xff) << 8*(n%WORD_SIZE));
02928         reg[n/WORD_SIZE] |= (word(value) << 8*(n%WORD_SIZE));
02929 }
02931 lword Integer::GetBits(size_t i, size_t n) const
02932 {
02933         lword v = 0;
02934         assert(n <= sizeof(v)*8);
02935         for (unsigned int j=0; j<n; j++)
02936                 v |= lword(GetBit(i+j)) << j;
02937         return v;
02938 }
02940 Integer Integer::operator-() const
02941 {
02942         Integer result(*this);
02943         result.Negate();
02944         return result;
02945 }
02947 Integer Integer::AbsoluteValue() const
02948 {
02949         Integer result(*this);
02950         result.sign = POSITIVE;
02951         return result;
02952 }
02954 void Integer::swap(Integer &a)
02955 {
02956         reg.swap(a.reg);
02957         std::swap(sign, a.sign);
02958 }
02960 Integer::Integer(word value, size_t length)
02961         : reg(RoundupSize(length)), sign(POSITIVE)
02962 {
02963         reg[0] = value;
02964         SetWords(reg+1, 0, reg.size()-1);
02965 }
02967 template <class T>
02968 static Integer StringToInteger(const T *str)
02969 {
02970         int radix;
02971         // GCC workaround
02972         // std::char_traits<wchar_t>::length() not defined in GCC 3.2 and STLport 4.5.3
02973         unsigned int length;
02974         for (length = 0; str[length] != 0; length++) {}
02976         Integer v;
02978         if (length == 0)
02979                 return v;
02981         switch (str[length-1])
02982         {
02983         case 'h':
02984         case 'H':
02985                 radix=16;
02986                 break;
02987         case 'o':
02988         case 'O':
02989                 radix=8;
02990                 break;
02991         case 'b':
02992         case 'B':
02993                 radix=2;
02994                 break;
02995         default:
02996                 radix=10;
02997         }
02999         if (length > 2 && str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x')
03000                 radix = 16;
03002         for (unsigned i=0; i<length; i++)
03003         {
03004                 int digit;
03006                 if (str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9')
03007                         digit = str[i] - '0';
03008                 else if (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'F')
03009                         digit = str[i] - 'A' + 10;
03010                 else if (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'f')
03011                         digit = str[i] - 'a' + 10;
03012                 else
03013                         digit = radix;
03015                 if (digit < radix)
03016                 {
03017                         v *= radix;
03018                         v += digit;
03019                 }
03020         }
03022         if (str[0] == '-')
03023                 v.Negate();
03025         return v;
03026 }
03028 Integer::Integer(const char *str)
03029         : reg(2), sign(POSITIVE)
03030 {
03031         *this = StringToInteger(str);
03032 }
03034 Integer::Integer(const wchar_t *str)
03035         : reg(2), sign(POSITIVE)
03036 {
03037         *this = StringToInteger(str);
03038 }
03040 unsigned int Integer::WordCount() const
03041 {
03042         return (unsigned int)CountWords(reg, reg.size());
03043 }
03045 unsigned int Integer::ByteCount() const
03046 {
03047         unsigned wordCount = WordCount();
03048         if (wordCount)
03049                 return (wordCount-1)*WORD_SIZE + BytePrecision(reg[wordCount-1]);
03050         else
03051                 return 0;
03052 }
03054 unsigned int Integer::BitCount() const
03055 {
03056         unsigned wordCount = WordCount();
03057         if (wordCount)
03058                 return (wordCount-1)*WORD_BITS + BitPrecision(reg[wordCount-1]);
03059         else
03060                 return 0;
03061 }
03063 void Integer::Decode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen, Signedness s)
03064 {
03065         StringStore store(input, inputLen);
03066         Decode(store, inputLen, s);
03067 }
03069 void Integer::Decode(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t inputLen, Signedness s)
03070 {
03071         assert(bt.MaxRetrievable() >= inputLen);
03073         byte b;
03074         bt.Peek(b);
03075         sign = ((s==SIGNED) && (b & 0x80)) ? NEGATIVE : POSITIVE;
03077         while (inputLen>0 && (sign==POSITIVE ? b==0 : b==0xff))
03078         {
03079                 bt.Skip(1);
03080                 inputLen--;
03081                 bt.Peek(b);
03082         }
03084         reg.CleanNew(RoundupSize(BytesToWords(inputLen)));
03086         for (size_t i=inputLen; i > 0; i--)
03087         {
03088                 bt.Get(b);
03089                 reg[(i-1)/WORD_SIZE] |= word(b) << ((i-1)%WORD_SIZE)*8;
03090         }
03092         if (sign == NEGATIVE)
03093         {
03094                 for (size_t i=inputLen; i<reg.size()*WORD_SIZE; i++)
03095                         reg[i/WORD_SIZE] |= word(0xff) << (i%WORD_SIZE)*8;
03096                 TwosComplement(reg, reg.size());
03097         }
03098 }
03100 size_t Integer::MinEncodedSize(Signedness signedness) const
03101 {
03102         unsigned int outputLen = STDMAX(1U, ByteCount());
03103         if (signedness == UNSIGNED)
03104                 return outputLen;
03105         if (NotNegative() && (GetByte(outputLen-1) & 0x80))
03106                 outputLen++;
03107         if (IsNegative() && *this < -Power2(outputLen*8-1))
03108                 outputLen++;
03109         return outputLen;
03110 }
03112 void Integer::Encode(byte *output, size_t outputLen, Signedness signedness) const
03113 {
03114         ArraySink sink(output, outputLen);
03115         Encode(sink, outputLen, signedness);
03116 }
03118 void Integer::Encode(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t outputLen, Signedness signedness) const
03119 {
03120         if (signedness == UNSIGNED || NotNegative())
03121         {
03122                 for (size_t i=outputLen; i > 0; i--)
03123                         bt.Put(GetByte(i-1));
03124         }
03125         else
03126         {
03127                 // take two's complement of *this
03128                 Integer temp = Integer::Power2(8*STDMAX((size_t)ByteCount(), outputLen)) + *this;
03129                 temp.Encode(bt, outputLen, UNSIGNED);
03130         }
03131 }
03133 void Integer::DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
03134 {
03135         DERGeneralEncoder enc(bt, INTEGER);
03136         Encode(enc, MinEncodedSize(SIGNED), SIGNED);
03137         enc.MessageEnd();
03138 }
03140 void Integer::BERDecode(const byte *input, size_t len)
03141 {
03142         StringStore store(input, len);
03143         BERDecode(store);
03144 }
03146 void Integer::BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt)
03147 {
03148         BERGeneralDecoder dec(bt, INTEGER);
03149         if (!dec.IsDefiniteLength() || dec.MaxRetrievable() < dec.RemainingLength())
03150                 BERDecodeError();
03151         Decode(dec, (size_t)dec.RemainingLength(), SIGNED);
03152         dec.MessageEnd();
03153 }
03155 void Integer::DEREncodeAsOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t length) const
03156 {
03157         DERGeneralEncoder enc(bt, OCTET_STRING);
03158         Encode(enc, length);
03159         enc.MessageEnd();
03160 }
03162 void Integer::BERDecodeAsOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t length)
03163 {
03164         BERGeneralDecoder dec(bt, OCTET_STRING);
03165         if (!dec.IsDefiniteLength() || dec.RemainingLength() != length)
03166                 BERDecodeError();
03167         Decode(dec, length);
03168         dec.MessageEnd();
03169 }
03171 size_t Integer::OpenPGPEncode(byte *output, size_t len) const
03172 {
03173         ArraySink sink(output, len);
03174         return OpenPGPEncode(sink);
03175 }
03177 size_t Integer::OpenPGPEncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
03178 {
03179         word16 bitCount = BitCount();
03180         bt.PutWord16(bitCount);
03181         size_t byteCount = BitsToBytes(bitCount);
03182         Encode(bt, byteCount);
03183         return 2 + byteCount;
03184 }
03186 void Integer::OpenPGPDecode(const byte *input, size_t len)
03187 {
03188         StringStore store(input, len);
03189         OpenPGPDecode(store);
03190 }
03192 void Integer::OpenPGPDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt)
03193 {
03194         word16 bitCount;
03195         if (bt.GetWord16(bitCount) != 2 || bt.MaxRetrievable() < BitsToBytes(bitCount))
03196                 throw OpenPGPDecodeErr();
03197         Decode(bt, BitsToBytes(bitCount));
03198 }
03200 void Integer::Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t nbits)
03201 {
03202         const size_t nbytes = nbits/8 + 1;
03203         SecByteBlock buf(nbytes);
03204         rng.GenerateBlock(buf, nbytes);
03205         if (nbytes)
03206                 buf[0] = (byte)Crop(buf[0], nbits % 8);
03207         Decode(buf, nbytes, UNSIGNED);
03208 }
03210 void Integer::Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max)
03211 {
03212         if (min > max)
03213                 throw InvalidArgument("Integer: Min must be no greater than Max");
03215         Integer range = max - min;
03216         const unsigned int nbits = range.BitCount();
03218         do
03219         {
03220                 Randomize(rng, nbits);
03221         }
03222         while (*this > range);
03224         *this += min;
03225 }
03227 bool Integer::Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max, RandomNumberType rnType, const Integer &equiv, const Integer &mod)
03228 {
03229         return GenerateRandomNoThrow(rng, MakeParameters("Min", min)("Max", max)("RandomNumberType", rnType)("EquivalentTo", equiv)("Mod", mod));
03230 }
03232 class KDF2_RNG : public RandomNumberGenerator
03233 {
03234 public:
03235         KDF2_RNG(const byte *seed, size_t seedSize)
03236                 : m_counter(0), m_counterAndSeed(seedSize + 4)
03237         {
03238                 memcpy(m_counterAndSeed + 4, seed, seedSize);
03239         }
03241         void GenerateBlock(byte *output, size_t size)
03242         {
03243                 PutWord(false, BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER, m_counterAndSeed, m_counter);
03244                 ++m_counter;
03245                 P1363_KDF2<SHA1>::DeriveKey(output, size, m_counterAndSeed, m_counterAndSeed.size(), NULL, 0);
03246         }
03248 private:
03249         word32 m_counter;
03250         SecByteBlock m_counterAndSeed;
03251 };
03253 bool Integer::GenerateRandomNoThrow(RandomNumberGenerator &i_rng, const NameValuePairs &params)
03254 {
03255         Integer min = params.GetValueWithDefault("Min", Integer::Zero());
03256         Integer max;
03257         if (!params.GetValue("Max", max))
03258         {
03259                 int bitLength;
03260                 if (params.GetIntValue("BitLength", bitLength))
03261                         max = Integer::Power2(bitLength);
03262                 else
03263                         throw InvalidArgument("Integer: missing Max argument");
03264         }
03265         if (min > max)
03266                 throw InvalidArgument("Integer: Min must be no greater than Max");
03268         Integer equiv = params.GetValueWithDefault("EquivalentTo", Integer::Zero());
03269         Integer mod = params.GetValueWithDefault("Mod", Integer::One());
03271         if (equiv.IsNegative() || equiv >= mod)
03272                 throw InvalidArgument("Integer: invalid EquivalentTo and/or Mod argument");
03274         Integer::RandomNumberType rnType = params.GetValueWithDefault("RandomNumberType", Integer::ANY);
03276         member_ptr<KDF2_RNG> kdf2Rng;
03277         ConstByteArrayParameter seed;
03278         if (params.GetValue("Seed", seed))
03279         {
03280                 ByteQueue bq;
03281                 DERSequenceEncoder seq(bq);
03282                 min.DEREncode(seq);
03283                 max.DEREncode(seq);
03284                 equiv.DEREncode(seq);
03285                 mod.DEREncode(seq);
03286                 DEREncodeUnsigned(seq, rnType);
03287                 DEREncodeOctetString(seq, seed.begin(), seed.size());
03288                 seq.MessageEnd();
03290                 SecByteBlock finalSeed((size_t)bq.MaxRetrievable());
03291                 bq.Get(finalSeed, finalSeed.size());
03292                 kdf2Rng.reset(new KDF2_RNG(finalSeed.begin(), finalSeed.size()));
03293         }
03294         RandomNumberGenerator &rng = kdf2Rng.get() ? (RandomNumberGenerator &)*kdf2Rng : i_rng;
03296         switch (rnType)
03297         {
03298                 case ANY:
03299                         if (mod == One())
03300                                 Randomize(rng, min, max);
03301                         else
03302                         {
03303                                 Integer min1 = min + (equiv-min)%mod;
03304                                 if (max < min1)
03305                                         return false;
03306                                 Randomize(rng, Zero(), (max - min1) / mod);
03307                                 *this *= mod;
03308                                 *this += min1;
03309                         }
03310                         return true;
03312                 case PRIME:
03313                 {
03314                         const PrimeSelector *pSelector = params.GetValueWithDefault(Name::PointerToPrimeSelector(), (const PrimeSelector *)NULL);
03316                         int i;
03317                         i = 0;
03318                         while (1)
03319                         {
03320                                 if (++i==16)
03321                                 {
03322                                         // check if there are any suitable primes in [min, max]
03323                                         Integer first = min;
03324                                         if (FirstPrime(first, max, equiv, mod, pSelector))
03325                                         {
03326                                                 // if there is only one suitable prime, we're done
03327                                                 *this = first;
03328                                                 if (!FirstPrime(first, max, equiv, mod, pSelector))
03329                                                         return true;
03330                                         }
03331                                         else
03332                                                 return false;
03333                                 }
03335                                 Randomize(rng, min, max);
03336                                 if (FirstPrime(*this, STDMIN(*this+mod*PrimeSearchInterval(max), max), equiv, mod, pSelector))
03337                                         return true;
03338                         }
03339                 }
03341                 default:
03342                         throw InvalidArgument("Integer: invalid RandomNumberType argument");
03343         }
03344 }
03346 std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Integer &a)
03347 {
03348         char c;
03349         unsigned int length = 0;
03350         SecBlock<char> str(length + 16);
03352         std::ws(in);
03354         do
03355         {
03356       , 1);
03357                 str[length++] = c;
03358                 if (length >= str.size())
03359                         str.Grow(length + 16);
03360         }
03361         while (in && (c=='-' || c=='x' || (c>='0' && c<='9') || (c>='a' && c<='f') || (c>='A' && c<='F') || c=='h' || c=='H' || c=='o' || c=='O' || c==',' || c=='.'));
03363         if (in.gcount())
03364                 in.putback(c);
03365         str[length-1] = '\0';
03366         a = Integer(str);
03368         return in;
03369 }
03371 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Integer &a)
03372 {
03373         // Get relevant conversion specifications from ostream.
03374         long f = out.flags() & std::ios::basefield; // Get base digits.
03375         int base, block;
03376         char suffix;
03377         switch(f)
03378         {
03379         case std::ios::oct :
03380                 base = 8;
03381                 block = 8;
03382                 suffix = 'o';
03383                 break;
03384         case std::ios::hex :
03385                 base = 16;
03386                 block = 4;
03387                 suffix = 'h';
03388                 break;
03389         default :
03390                 base = 10;
03391                 block = 3;
03392                 suffix = '.';
03393         }
03395         SecBlock<char> s(a.BitCount() / (BitPrecision(base)-1) + 1);
03396         Integer temp1=a, temp2;
03397         unsigned i=0;
03398         const char vec[]="0123456789ABCDEF";
03400         if (a.IsNegative())
03401         {
03402                 out << '-';
03403                 temp1.Negate();
03404         }
03406         if (!a)
03407                 out << '0';
03409         while (!!temp1)
03410         {
03411                 word digit;
03412                 Integer::Divide(digit, temp2, temp1, base);
03413                 s[i++]=vec[digit];
03414                 temp1=temp2;
03415         }
03417         while (i--)
03418         {
03419                 out << s[i];
03420 //              if (i && !(i%block))
03421 //                      out << ",";
03422         }
03423         return out << suffix;
03424 }
03426 Integer& Integer::operator++()
03427 {
03428         if (NotNegative())
03429         {
03430                 if (Increment(reg, reg.size()))
03431                 {
03432                         reg.CleanGrow(2*reg.size());
03433                         reg[reg.size()/2]=1;
03434                 }
03435         }
03436         else
03437         {
03438                 word borrow = Decrement(reg, reg.size());
03439                 assert(!borrow);
03440                 if (WordCount()==0)
03441                         *this = Zero();
03442         }
03443         return *this;
03444 }
03446 Integer& Integer::operator--()
03447 {
03448         if (IsNegative())
03449         {
03450                 if (Increment(reg, reg.size()))
03451                 {
03452                         reg.CleanGrow(2*reg.size());
03453                         reg[reg.size()/2]=1;
03454                 }
03455         }
03456         else
03457         {
03458                 if (Decrement(reg, reg.size()))
03459                         *this = -One();
03460         }
03461         return *this;
03462 }
03464 void PositiveAdd(Integer &sum, const Integer &a, const Integer& b)
03465 {
03466         int carry;
03467         if (a.reg.size() == b.reg.size())
03468                 carry = Add(sum.reg, a.reg, b.reg, a.reg.size());
03469         else if (a.reg.size() > b.reg.size())
03470         {
03471                 carry = Add(sum.reg, a.reg, b.reg, b.reg.size());
03472                 CopyWords(sum.reg+b.reg.size(), a.reg+b.reg.size(), a.reg.size()-b.reg.size());
03473                 carry = Increment(sum.reg+b.reg.size(), a.reg.size()-b.reg.size(), carry);
03474         }
03475         else
03476         {
03477                 carry = Add(sum.reg, a.reg, b.reg, a.reg.size());
03478                 CopyWords(sum.reg+a.reg.size(), b.reg+a.reg.size(), b.reg.size()-a.reg.size());
03479                 carry = Increment(sum.reg+a.reg.size(), b.reg.size()-a.reg.size(), carry);
03480         }
03482         if (carry)
03483         {
03484                 sum.reg.CleanGrow(2*sum.reg.size());
03485                 sum.reg[sum.reg.size()/2] = 1;
03486         }
03487         sum.sign = Integer::POSITIVE;
03488 }
03490 void PositiveSubtract(Integer &diff, const Integer &a, const Integer& b)
03491 {
03492         unsigned aSize = a.WordCount();
03493         aSize += aSize%2;
03494         unsigned bSize = b.WordCount();
03495         bSize += bSize%2;
03497         if (aSize == bSize)
03498         {
03499                 if (Compare(a.reg, b.reg, aSize) >= 0)
03500                 {
03501                         Subtract(diff.reg, a.reg, b.reg, aSize);
03502                         diff.sign = Integer::POSITIVE;
03503                 }
03504                 else
03505                 {
03506                         Subtract(diff.reg, b.reg, a.reg, aSize);
03507                         diff.sign = Integer::NEGATIVE;
03508                 }
03509         }
03510         else if (aSize > bSize)
03511         {
03512                 word borrow = Subtract(diff.reg, a.reg, b.reg, bSize);
03513                 CopyWords(diff.reg+bSize, a.reg+bSize, aSize-bSize);
03514                 borrow = Decrement(diff.reg+bSize, aSize-bSize, borrow);
03515                 assert(!borrow);
03516                 diff.sign = Integer::POSITIVE;
03517         }
03518         else
03519         {
03520                 word borrow = Subtract(diff.reg, b.reg, a.reg, aSize);
03521                 CopyWords(diff.reg+aSize, b.reg+aSize, bSize-aSize);
03522                 borrow = Decrement(diff.reg+aSize, bSize-aSize, borrow);
03523                 assert(!borrow);
03524                 diff.sign = Integer::NEGATIVE;
03525         }
03526 }
03528 // MSVC .NET 2003 workaround
03529 template <class T> inline const T& STDMAX2(const T& a, const T& b)
03530 {
03531         return a < b ? b : a;
03532 }
03534 Integer Integer::Plus(const Integer& b) const
03535 {
03536         Integer sum((word)0, STDMAX2(reg.size(), b.reg.size()));
03537         if (NotNegative())
03538         {
03539                 if (b.NotNegative())
03540                         PositiveAdd(sum, *this, b);
03541                 else
03542                         PositiveSubtract(sum, *this, b);
03543         }
03544         else
03545         {
03546                 if (b.NotNegative())
03547                         PositiveSubtract(sum, b, *this);
03548                 else
03549                 {
03550                         PositiveAdd(sum, *this, b);
03551                         sum.sign = Integer::NEGATIVE;
03552                 }
03553         }
03554         return sum;
03555 }
03557 Integer& Integer::operator+=(const Integer& t)
03558 {
03559         reg.CleanGrow(t.reg.size());
03560         if (NotNegative())
03561         {
03562                 if (t.NotNegative())
03563                         PositiveAdd(*this, *this, t);
03564                 else
03565                         PositiveSubtract(*this, *this, t);
03566         }
03567         else
03568         {
03569                 if (t.NotNegative())
03570                         PositiveSubtract(*this, t, *this);
03571                 else
03572                 {
03573                         PositiveAdd(*this, *this, t);
03574                         sign = Integer::NEGATIVE;
03575                 }
03576         }
03577         return *this;
03578 }
03580 Integer Integer::Minus(const Integer& b) const
03581 {
03582         Integer diff((word)0, STDMAX2(reg.size(), b.reg.size()));
03583         if (NotNegative())
03584         {
03585                 if (b.NotNegative())
03586                         PositiveSubtract(diff, *this, b);
03587                 else
03588                         PositiveAdd(diff, *this, b);
03589         }
03590         else
03591         {
03592                 if (b.NotNegative())
03593                 {
03594                         PositiveAdd(diff, *this, b);
03595                         diff.sign = Integer::NEGATIVE;
03596                 }
03597                 else
03598                         PositiveSubtract(diff, b, *this);
03599         }
03600         return diff;
03601 }
03603 Integer& Integer::operator-=(const Integer& t)
03604 {
03605         reg.CleanGrow(t.reg.size());
03606         if (NotNegative())
03607         {
03608                 if (t.NotNegative())
03609                         PositiveSubtract(*this, *this, t);
03610                 else
03611                         PositiveAdd(*this, *this, t);
03612         }
03613         else
03614         {
03615                 if (t.NotNegative())
03616                 {
03617                         PositiveAdd(*this, *this, t);
03618                         sign = Integer::NEGATIVE;
03619                 }
03620                 else
03621                         PositiveSubtract(*this, t, *this);
03622         }
03623         return *this;
03624 }
03626 Integer& Integer::operator<<=(size_t n)
03627 {
03628         const size_t wordCount = WordCount();
03629         const size_t shiftWords = n / WORD_BITS;
03630         const unsigned int shiftBits = (unsigned int)(n % WORD_BITS);
03632         reg.CleanGrow(RoundupSize(wordCount+BitsToWords(n)));
03633         ShiftWordsLeftByWords(reg, wordCount + shiftWords, shiftWords);
03634         ShiftWordsLeftByBits(reg+shiftWords, wordCount+BitsToWords(shiftBits), shiftBits);
03635         return *this;
03636 }
03638 Integer& Integer::operator>>=(size_t n)
03639 {
03640         const size_t wordCount = WordCount();
03641         const size_t shiftWords = n / WORD_BITS;
03642         const unsigned int shiftBits = (unsigned int)(n % WORD_BITS);
03644         ShiftWordsRightByWords(reg, wordCount, shiftWords);
03645         if (wordCount > shiftWords)
03646                 ShiftWordsRightByBits(reg, wordCount-shiftWords, shiftBits);
03647         if (IsNegative() && WordCount()==0)   // avoid -0
03648                 *this = Zero();
03649         return *this;
03650 }
03652 void PositiveMultiply(Integer &product, const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
03653 {
03654         size_t aSize = RoundupSize(a.WordCount());
03655         size_t bSize = RoundupSize(b.WordCount());
03657         product.reg.CleanNew(RoundupSize(aSize+bSize));
03658         product.sign = Integer::POSITIVE;
03660         IntegerSecBlock workspace(aSize + bSize);
03661         AsymmetricMultiply(product.reg, workspace, a.reg, aSize, b.reg, bSize);
03662 }
03664 void Multiply(Integer &product, const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
03665 {
03666         PositiveMultiply(product, a, b);
03668         if (a.NotNegative() != b.NotNegative())
03669                 product.Negate();
03670 }
03672 Integer Integer::Times(const Integer &b) const
03673 {
03674         Integer product;
03675         Multiply(product, *this, b);
03676         return product;
03677 }
03679 /*
03680 void PositiveDivide(Integer &remainder, Integer &quotient,
03681                                    const Integer &dividend, const Integer &divisor)
03682 {
03683         remainder.reg.CleanNew(divisor.reg.size());
03684         remainder.sign = Integer::POSITIVE;
03685         quotient.reg.New(0);
03686         quotient.sign = Integer::POSITIVE;
03687         unsigned i=dividend.BitCount();
03688         while (i--)
03689         {
03690                 word overflow = ShiftWordsLeftByBits(remainder.reg, remainder.reg.size(), 1);
03691                 remainder.reg[0] |= dividend[i];
03692                 if (overflow || remainder >= divisor)
03693                 {
03694                         Subtract(remainder.reg, remainder.reg, divisor.reg, remainder.reg.size());
03695                         quotient.SetBit(i);
03696                 }
03697         }
03698 }
03699 */
03701 void PositiveDivide(Integer &remainder, Integer &quotient,
03702                                    const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
03703 {
03704         unsigned aSize = a.WordCount();
03705         unsigned bSize = b.WordCount();
03707         if (!bSize)
03708                 throw Integer::DivideByZero();
03710         if (a.PositiveCompare(b) == -1)
03711         {
03712                 remainder = a;
03713                 remainder.sign = Integer::POSITIVE;
03714                 quotient = Integer::Zero();
03715                 return;
03716         }
03718         aSize += aSize%2;       // round up to next even number
03719         bSize += bSize%2;
03721         remainder.reg.CleanNew(RoundupSize(bSize));
03722         remainder.sign = Integer::POSITIVE;
03723         quotient.reg.CleanNew(RoundupSize(aSize-bSize+2));
03724         quotient.sign = Integer::POSITIVE;
03726         IntegerSecBlock T(aSize+3*(bSize+2));
03727         Divide(remainder.reg, quotient.reg, T, a.reg, aSize, b.reg, bSize);
03728 }
03730 void Integer::Divide(Integer &remainder, Integer &quotient, const Integer &dividend, const Integer &divisor)
03731 {
03732         PositiveDivide(remainder, quotient, dividend, divisor);
03734         if (dividend.IsNegative())
03735         {
03736                 quotient.Negate();
03737                 if (remainder.NotZero())
03738                 {
03739                         --quotient;
03740                         remainder = divisor.AbsoluteValue() - remainder;
03741                 }
03742         }
03744         if (divisor.IsNegative())
03745                 quotient.Negate();
03746 }
03748 void Integer::DivideByPowerOf2(Integer &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, unsigned int n)
03749 {
03750         q = a;
03751         q >>= n;
03753         const size_t wordCount = BitsToWords(n);
03754         if (wordCount <= a.WordCount())
03755         {
03756                 r.reg.resize(RoundupSize(wordCount));
03757                 CopyWords(r.reg, a.reg, wordCount);
03758                 SetWords(r.reg+wordCount, 0, r.reg.size()-wordCount);
03759                 if (n % WORD_BITS != 0)
03760                         r.reg[wordCount-1] %= (word(1) << (n % WORD_BITS));
03761         }
03762         else
03763         {
03764                 r.reg.resize(RoundupSize(a.WordCount()));
03765                 CopyWords(r.reg, a.reg, r.reg.size());
03766         }
03767         r.sign = POSITIVE;
03769         if (a.IsNegative() && r.NotZero())
03770         {
03771                 --q;
03772                 r = Power2(n) - r;
03773         }
03774 }
03776 Integer Integer::DividedBy(const Integer &b) const
03777 {
03778         Integer remainder, quotient;
03779         Integer::Divide(remainder, quotient, *this, b);
03780         return quotient;
03781 }
03783 Integer Integer::Modulo(const Integer &b) const
03784 {
03785         Integer remainder, quotient;
03786         Integer::Divide(remainder, quotient, *this, b);
03787         return remainder;
03788 }
03790 void Integer::Divide(word &remainder, Integer &quotient, const Integer &dividend, word divisor)
03791 {
03792         if (!divisor)
03793                 throw Integer::DivideByZero();
03795         assert(divisor);
03797         if ((divisor & (divisor-1)) == 0)       // divisor is a power of 2
03798         {
03799                 quotient = dividend >> (BitPrecision(divisor)-1);
03800                 remainder = dividend.reg[0] & (divisor-1);
03801                 return;
03802         }
03804         unsigned int i = dividend.WordCount();
03805         quotient.reg.CleanNew(RoundupSize(i));
03806         remainder = 0;
03807         while (i--)
03808         {
03809                 quotient.reg[i] = DWord(dividend.reg[i], remainder) / divisor;
03810                 remainder = DWord(dividend.reg[i], remainder) % divisor;
03811         }
03813         if (dividend.NotNegative())
03814                 quotient.sign = POSITIVE;
03815         else
03816         {
03817                 quotient.sign = NEGATIVE;
03818                 if (remainder)
03819                 {
03820                         --quotient;
03821                         remainder = divisor - remainder;
03822                 }
03823         }
03824 }
03826 Integer Integer::DividedBy(word b) const
03827 {
03828         word remainder;
03829         Integer quotient;
03830         Integer::Divide(remainder, quotient, *this, b);
03831         return quotient;
03832 }
03834 word Integer::Modulo(word divisor) const
03835 {
03836         if (!divisor)
03837                 throw Integer::DivideByZero();
03839         assert(divisor);
03841         word remainder;
03843         if ((divisor & (divisor-1)) == 0)       // divisor is a power of 2
03844                 remainder = reg[0] & (divisor-1);
03845         else
03846         {
03847                 unsigned int i = WordCount();
03849                 if (divisor <= 5)
03850                 {
03851                         DWord sum(0, 0);
03852                         while (i--)
03853                                 sum += reg[i];
03854                         remainder = sum % divisor;
03855                 }
03856                 else
03857                 {
03858                         remainder = 0;
03859                         while (i--)
03860                                 remainder = DWord(reg[i], remainder) % divisor;
03861                 }
03862         }
03864         if (IsNegative() && remainder)
03865                 remainder = divisor - remainder;
03867         return remainder;
03868 }
03870 void Integer::Negate()
03871 {
03872         if (!!(*this))  // don't flip sign if *this==0
03873                 sign = Sign(1-sign);
03874 }
03876 int Integer::PositiveCompare(const Integer& t) const
03877 {
03878         unsigned size = WordCount(), tSize = t.WordCount();
03880         if (size == tSize)
03881                 return CryptoPP::Compare(reg, t.reg, size);
03882         else
03883                 return size > tSize ? 1 : -1;
03884 }
03886 int Integer::Compare(const Integer& t) const
03887 {
03888         if (NotNegative())
03889         {
03890                 if (t.NotNegative())
03891                         return PositiveCompare(t);
03892                 else
03893                         return 1;
03894         }
03895         else
03896         {
03897                 if (t.NotNegative())
03898                         return -1;
03899                 else
03900                         return -PositiveCompare(t);
03901         }
03902 }
03904 Integer Integer::SquareRoot() const
03905 {
03906         if (!IsPositive())
03907                 return Zero();
03909         // overestimate square root
03910         Integer x, y = Power2((BitCount()+1)/2);
03911         assert(y*y >= *this);
03913         do
03914         {
03915                 x = y;
03916                 y = (x + *this/x) >> 1;
03917         } while (y<x);
03919         return x;
03920 }
03922 bool Integer::IsSquare() const
03923 {
03924         Integer r = SquareRoot();
03925         return *this == r.Squared();
03926 }
03928 bool Integer::IsUnit() const
03929 {
03930         return (WordCount() == 1) && (reg[0] == 1);
03931 }
03933 Integer Integer::MultiplicativeInverse() const
03934 {
03935         return IsUnit() ? *this : Zero();
03936 }
03938 Integer a_times_b_mod_c(const Integer &x, const Integer& y, const Integer& m)
03939 {
03940         return x*y%m;
03941 }
03943 Integer a_exp_b_mod_c(const Integer &x, const Integer& e, const Integer& m)
03944 {
03945         ModularArithmetic mr(m);
03946         return mr.Exponentiate(x, e);
03947 }
03949 Integer Integer::Gcd(const Integer &a, const Integer &b)
03950 {
03951         return EuclideanDomainOf<Integer>().Gcd(a, b);
03952 }
03954 Integer Integer::InverseMod(const Integer &m) const
03955 {
03956         assert(m.NotNegative());
03958         if (IsNegative() || *this>=m)
03959                 return (*this%m).InverseMod(m);
03961         if (m.IsEven())
03962         {
03963                 if (!m || IsEven())
03964                         return Zero();  // no inverse
03965                 if (*this == One())
03966                         return One();
03968                 Integer u = m.InverseMod(*this);
03969                 return !u ? Zero() : (m*(*this-u)+1)/(*this);
03970         }
03972         SecBlock<word> T(m.reg.size() * 4);
03973         Integer r((word)0, m.reg.size());
03974         unsigned k = AlmostInverse(r.reg, T, reg, reg.size(), m.reg, m.reg.size());
03975         DivideByPower2Mod(r.reg, r.reg, k, m.reg, m.reg.size());
03976         return r;
03977 }
03979 word Integer::InverseMod(word mod) const
03980 {
03981         word g0 = mod, g1 = *this % mod;
03982         word v0 = 0, v1 = 1;
03983         word y;
03985         while (g1)
03986         {
03987                 if (g1 == 1)
03988                         return v1;
03989                 y = g0 / g1;
03990                 g0 = g0 % g1;
03991                 v0 += y * v1;
03993                 if (!g0)
03994                         break;
03995                 if (g0 == 1)
03996                         return mod-v0;
03997                 y = g1 / g0;
03998                 g1 = g1 % g0;
03999                 v1 += y * v0;
04000         }
04001         return 0;
04002 }
04004 // ********************************************************
04006 ModularArithmetic::ModularArithmetic(BufferedTransformation &bt)
04007 {
04008         BERSequenceDecoder seq(bt);
04009         OID oid(seq);
04010         if (oid != ASN1::prime_field())
04011                 BERDecodeError();
04012         m_modulus.BERDecode(seq);
04013         seq.MessageEnd();
04014         m_result.reg.resize(m_modulus.reg.size());
04015 }
04017 void ModularArithmetic::DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
04018 {
04019         DERSequenceEncoder seq(bt);
04020         ASN1::prime_field().DEREncode(seq);
04021         m_modulus.DEREncode(seq);
04022         seq.MessageEnd();
04023 }
04025 void ModularArithmetic::DEREncodeElement(BufferedTransformation &out, const Element &a) const
04026 {
04027         a.DEREncodeAsOctetString(out, MaxElementByteLength());
04028 }
04030 void ModularArithmetic::BERDecodeElement(BufferedTransformation &in, Element &a) const
04031 {
04032         a.BERDecodeAsOctetString(in, MaxElementByteLength());
04033 }
04035 const Integer& ModularArithmetic::Half(const Integer &a) const
04036 {
04037         if (a.reg.size()==m_modulus.reg.size())
04038         {
04039                 CryptoPP::DivideByPower2Mod(m_result.reg.begin(), a.reg, 1, m_modulus.reg, a.reg.size());
04040                 return m_result;
04041         }
04042         else
04043                 return m_result1 = (a.IsEven() ? (a >> 1) : ((a+m_modulus) >> 1));
04044 }
04046 const Integer& ModularArithmetic::Add(const Integer &a, const Integer &b) const
04047 {
04048         if (a.reg.size()==m_modulus.reg.size() && b.reg.size()==m_modulus.reg.size())
04049         {
04050                 if (CryptoPP::Add(m_result.reg.begin(), a.reg, b.reg, a.reg.size())
04051                         || Compare(m_result.reg, m_modulus.reg, a.reg.size()) >= 0)
04052                 {
04053                         CryptoPP::Subtract(m_result.reg.begin(), m_result.reg, m_modulus.reg, a.reg.size());
04054                 }
04055                 return m_result;
04056         }
04057         else
04058         {
04059                 m_result1 = a+b;
04060                 if (m_result1 >= m_modulus)
04061                         m_result1 -= m_modulus;
04062                 return m_result1;
04063         }
04064 }
04066 Integer& ModularArithmetic::Accumulate(Integer &a, const Integer &b) const
04067 {
04068         if (a.reg.size()==m_modulus.reg.size() && b.reg.size()==m_modulus.reg.size())
04069         {
04070                 if (CryptoPP::Add(a.reg, a.reg, b.reg, a.reg.size())
04071                         || Compare(a.reg, m_modulus.reg, a.reg.size()) >= 0)
04072                 {
04073                         CryptoPP::Subtract(a.reg, a.reg, m_modulus.reg, a.reg.size());
04074                 }
04075         }
04076         else
04077         {
04078                 a+=b;
04079                 if (a>=m_modulus)
04080                         a-=m_modulus;
04081         }
04083         return a;
04084 }
04086 const Integer& ModularArithmetic::Subtract(const Integer &a, const Integer &b) const
04087 {
04088         if (a.reg.size()==m_modulus.reg.size() && b.reg.size()==m_modulus.reg.size())
04089         {
04090                 if (CryptoPP::Subtract(m_result.reg.begin(), a.reg, b.reg, a.reg.size()))
04091                         CryptoPP::Add(m_result.reg.begin(), m_result.reg, m_modulus.reg, a.reg.size());
04092                 return m_result;
04093         }
04094         else
04095         {
04096                 m_result1 = a-b;
04097                 if (m_result1.IsNegative())
04098                         m_result1 += m_modulus;
04099                 return m_result1;
04100         }
04101 }
04103 Integer& ModularArithmetic::Reduce(Integer &a, const Integer &b) const
04104 {
04105         if (a.reg.size()==m_modulus.reg.size() && b.reg.size()==m_modulus.reg.size())
04106         {
04107                 if (CryptoPP::Subtract(a.reg, a.reg, b.reg, a.reg.size()))
04108                         CryptoPP::Add(a.reg, a.reg, m_modulus.reg, a.reg.size());
04109         }
04110         else
04111         {
04112                 a-=b;
04113                 if (a.IsNegative())
04114                         a+=m_modulus;
04115         }
04117         return a;
04118 }
04120 const Integer& ModularArithmetic::Inverse(const Integer &a) const
04121 {
04122         if (!a)
04123                 return a;
04125         CopyWords(m_result.reg.begin(), m_modulus.reg, m_modulus.reg.size());
04126         if (CryptoPP::Subtract(m_result.reg.begin(), m_result.reg, a.reg, a.reg.size()))
04127                 Decrement(m_result.reg.begin()+a.reg.size(), m_modulus.reg.size()-a.reg.size());
04129         return m_result;
04130 }
04132 Integer ModularArithmetic::CascadeExponentiate(const Integer &x, const Integer &e1, const Integer &y, const Integer &e2) const
04133 {
04134         if (m_modulus.IsOdd())
04135         {
04136                 MontgomeryRepresentation dr(m_modulus);
04137                 return dr.ConvertOut(dr.CascadeExponentiate(dr.ConvertIn(x), e1, dr.ConvertIn(y), e2));
04138         }
04139         else
04140                 return AbstractRing<Integer>::CascadeExponentiate(x, e1, y, e2);
04141 }
04143 void ModularArithmetic::SimultaneousExponentiate(Integer *results, const Integer &base, const Integer *exponents, unsigned int exponentsCount) const
04144 {
04145         if (m_modulus.IsOdd())
04146         {
04147                 MontgomeryRepresentation dr(m_modulus);
04148                 dr.SimultaneousExponentiate(results, dr.ConvertIn(base), exponents, exponentsCount);
04149                 for (unsigned int i=0; i<exponentsCount; i++)
04150                         results[i] = dr.ConvertOut(results[i]);
04151         }
04152         else
04153                 AbstractRing<Integer>::SimultaneousExponentiate(results, base, exponents, exponentsCount);
04154 }
04156 MontgomeryRepresentation::MontgomeryRepresentation(const Integer &m)    // modulus must be odd
04157         : ModularArithmetic(m),
04158           m_u((word)0, m_modulus.reg.size()),
04159           m_workspace(5*m_modulus.reg.size())
04160 {
04161         if (!m_modulus.IsOdd())
04162                 throw InvalidArgument("MontgomeryRepresentation: Montgomery representation requires an odd modulus");
04164         RecursiveInverseModPower2(m_u.reg, m_workspace, m_modulus.reg, m_modulus.reg.size());
04165 }
04167 const Integer& MontgomeryRepresentation::Multiply(const Integer &a, const Integer &b) const
04168 {
04169         word *const T = m_workspace.begin();
04170         word *const R = m_result.reg.begin();
04171         const size_t N = m_modulus.reg.size();
04172         assert(a.reg.size()<=N && b.reg.size()<=N);
04174         AsymmetricMultiply(T, T+2*N, a.reg, a.reg.size(), b.reg, b.reg.size());
04175         SetWords(T+a.reg.size()+b.reg.size(), 0, 2*N-a.reg.size()-b.reg.size());
04176         MontgomeryReduce(R, T+2*N, T, m_modulus.reg, m_u.reg, N);
04177         return m_result;
04178 }
04180 const Integer& MontgomeryRepresentation::Square(const Integer &a) const
04181 {
04182         word *const T = m_workspace.begin();
04183         word *const R = m_result.reg.begin();
04184         const size_t N = m_modulus.reg.size();
04185         assert(a.reg.size()<=N);
04187         CryptoPP::Square(T, T+2*N, a.reg, a.reg.size());
04188         SetWords(T+2*a.reg.size(), 0, 2*N-2*a.reg.size());
04189         MontgomeryReduce(R, T+2*N, T, m_modulus.reg, m_u.reg, N);
04190         return m_result;
04191 }
04193 Integer MontgomeryRepresentation::ConvertOut(const Integer &a) const
04194 {
04195         word *const T = m_workspace.begin();
04196         word *const R = m_result.reg.begin();
04197         const size_t N = m_modulus.reg.size();
04198         assert(a.reg.size()<=N);
04200         CopyWords(T, a.reg, a.reg.size());
04201         SetWords(T+a.reg.size(), 0, 2*N-a.reg.size());
04202         MontgomeryReduce(R, T+2*N, T, m_modulus.reg, m_u.reg, N);
04203         return m_result;
04204 }
04206 const Integer& MontgomeryRepresentation::MultiplicativeInverse(const Integer &a) const
04207 {
04208 //        return (EuclideanMultiplicativeInverse(a, modulus)<<(2*WORD_BITS*modulus.reg.size()))%modulus;
04209         word *const T = m_workspace.begin();
04210         word *const R = m_result.reg.begin();
04211         const size_t N = m_modulus.reg.size();
04212         assert(a.reg.size()<=N);
04214         CopyWords(T, a.reg, a.reg.size());
04215         SetWords(T+a.reg.size(), 0, 2*N-a.reg.size());
04216         MontgomeryReduce(R, T+2*N, T, m_modulus.reg, m_u.reg, N);
04217         unsigned k = AlmostInverse(R, T, R, N, m_modulus.reg, N);
04219 //      cout << "k=" << k << " N*32=" << 32*N << endl;
04221         if (k>N*WORD_BITS)
04222                 DivideByPower2Mod(R, R, k-N*WORD_BITS, m_modulus.reg, N);
04223         else
04224                 MultiplyByPower2Mod(R, R, N*WORD_BITS-k, m_modulus.reg, N);
04226         return m_result;
04227 }
04231 #endif

Generated on Fri Jun 1 11:11:22 2007 for Crypto++ by  doxygen 1.5.2