WindowsPipe::Err Member List

This is the complete list of members for WindowsPipe::Err, including all inherited members.

CANNOT_FLUSH enum valueException
Err(HANDLE h, const std::string &operation, int error)WindowsPipe::Err
ErrorType enum nameException
Exception(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s)Exception [inline, explicit]
GetErrorCode() constOS_Error [inline]
GetErrorType() constException [inline]
GetHandle() constWindowsPipe::Err [inline]
GetOperation() constOS_Error [inline]
GetWhat() constException [inline]
INVALID_ARGUMENT enum valueException
INVALID_DATA_FORMAT enum valueException
IO_ERROR enum valueException
m_errorCodeOS_Error [protected]
m_operationOS_Error [protected]
NOT_IMPLEMENTED enum valueException
OS_Error(ErrorType errorType, const std::string &s, const std::string &operation, int errorCode)OS_Error [inline]
OTHER_ERROR enum valueException
SetErrorType(ErrorType errorType)Exception [inline]
SetWhat(const std::string &s)Exception [inline]
what() constException [inline]
~Exception()Exception [inline, virtual]
~OS_Error()OS_Error [inline]

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