Socket Member List

This is the complete list of members for Socket, including all inherited members.

Accept(Socket &s, sockaddr *psa=NULL, socklen_t *psaLen=NULL)Socket
AttachSocket(socket_t s, bool own=false)Socket
Bind(unsigned int port, const char *addr=NULL)Socket
Bind(const sockaddr *psa, socklen_t saLen)Socket
CheckAndHandleError(const char *operation, socket_t result) constSocket [inline]
CheckAndHandleError(const char *operation, BOOL result) constSocket [inline]
CheckAndHandleError(const char *operation, bool result) constSocket [inline]
CheckAndHandleError_int(const char *operation, int result) const Socket [inline]
Connect(const char *addr, unsigned int port)Socket
Connect(const sockaddr *psa, socklen_t saLen)Socket
Create(int nType=SOCK_STREAM)Socket
GetLastError()Socket [static]
GetOwnership() constSocket [inline]
GetPeerName(sockaddr *psa, socklen_t *psaLen)Socket
GetSocket() constSocket [inline]
GetSockName(sockaddr *psa, socklen_t *psaLen)Socket
HandleError(const char *operation) const Socket [virtual]
IOCtl(long cmd, unsigned long *argp)Socket
Listen(int backlog=5)Socket
m_ownSocket [protected]
m_sSocket [protected]
operator socket_t()Socket [inline]
PortNameToNumber(const char *name, const char *protocol="tcp")Socket [static]
Receive(byte *buf, size_t bufLen, int flags=0)Socket
ReceiveReady(const timeval *timeout)Socket
Send(const byte *buf, size_t bufLen, int flags=0)Socket
SendReady(const timeval *timeout)Socket
SetLastError(int errorCode)Socket [static]
SetOwnership(bool own)Socket [inline]
ShutDown(int how=SD_SEND)Socket
ShutdownSockets()Socket [static]
Socket(socket_t s=INVALID_SOCKET, bool own=false)Socket [inline]
Socket(const Socket &s)Socket [inline]
SocketChanged()Socket [inline, protected, virtual]
StartSockets()Socket [static]
~Socket()Socket [virtual]

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